This is a suit on two policies of life insurance. Plaintiff recovered the amount of the policies and interest less the amount of a certain loan made by defendant thereon together with accrued interest, and defendant prosecutes the appeal.
It appears the insured paid the six first, .premiums promptly each year on the first policy as they fell due; that is to say, he paid the premiums of $29.07 each on April 9,1901, the date of issue, and on April 9, 1902, 1903, 1904, 1905 and 1906. He likewise paid each premium of $29.57 promptly in cash on the second policy; that is, the first premium on November 6, 1902, and likewise on November 6, 1903, 1904, and 1905. Six complete -annual premiums were paid on the first policy and four complete annual premiums on the second policy, when the insured negotiated a loan on both policies June 26, 1907 for the full amount of the cash surrender value of each policy on the next ensuing date for the payment of annual premiums. The non-forfeiture statutes (Secs. 7897,, 7898, 7899, and 7900, R. S. 1899), were in force at the time the policies were issued and each of the policies contained a provision for a cash surrender value at least equal to the net single premium for the temporary insurance provided for in sec
The policies were issued in the first instance to the insured, payable to his personal representatives, and plaintiff, his wife, as such, had no vested right therein, but she afterward qualified as his administratrix and prosecutes this suit on the theory that, though the defaults in the premiums occurred as aboved stated, the insurance nevertheless continued in force under the provision of our non-forfeiture statute, and this, too, notwithstanding the loan negotiated by the insured and the pledge of the policies and the cash surrender' value, and subsequent appropriation thereof to the payment of the loan. It seems that though an insured may pledge his policies and the cash surrender value thereof to a third party under a competent contract for a loan, oiir Supreme Court, by construction of our non-forfeiture statute (sec. 7897), denies the right of the company issuing the policy to consummate a valid contract with the insured to that effect, either.when the loan is provided for in the policy in the first instance, as in Burridge v. New York Life Ins. Co., 211 Mo. 158, 109 S. W. 560, or by a subsequent amendment thereto between the insurance company and the insured, as in Smith v. Life Ins. Co., 173 Mo. 329, 72 S. W. 935, if the loan contract involves the right of the insurance company to appropriate the net value of the policy stipulated for in the non-forfeiture statutes which may be applied as a net single premium for the purchase of extended insurance. Though it seems to be a strained construction of the non-forfeiture statutes, which infringes the freedom of contract between parties and inhibits the
It is argued that as each of the policies contained a provision for a cash surrender value even greater
The insured is given an option as to “A cash value for the amounts stated below in column (b), upon surrender and satisfactory release of this policy, within six months after the time of default in the payment of any premium, provided there be no unpaid loan through the operation of the first option.” The subjoined column referred to therein by the letter (b) indicates a sufficient cash surrender value, it is true, but the provision of the policy quoted is not unconditional in the sense of the statute. It does not operate an automatic conversion of the policy into a cash surrender value which may be had at any time by the insured, for by an express provision therein it limits his
But this matter as to the form of the provision for a cash surrender of the policy is really beside the case, for the reason such a provision, even if otherwise sufficient, is without influence here, where the question presented relates entirely to a loan on the policy. However, on this feature of the policy an argument is advanced to the effect that such provision in the policies, having been actually carried out by the payment of the full amount of the cash surrender value for the policies under the loan contract and such policies surrendered, the-matter should be treated as though the provision for a competent cash surrender value is actually consummate. In other words, it is said the insured actually received the entire amount which he might have had under any theory as the cash surrender value of the policy, and his rights should therefore be determined as though the policy had been surrendered for its cash surrender value and the. subject-matter of the provision of the policy with respect thereto is now fully consummated notwith
At the time both the policies in suit were issued, our non-forfeiture law (sections 7897 to 7900, inclusive, R. S. 1899), were in force and .became parcel of the contracts of insurance. As the law then stood, section 7897 authorized insurance .companies to. deduct, from three-fourths of the net value of the policy any notes or other evidences of indebtedness to the company given by the insured on account of past premium payments on the policies. While the law so stood, under the decided cases, it became a part of the contracts of insurance with the company and no other indebtedness than that for past premium payments could be so deducted. [Smith v. Ins. Co., 173 Mo. 329, 72 S. W. 935; Burridge v. Ins. Co., 211 Mo. 158, 109 S. W. 560.] Afterward, in 1903, the statute was so amended as to authorize the company to deduct from three-fourths of such' net value any evidence of indebtedness to the company, etc. By this amendment, the limitation upon such indebtedness to the payment of past premiums was eliminated and it seems any indebtedness to the company may be deducted, under the amended' statute. But the statute as so amended expressly provides a rule as to policies thereafter issued only. See Laws of Missouri, 1903, p. 208 as amended. The loan involved here was made June 26, 1907, after this amendment, and it is argued the rights of the parties should be determined according to the amended statute, for the reason such amendment manifests the public policy of the state on the question at the time of the loan. Though the proposition that the public policy of the state as thus manifested in the amended statute is entirely sound, it is wholly without influence on the facts here for the rights of the parties are to be determined under the contract of insurance in the first instance. This is the theory of the decided cases on the subject. It is obvious the amendment is not retrospective in its operation under the .settled rules
It is next argued that, by the loan contract and the surrender of the policies to defendant at the time the loan was made, it appears,the insured accepted the proceeds of the loan' as an adequate equivalent in his judgment for his rights in the premises and therefore as he was the sole beneficiary (the policy having been payable to his personal representatives) its subject-matter is relieved from the operation of the non-forfeiture provisions of the statutes by virtue of section 7900, which provides, among other things,, that the three preceding sections as to non-forfeiture, etc., shall be inapplicable if the policy shall be surrendered to the company “for a consideration adequate in the judgment of a legal holder thereof.” But, of course, this involves, too, a transaction where the parties contemplate a cessation of the insurance contract at the time. By the express provision of the statute, the insured may surrender the policy and terminate the relation of insurer and insured for any consideration which in his judgment is adequate therefor, but the consideration must be given by the company for such a surrender and not for some other purpose. The provision , of the statute referred to its without influence here for the reason the Uaatter of surrendering the policy in the sense of the statute for an adequate consideration was not in contemplation of
The court gave judgment for plaintiff for the amount of the two policies with six per cent interest thereon after the institution of the suit, less the amount of the loan with accrued interest thereon at the rate of six per cent. It is argued here the court should have also deducted from the policies the one premium of $29.07 due April 9, 1908, on which the insured had defaulted and the two premiums of $29.57 each on the second policy, one due November 6, 1907, and one due November 6, 1908, on both of which the insured had defaulted aftbr the date of the loan and prior to Ms death on November 15, 1908. This argument is justified by the express words of section 7899, Revised Statutes 1899, which authorizes the court, when the death of the insured occurs within the term of the insurance covered by the net value of the policy, to give judgment for the insurance notwithstanding the default in premium, etc. By this section, among other things, it is provided that the company shall have the right to deduct from the amount insured in the policy the amount compound