G. "W. Radcliffe presented his petition against J. S. Iiadcliffe and J. B. Biles & Bro. The judge refused to entertain the petition or sanction it. The petition alleged : In 1890 Biles & Bro. left with J. S. Padcliffe sixteen mules, with some agreement or understanding, as petitioner is informed, to the effect that J. S. should sell the mules on credit and all over $100 each, received from the sale, should be divided equally between him .and them, they paying for feed and attention to the mules. About a year afterward J. B. Biles came to petitioner, with J. S., and stated that he wished to sell to ■ J. 8. the six or seven mules which had not been sold, and all the notes for those which had been sold; and asked petitioner if he would stand security of J. S. on a note for the same, amounting to $2,000. Petitioner refused to do so, and thereupon agreed with Biles that Be would stand the security and guarantee that J. S.
Radcliffe v. Biles & Brother
94 Ga. 480
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