The question presented by the testimony was whether the defendant, who was jointly indicted with two others, attempted to rob one Michael Rooney, or whether it was a street brawl only, participated in by the three persons indicted, on the one side, and Michael Rooney and a woman on the other. Rooney, being accompanied by a young woman, whom he had known in Ireland, was, according to his own story, assaulted in the street, and both he and his companion were knocked down, either by this defendant or by his comrades. While upon the ground, one of the men present attempted to put his hand into the complainant’s pocket, while he was being held by the man who had just felled him. Rooney had in his pocket at the time cash amounting to £13 sterling. The money was not lost or taken away, for the police interfered and arrested all the parties. The' evidence of Officer Henry Grieg, of the Twenty-Ninth precinct, corroborates positively the testimony of Rooney, and of Annie Smith, his companion, as to the assault and to the cry of “Police! Thieves! Robbers!” and the like. The witness for the defendant,
People v. O'Hara
21 N.Y. St. Rep. 260
| N.Y. Sup. Ct. | 1889AI-generated responses must be verified and are not legal advice.