The relator asks that the action of the respondents in assessing its property for the year 1899 be corrected in two particulars.
As to the first, a reference will have to be ordered to determine whether or not certain merchandise owned by the relator, which the respondents taxed and which was then without the State of Hew York, to be sent into the State, on occasion, as required by the needs of the relator’s business, was at any time prior to the day of assessment within the State of New York. By legal fiction the situs of personal property is at the domicile of the owner.
Secondly, as to the money in bank in England. It appears that the fund is permanently kept there, for the purpose of defraying expenses incurred by the relator in England and France. In so far as this money is to be treated as personal property, permanently without the State, it would not be subject to taxation. Regarding the relation between bank and depositor as that of debtor and creditor, then, under sections 2 and 3 of our present Tax Law, the deposit in England would have to be regarded as a debt whose situs is at the residence of- the owner, and thus taxable here. The Court of Appeals, however, in treating of the converse of the proposition here considered, held that while under such circumstances the relation of debtor and creditor technically ex
Submit an order on notice conformable to the views here expressed.
Ordered accordingly.