People v. Cale
Defendants Cale and Houghton were convicted jointly in a jury-waived trial of the crime of receiving stolen property. It was agreed when the case was
They contend that the testimony upon which they were convicted was furnished by an accomplice and that there was no sufficient corroboration of that testimony to warrant their conviction.
Both Cale and Houghton were engaged in the upholstery business, the former being employed by the Bimini Upholstery Shop where Houghton at one time was also employed. In Houghton’s opening brief the following appears: “Defendant’s position in this appeal is that he admits that a crime has been committed and that the merchandise which he was accused of having received, and which he freely and fully admitted having in his possession at the time of his arrest, was indeed stolen merchandise, but that he purchased the same in good faith and without knowledge or suspicion that , it was stolen. ’ ’ Defendant Cale states in his opening brief: “It appeared from the evidence that certain bolts of woolen materials, as well as other bolts of similar materials, had been stolen in the City of Los Angeles, State of California, and that some of the bolts of material that were stolen were in the possession of one Harris who had them in a garage at the rear of the premises located at. 1135 E. 49th Street, Los Angeles.” It is apparent from these two excerpts that one appellant admits that the goods were stolen and the other states that the evidence disclosed that fact.
The facts relating to the theft of the merchandise in question need not be gone into at length but it is pertinent to state that the merchandise recovered at appellant Houghton’s home and at the Bimini Upholstery Shop, where defendant Cale was employed, and at the garage on East 49th Street was all positively identified as having been shipped and invoiced from New York City to a firm in Los Angeles and received there and loaded onto a truck at Western Car-loading Company and that thereafter the truck containing the merchandise was stolen while the driver was away from it and that the truck was later recovered without the merchandise in it.
Houghton, on the other hand, testified that when he en
These officers had gone to the Bimini Upholstery Shop on the morning of January 27th. They found there three of the stolen rolls of goods. They then proceeded to Houghton’s flat where they arrested him and seized altogether thirteen bolts of the goods, two in a small closet off the front room and eleven in Houghton’s Dodge car, which was parked in his garage. When Houghton was asked from whom he bought the materials he stated that he did not know the fellow, “He gave me a receipt with his name on it. I don’t know him.” He then showed the officers the receipt which was introduced as Exhibit 14, upon which his own name appears. The officer testified that he asked him if he was in the habit of buying materials “like that” where “they don’t have a bill or anything?” To this Houghton replied, “Well, I will tell you. A fellow called me up and said he had some material for me and wanted to know if I could use it? And I said, ‘Yes’ that he then stated that he met a fellow on Jefferson and Main. Officer Wise then called Houghton’s attention to the fact that he had stated that he had gone to meet a man on a street corner who-took him down to the colored part of town where there were no upholstery shops, that he had said he bought the material from a fellow who did not have a bill of sale to give, that he had said he bought the goods piled up in a garage. Under these circumstances, Wise propounded the question to Houghton, “Do you think you are buying it legitimate?” To this Houghton replied, “Us fellows in the upholstery business, we buy the material just wherever we can, whether it is in one roll or ten rolls, and we never question them how they get it or whether it is ‘hot’, and ‘As long as I can get a receipt, I thought I was in the clear,’ and ‘I saw that for the price I could buy it for, it was a chance for me
Gale was arrested at the Bimini Upholstery Shop shortly before noon on January 27th as he entered the shop where Officer Wise was waiting for him, McBride having left taking Houghton with him. Wise told Gale that they wanted to know about the rolls of material, and the following ensued, according to the People: “Gale said, ‘Well, here it is,’ referring to three bolts of material the officers had found when they first went there before going to Houghton’s the same morning. Wise said, ‘That is not all of it?’ ‘Yes,’ Gale said, ‘that is all of it.’ Wise said, ‘No, now listen. That is not all of it. You bought five rolls and there are only three here.’ ‘Well,’ Gale said, ‘they should be here. I thought that was all I bought.’ ‘No,’ Wise said, ‘we are going to hunt this place over until we find it.’ Gale said, ‘Well, we will look around here and see if we can find them.’ They went into the back room over to where there was an old davenport. Gale pulled back a curtain and said, ‘This looks like it.’ Wise said, ‘Yes, this looks like the same kind of stuff. ’ Then Wise said, ‘ There is one more. Let’s have it.’ Gale looked around and said, ‘Maybe it is over here,’ and Gale went over in the northwest corner of the room and found another roll of white material there. That was the fifth roll of material.” Gale, according to the officer, told him that he could not go to the wholesale houses or stores and buy materials; that they just laughed at him when he wanted to do so; that he had to go to the main building of Sears and Roebuck, pay retail prices, and buy material to use in the upholstery business; that “It might be hot. I expect it is from what you say.” When the officer stated, “You tell me you have been an upholstery man and a buyer and know fabrics, and you tell me you can sit here in this car and tell me you can buy stuff like that for that money? ... It don’t sound right, fellow.” Gale replied, according to officer Wise, “Well, . . . I guess I better stop trying to beat the O. P. A., and go out and buy in a legitimate market.”
Both Houghton and Gale told the officers that Kronheimer had never stated to them that the material which they purchased was “hot” or stolen and made the same statement
The argument is made in behalf of each appellant that to justify a conviction it was necessary to establish the fact that the property had been received from Harris with guilty knowledge that it had been stolen. On this point we refer to what has already been said and we rest upon the quotation from Wharton’s Criminal Law, presented in People v. Clausen (1898), 120 Cal. 381, at p. 382 [52 P. 658] : “ ‘Whether the defendant knew that the goods were stolen is to be determined by all the facts of the ease. It is not necessary that he should have heard the facts from eyewitnesses. He is required to use the circumspection usual with persons taking goods by private purchase; and this is eminently the case with dealers buying at greatly depreciated rates. That which a man in the defendant’s position ought to have suspected he must be regarded as having suspected, as far as was necessary to put him on guard and on his inquiries. . . . The proof in any case is to be inferential, and among the inferences prominent are inadequacy of price, irresponsibility of vendor or depositor. ’ ”
After the trial judge adjudged the defendants guilty he permitted both of them to file an application for probation, stating, however, “as far as Mr. Houghton is concerned, he is not legally eligible for probation.” This was because of a prior conviction of a felony charged against Houghton in the complaint filed in this case and admitted by him. The court made a further statement as follows: “I am always glad to have all the information which is available, about any individual before pronouncing sentence. I might say that, as it has come up here before, I know of Mr. Houghton, or I knew him personally for a number of years through members of his family, and if I had looked at this case before it came in here I don’t know if I would have cared to handle it, but it is here in a proper fashion and I have heard it, without any regard to any personalities at all; but, Mr. Houghton, as I
The judgments are affirmed.
Shinn, J., and Wood, J., concurred.