Pacificans for a Scenic Coast v. Federal Highway Administration

3:15-cv-02090 | N.D. Cal. | Aug 10, 2015

Case 3:15-cv-02090-VC Document 43 Filed 08/10/15 Page 1 of 5

Christopher A. Sproul (Bar No. 126398) Jodene Isaacs (Bar No. 226895) ENVIRONMENTAL ADVOCATES 5135 Anza Street San Francisco, California 94121 Tel: (415) 533-3376, (510) 847-3467 Fax: (415) 358-5695 Brian Gaffney (Bar No. 168778) LAW OFFICES OF BRIAN GAFFNEY APC 446 Old County Road, Suite 100-310 Pacifica, CA 94044 Tel: (650) 219-3187 Fax: (650) 733-7793 Patricia Weisselberg (Bar No. 253015) LAW OFFICE OF PATRICIA WEISSELBERG 115 Oakdale Avenue Mill Valley, CA 94941 Tel: (415) 388-2303 Attorneys for Plaintiffs PACIFICANS FOR A SCENIC COAST, PACIFICANS FOR HIGHWAY 1 ALTERNATIVES, and CENTER FOR BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY

UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA Pacificans For A Scenic Coast, et al., Civil Case No. 3:15-cv-02090-VC Plaintiffs, STIPULATION AND [PROPOSED] ORDER TO DISMISS DEFENDANTS v. CITY OF PACIFICA AND SAN MATEO COUNTY TRANSPORTATION California Department of Transportation, et al., AUTHORITY Defendants. Case 3:15-cv-02090-VC Document 43 Filed 08/10/15 Page 2 of 5 1 WHEREAS, Plaintiffs filed their original Complaint on May 8, 2015, and filed an Amended Complaint on June 26, 2015; 2

WHEREAS, the original Complaint named City of Pacifica (the “City”) as a defendant in the 3 fourth claim for relief regarding alleged Clean Water Act violations, but the Amended Complaint 4 omitted any claim for relief against the City and instead alleged that Plaintiffs “joined, pursuant to FRCP 5 19(a)(1),” the City “as a potentially required party who is subject to service of process, who may have an 6 interest relating to the subject of the action, and who is so situated that disposing of the action in the 7 person's absence may as a practical matter impair or impede the person's ability to protect the interest” 8 (¶ 24); WHEREAS, the original Complaint named the San Mateo County Transportation Authority (“TA”) as a defendant in the fourth claim for relief regarding alleged Clean Water Act violations, and alleged TA violations of the Coastal Zone Management Act. But, the Amended Complaint omitted any claim for relief against TA and instead alleged that Plaintiffs “joined, pursuant to FRCP 19(a)(1),” TA “as a potentially required party who is subject to service of process, who may have an interest relating to the subject of the action, and who is so situated that disposing of the action in the person's absence may as a practical matter impair or impede the person's ability to protect the interest” (¶ 23);

WHEREAS, it is the position of the City and TA that the Amended Complaint improperly names them as defendants; WHEREAS, the Plaintiffs are willing to dismiss the City and TA provided that all Defendants agree that the City and TA are not indispensable parties to the lawsuit, and that Defendants waive any defense on such grounds;

WHEREAS, Defendants waive any defense that the case should be dismissed due to failure to join the City and TA; WHEREAS, all Defendants and Plaintiffs now agree that the City and TA are not indispensable parties; The Plaintiffs and all Defendants thus stipulate, subject to the Court's approval, to the following: 1. The City of Pacifica and San Mateo County Transportation Authority are not

26 indispensable parties and are not necessary for the resolution of this matter; 27 Case 3:15-cv-02090-VC Document 43 Filed 08/10/15 Page 3 of 5 2. The City of Pacifica and San Mateo County Transportation Authority shall be dismissed as defendants in this matter. Dated August 6, 2015 s/Christopher Sproul _______________________ /s/ Stacy Lau _________________________ Christopher A. Sproul (Bar No. 126398) JEANNE SCHERER Jodene Isaacs (Bar No. 226895) DAVID GOSSAGE


LUCILLE Y. BACA 5135 Anza Street DEREK S. VAN HOFTEN San Francisco, California 94121 STACY LAU Tel: (415) 533-3376, (510) 847-3467 Fax: (415) 358-5695 Attorneys for Defendants CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION and Malcolm Dougherty Brian Gaffney (Bar No. 168778) /s/ Kevin D. Siegel ____________________ LAW OFFICES OF BRIAN GAFFNEY APC Kevin D. Siegel (State Bar No. 194787) 446 Old County Road, Suite 100-310 BURKE, WILLIAMS & SORENSEN, LLP Pacifica, CA 94044 Tel: (650) 219-3187 Counsel for Defendant City of Pacifica Fax: (650) 733-7793 /s/ Christopher D. Jensen_ _______________

Kimon Manolius (SBN 154971) Patricia Weisselberg (Bar No. 253015) Christopher D. Jensen (SBN 235108) LAW OFFICE OF PATRICIA WEISSELBERG Adam W. Hoffman (SBN 238476) 115 Oakdale Avenue HANSON BRIDGETT LLP Mill Valley, CA 94941 425 Market Street, 26th Floor Tel: (415) 388-2303 San Francisco, California 94105 Telephone: (415) 777-3200

Facsimile: (415) 541-9366 Attorneys for Plaintiffs


PACIFICANS FOR HIGHWAY 1 Counsel for San Mateo County Transportation ALTERNATIVES, and CENTER FOR Authority



Assistant Attorney General Environment & Natural Resources Division SETH M. BARSKY, Chief S. JAY GOVINDAN, Assistant Chief

/s/ Alison C. Finnegan ALISON C. FINNEGAN, Trial Attorney Case 3:15-cv-02090-VC Document 43 Filed 08/10/15 Page 4 of 5 U.S. Department of Justice Environment & Natural Resources Division Wildlife & Marine Resources Section Ben Franklin Station, P.O. Box 7611 Washington, DC 20044-7611 Tel: (202) 305-0500; Fax: (202) 305-0275 Email:
/s/ Leslie M. Hill


U.S. Department of Justice Environment & Natural Resources Division Environmental Defense Section Ben Franklin Station, P.O. Box 7611 Washington, DC 20044-7611 Tel: (202) 514-0375; Fax: (202) 514-8865 Email: /s/ Sean C. Duffy


U.S. Department of Justice Environment & Natural Resources Division Natural Resources Section Ben Franklin Station, P.O. Box 7611 Washington, DC 20044-7611 Tel: (202) 305-0445; Fax: (202) 305-0506 Email: Attorneys for the Federal Defendants

August 10, 2015 Case 3:15-cv-02090-VC Document 43 Filed 08/10/15 Page 5 of 5


1 Pursuant to stipulation, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that: 2 1. The City of Pacifica and San Mateo County Transportation Authority are not 3 indispensable parties and are not necessary for the resolution of this matter; 4 2. The City of Pacifica and San Mateo County Transportation Authority are dismissed as defendants in this matter. Dated: ______________________________ Hon. Vince Chhabria United States District Judge