1:01-cv-00846 | N.D. Ill. | Feb 26, 2001

Minutc ()r¢ier .‘.ornt 't()(:l<)?) United States Distriet Court, Northern District of Illinois N:tme ofAssigned .Iudge Milton l Shadm- Sittltlg .lut|gc if'()t|ter or M:tgistr:tte .ludge thi\n .Assigned .ludge CASE NUMBER 01 C 846 DATE 2/26/2001 CASE USA ex rel. Michael Perkins vs. Kenneth R. Briley TITLE MOT[ON: [ln the following box (a) indicate the party filing the motion, c.g.` platintit`l`, tlef`cndant` 3rd party plaintitl" and (h) state hrielly the nature ol` the motion being prescnlt:d.'| DOCKET ENTRY: (l) [J Filed motion of{ use listin§:,t in “l\/lotion” box abo'ite,] (2) l:l Briet` in support of motion due (3) l:l Answer briefto motion due____. Reply to answer briefdue (4) l:l Ruling/Hearing on ___” set for m at (5) ij Status hearing[lield/continued to] [set for/re-set for] on w set for ___m at B (6) ij Pretrial conference[held/continued to] [set for/re-set for] on set for at (7) l:l Trial[set t`or/re-set for] on ____“_ at (8) |:l [Benclt/'Jury trial] [l'{eat'ing] held/continued to ____ at (9) l:i This case is dismissed [with/without} prejudice and without costs[by/agreement/pursuant to] l:l FRCP4(m) l:l General Rule 21 l:l FRCP4l(a)(l) E:l FRCP4l(a)(2)i (10) l [Other docket entry] Enter Memorandurn Opinion and Order. Perkins’ Application to proceed in forma pauperis is granted (3-1) This Court summarily dismisses the Petition without prejudice to its possible renewal it`Perl