People v. Goodman
The appellants, with the exception of Dworett, were all stockholders in the Clermont Ice Company, selling ice for consumption in the city of Hudson. This company was organized March 1, 1912. Upon January 5, 1914, the Lombard Ice Company, Inc., was organized, and became a rival in business. The defendant Dworett was an officer of the Lombard Ice Company. It does not appear whether or not he was a stockholder thereof, or to what extent he was financially interested in the corporation. The conspiracy charged is a conspiracy whereby Dworett, for compensation to be paid by the other defendants, should bum the buildings of the Lombard Ice Company. The defendants are all of them Russians. No
According to the evidence of Philip Wishengrad, the defendant Dworett met him one Sunday upon the street and told him that he wanted to talk with the manager of the Clermont Ice Company, Isadore Goodman, and wanted to meet him at three o’clock out of town, and where they could not be seen. This brother, Philip Wishengrad, swears that he communicated with Isadore Goodman and that Goodman told him that he would meet him at the company’s barns at three o’clock that afternoon. The evidence of both Philip and Benjamin Wishengrad is to the effect that Dworett did go to the company’s barns and there met Isadore Goodman and the other defendants, and that there were present four women, wives of various defendants. Philip Wishengrad was then told to leave, and knows nothing further about the transaction. Isadore Goodman then took Dworett aside and had a private talk with him. Thereafter Dworett left, and Isadore disclosed to the other defendants the plan suggested by Dworett, whereby he was to burn the buildings of the Lombard Ice Company for $1,000. Six hundred dollars was to be paid immediately after the buildings were burned and $400 was to he paid the January following. Until the buildings were burned the $600 was to be put in the hands of one Solomon in New York. Wishengrad
All concurred.
Judgment of conviction reversed, and new trial ordered.