People ex rel. American Surety Co. v. Campbell
I think the writ of certiorari herein was improvidently granted. The relator seeks to review the decision of the comptroller, settling the tax on its capital for the year ending November 1, 1890, under chapter 542 of the Laws of 1880, as amended. These taxes were settled and stated by the comptroller on the 6th day of April, 1891, at $1,500. The relator thereafter made an application to the comptroller,- under section 19 of the act of 1880, as amended in 1889, to review and correct said assessment. Said application was made on affidavits, and was entertained and considered by the comptroller, and on June 9, 1891, he rendered his decision denying said application. Under section 20 of the act of 1880, as amended by chapter 463 of the Laws of-1889, the decision of the comptroller can be reviewed by the supreme court upon certiorari, on the law and facts. By section 17 of the Laws of 1880, added by chapter 501 of the Laws of 1885, no such writ of certiorari shall be granted except application therefqr shall be made within 30 da vs after service upon such corporation of a notice of such decision. Nor shall such writ be granted unless the papers upon which the motion therefor was made, including notice of motion, shall have been served upon the comptroller at least eight days before such notice, nor unless the corporation making such motion shall have filed with the comptroller an undertaking, etc. Without considering the fact that no notice of motion or copy of the affidavits or undertaking required by section 17, supra, has ever been served on the comptroller, in my judgment, the application for a writ of certiorari was not made in time. The contention of the relator is, although the comptroller had already heard and passed upon the application to revise and correct the taxes imposed April 6, 1891, and rendered his decision on such application June 9, 1891, and although the time to review said decision by certiorari, under section 17, had passed by, yet under said section 19
This section provides that “the comptroller may at anytime revise and readjust any cacount theretofore settled against any person, association, corporation, or joint stock company, by himself or any preceding comptroller, for taxes arising under this act, or the act to which it is an amendment, whenever it shall be made to appear by evidence submitted to him that the same has been illegally paid, or so made as to include taxes which could not have been lawfully demanded, and shall resettle the same according to the law and the facts, and charge or credit, as the case may require, the difference, if any, resulting_ from such revision and resettlement upon the current account of such person, association, corporation, or joint stock company. ” Laws 1889, c. 463.