delivered the opinion of the Court.
The indictment against the prisoner contained two • counts. The first charged that he had committed a rape on the person of one Kitty Wills, and the second charged an assault upon her with intent to commit a rape. He was acquitted on the first count and convicted on the second. The case comes before us on two bills of exception taken at the trial.
The first bill of exception states that the prosecuting witness gave evidence tending to show the commission of the offence charged in the indictment by the prisoner, on a certain Saturday. There are two offences charged in the indictment; we presume the offence intended to be designated is the rape, and not the assault with intent to commit it. The mother of the prosecuting witness then testified that on Friday after the Saturday on which the assault was alleged to have been committed, she found her daughter’s drawers under certain steps with blood stains upon them. She was then asked this question by the State: “ What did the girl, Kitty Wills, say on that occasion was the reason she had hid the drawers ? ” Objection to the question was overruled by the Court, and the witness was permitted to answer it. The answer is thus stated in the bill of exception: “ Whereupon, the witness, in answer, stated that the girl, crying all the time, said: “Now, mother, if you will make me a faithful promise not to whip me, I will tell you the truth about it: uncle Tom Parker took me up in his arms and threw me dowm on the ground, pulled up my clothes, and put something in me sharp like a knife, and made me cry; when I got up, I said-1 was going back home and tell my mamma, and he said if I did, he would kill me and throw me in the river, and run for his life ; he told me to hide the drawers, and if you said anything about them, to tell you to come to him. ” It would have been competent to prove on the examination in chief that the party alleged
At the beginning of the trial, the Court ordered that the witnesses on both sides should be excluded from the Court room. It appeared that one Mary Edelin, a material and competent witness for the traverser, in disobedience of the Court’s order had remained in the Court room during the examination of the witnesses. The Court for this reason refused to permit her to testify. It was in the dis~ cretion of the Court to order the witnesses to leave the Court room; but it is not reasonable to take away from a prisoner on trial the benefit of testimony on which his life may depend, because of the misconduct of another person.
The humanity of the law is shocked at the punishment of the innocent. It' provides with the greatest solicitude that persons accused of crimes shall have fair and impartial trials. The object is considered of sufficient importance to be guaranteed by the solemn and impressive declarations of our organic law. The scheme and theory of our legal system seek to provide that no man shall be
Rulings reversed, and new trial ordered.