The construction of the deed from the demandant’s ancestor to the town of Uxbridge is not free from difficulty; but upon careful consideration we are of opinion that, adhering in its interpretation, as we are bound to do, to the strict rules of the common law respecting grants of real property, we cannot construe it as a deed upon condition.
It is said in Shep. Touchstone, 126, that “ to every good condition is required an external form; ” that is, it must be expressed in apt and sufficient words, which according to the rules of law make a condition; otherwise it must fail of effect. This is especially the rule applicable to the construction of grants. A deed will not be construed to create an estate on condition, unless language is used which, according to the rules of law, ex proprio vigore, imports a condition, or the intent of
In the deed on which the present controversy arises there are, strictly speaking, no words of condition, such as of themselves import the creation of a conditional estate. The usual and proper technical words by which such an estate is granted by deed are, “ provided,” “ so as ” or “ on condition.” Lord Coke says, “ Words of condition are sub conditione, ita quad, proviso.” Mary Portington’s case, 10 Co. 42 a. Co. Litt. 203 a, 203 b. So a condition in a deed may be created by the use of the words “ si,” or “ quad si contingat,” and the like, if a clause of forfeiture or reentry be added. Co. Litt. 204 a, 204 b. Duke of Norfolk’s case, Dyer, 138 b. 1 Wood on Conveyancing, 290. In grants from the crown and in devises, a conditional estate may be created by the use of words which declare that it is given or devised for a certain purpose, or with a particular intention, or on payment of a certain sum. But this rule is applicable only to those grants or gifts which are purely voluntary, and where there is no other consideration moving the grantor or donor besides the purpose for which the estate is declared to be created. But such words do not make a condition when used in deeds of private persons. If one makes a feoffment in fee ea intentione, ad ejfectum,, ad propositum, and the like, the estate is not conditional, but absolute, notwithstanding. Co. Litt. 204 a. Dyer, ubi supra. 1 Wood on Conveyancing, 290. Shep. Touchstone, 123. These words must be conjoined in a deed with others giving a right to reenter or declaring a forfeiture in a specified contingency, or the grant will not be deemed to be conditional. It is sometimes said that the words “ causa” and “ pro,” when used in deeds, create a condition ; that is, where a deed is made in express terms for a specific purpose, or in
If it be asked whether the law will give any force to the words in a deed which declare that the grant is made for a specific purpose or to accomplish a particular object, the answer is, that they may, if properly expressed, create a confidence or trust, or amount to a covenant or agreement on the part of the grantee. Thus it is said in The Duke of Norfolk's case, Dyer, 138 b, that the words “ ea intentione ” do not make a condition but a confidence and trust. See also Parish v. Whitney, 3 Gray, 516, and Newell v. Hill, 2 Met. 180, and cases cited. But whether this be so or not, the absence of any right or remedy in favor of the grantor under such a grant to enforce the appropriation of land to the specific purpose for which it was conveyed, will not of itself make that a condition which is not so framed as to warrant in ^law that interpretation. An estate cannot be made defeasible on a condition subsequent by construction founded on an argument ab inconvenienti only, or on considerations of supposed hardship or want of equity.
In the light of these principles and authorities we cannot interpret the words in the deed of the demandant’s ancestor, which declare that the premises were conveyed “ for a burying-place forever,” to be words of strict condition. Nor can we gather from them that they were so intended by the grantor. The grant was not purely voluntary. It was only partially so. It was not made solely in consideration of the love and affection which the grantor bore towards the grantees, but also “ for diverse other valueable considerations me moveing hereunto.” Previously to the time of the grant, the premises had been used for a burial-place. It is so described in the deed. Under what circumstances this had been done does not appear. It may have been for a compensation. We cannot now know, therefore, that the sole cause or consideration which induced the grantor to convey the estate to the town was, that it should be used for the specific purpose designated in the deed. There can be no doubt of the intent of the grantor that the estate
Judgment for the tenants.