I. In March, 1892, the defendant, B. S. Press, opened a clothing store in the city of Osceola5 Iowa. He had a capital of from three to five thousand dollars. Up to January, 1898, he was carrying a stock of from five to eight thousand dollars, for one-half of which he was indebted. At the latter date he moved into a much larger room, and at the same time increased his stock, and added new lines of goods thereto, so that it reached in value from eighteen to twenty thousand dollars. The financial- panic of 1893 overtook him, his sales fell off, some of his bills became due, and from time to time, he borrowed of various parties large sums of money to meet them. In this way he had met the demands against him up to about the last of June, 1893. He then owed, for money borrowed, to H. D. Copeland, five hundred, to the First National Bank of Chariton, three thousand five hundred and fifty dollars; to the Chariton Bank of Chariton, seven hundred and fifty dollars; to the Iowa State Bank of Osceola, Iowa, three thousand dollars. Some of these obligations were due, or about to become due, and the defendant undertook to raise money with which to pay them, as well as to pay or secure such of them as would thereafter mature. Such arrangements were made that the First National Bank of Chariton,agreed to loan said Press, the further sum of one thousand two hundred and fifty dollars, with which to pay
Roberts, Butler & Co. v. Press
97 Iowa 475
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