(PS) Pavey v. Recontrust Company N.A.

2:11-cv-01477 | E.D. Cal. | Sep 13, 2011

Case 2:11-cv-01477-GEB-DAD Document 24 Filed 09/13/11 Page 1 of 2


No. CIV S-11-1477 GEB DAD PS Plaintiffs, v. RECONTRUST COMPANY N.A., ORDER Defendant. / Plaintiffs, who reside in Folsom, California, are proceeding with this action pro se. Plaintiffs have requested permission to file documents electronically in this case. Although the Eastern District of California is an electronic filing district, unrepresented persons are required to file and serve paper documents unless the court grants leave to file electronically. Local Rule 133(a) & (b)(2). A request to use electronic filing as an exception to the rule may be made in writing with an explanation of the reasons for the requested exception. Local Rule 133(b)(3). Here, plaintiffs have made a written request for an exception to the rule for the purpose of saving time and money.

Plaintiffs are required to file a declaration signed by both of them in which they declare under penalty of perjury that they have investigated this court’s electronic filing requirements, have all necessary hardware and software, and will comply with all requirements

1 Case 2:11-cv-01477-GEB-DAD Document 24 Filed 09/13/11 Page 2 of 2 concerning electronic filing in this court. General information is available on the following website: http://www.uscourts.gov/. For additional information, plaintiffs may contact Keith Holland, Operations Manager for the United States District Court for the Eastern District of California, at (916) 930-4078.

Plaintiffs are cautioned that if their request is granted, they must immediately register to file documents electronically through ECF. See Local Rule 101 (defining “E-Filing Registration”). “E-Filing registration also acts as a consent to service by electronic means during the course of an action.” Id. Thus, if plaintiffs are granted leave to file electronically, they must file all documents in this case electronically, and all court orders and documents filed by defendant will be served on plaintiffs electronically. Until plaintiffs have been granted leave to use electronic filing, their communication with the court must be by means of paper documents filed in accordance with Local Rule 133.
If plaintiffs file a satisfactory declaration in which they agree to comply with the court’s requirements for electronic filing, the undersigned will grant plaintiffs’ request. Plaintiffs are cautioned that one party proceeding pro se may not represent another party proceeding pro se. Local Rule 183. Thus, each document submitted for filing, whether electronically or in paper format, must bear the signatures of both plaintiffs.
Accordingly, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that plaintiffs are granted twenty-one days from service of this order to file, in paper format, the declaration described in the text of this order, if they wish to agree to the court’s requirements for electronic filing. DATED: September 13, 2011. DAD:kw Ddad1\orders.prose\pavey1477.req.ecf