This is a proceeding under the workmen’s compensation act. The employee, a longshoreman in the employ of the insured, on September 8, 1927, was cut above the knee of his left leg, and received a contusion of his left little finger, when he was struck by a piece of steel he was removing from a truck. He was paid compensation for total disability to November 8, 1927, at which time it was discontinued by a member of the Industrial Accident Board on application of the insurer. Thereafter, upon further hearing, a board member found that the employee was not “fully able to take up his former work as longshoreman” and awarded him compensation for total disability from November 8, 1927, to January 11, 1928, amounting to $167.14. The Industrial Accident Board, on review, found that the employee was partially incapacitated for work as the result of his injury and was able to earn an average weekly wage of $9 from November 8, 1927, to January 11, 1928, and was entitled to compensation for partial incapacity at the rate of $12 a week during that period, amounting to $111.43. A final decree was entered ordering the insurer to pay that amount; the insurer appealed.
The sole contention of the insurer is that it was error for the board to find “an arbitrary earning capacity in the
As no error of law appears, the entry must be
Decree affirmed.