To His Excellency, the Governor of the Commonwealth:
The undersigned Justices of the Supreme Judicial Court respectfully submit their answer to the question set forth in your request of June 4, 1971. The question arises in connection with 1971 House Doc. No. 5476, Appendix C, a bill entitled “An Act eliminating trials de nova in certain cases.”
The bill is summarized in your request for our opinion as follows: At “present . . . [District [C]ourts have . . . jurisdiction, concurrent with the Superior Court, of . . . [most] misdemeanors . . . and of all felonies punishable by imprisonment in a state prison for not more than five years. G. L. c. 218, § 26 [as amended through St. 1969, c. 496]. The maximum sentence which a [District [C]curt may impose is two and one half years in a house of correction [see G. L. (Ter. Ed.) c. 279, § 23]. In no case may it sentence to a state prison. G. L. c. 218, § 27. The bill makes no changes in these aspects of the criminal jurisdiction or sentencing power of the [District [C]ourts.
“The bill does, however, alter procedures in criminal cases within the trial jurisdiction of the [District [C]ourts
“The bill would eliminate appeal to the Superior Court, and trial de nova before a jury of twelve [or otherwise]. Instead, in the case of misdemeanors, the convicted defendant would have his right of jury trial satisfied by . . . [[a] trial de nova [on appeal] before a jury of six in the jTD]ifi~ trict [C]ourts. In the case of felonies within the trial jurisdiction of the [District |]C]ourts, the defendant would elect, before initial trial, to claim or waive trial by jury; and in the former case, trial would be held in the first instance before a FD]istrict [Cjourt judge sitting with a six-man jury. . . . Therefore, as to both misdemeanors and felonies where the phjistrict [C]curt has jurisdiction to try the defendant, he would have no opportunity for trial before a jury of twelve ¡[in the Superior Court].”
Your request states that you are “in doubt . . . whether the provisions of this bill providing for six-man juries comply with” art. 12 of the Declaration of Rights of the Constitution of the Commonwealth. You therefore seek our opinion.
The question is:
“In criminal cases subject to trial in the [District |[C]ourts, where the defendant has a constitutional right to jury trial, can this right be satisfied by trial before a jury of six rather than a jury of twelve?”
In response to our invitation to interested persons to file briefs not later than June 24, 1971, briefs or memoranda
1. Because of the recent case of Williams v. Florida, 399 U. S. 78, 86-103, no question now arises under the Sixth. Amendment to the Constitution of the United States with respect to the use of a six-man jury in State court criminal cases in which a defendant is entitled to a jury trial. In Duncan v. Louisiana, 391 U. S. 145, 149, it had been held that the Sixth and Fourteenth Amendments, read together, guarantee (see 399 U. S. 78, 86) “a right to trial by jury, in all [)State] criminal cases which — were they to be tried in a federal court — would come within the Sixth Amendment’s” protection. Essentially, this means that the defendant, in all trials for offences punishable by imprisonment for six months or more, may insist upon a jury. See Baldwin v. New York, 399 U. S. 66.
The Williams case (399 U. S. 78, 86-98) traced in outline (with references to the relevant authorities) the origins of the general common law practice, prior to the Revolution, of having trial by a twelve-man petit jury. The Supreme Court in 1970 decided that it was not compelled, either by history or by precedent, to decide that the Sixth Amendment adopted and embodied the pre-Revolutionary practice. The court said (at pp. 102-103), “We conclude, in short, as we began: the fact that the jury at common law was composed of precisely 12 is a historical accident, unnecessary to effect the purposes of the jury system and wholly without significance ‘except to mystics.' ... To read the Sixth Amendment as forever codifying a feature [of common law jury trial practice] so incidental to the real purpose of the Amendment is to ascribe a blind formalism to the Framers [of the Constitution] which would require considerably more evidence than we have been able to dis
Mr. Justice White (pp. 101-102) also discussed whether different results are likely to follow the use of a six-man jury instead of a twelve-man jury. He concluded (p. 101)
2. This reasoning of Mr. Justice White applies with essentially equal force to art. 12 of the Declaration of Rights found in the Constitution of the Commonwealth. Article 12 reads in part, “And the legislature shall not make any law, that shall subject any person to a capital or infamous punishment, excepting for the government of the army and navy, without trial by jury.” This provision contains no express reference to the number of persons to serve on a petit jury.
Doubtless, prior to the Revolution, a petit jury usually meant a jury of twelve. An early indication of the customary practice is found in Laws and Liberties of Massachusetts (1648), Huntington Library Reprint (1929), p. 32. There a marginal note, “Tryall for life & by 12 me,” appears next to par. 2 under the heading (p. 31) “Juries, Jurors.” The paragraph itself, however, is in general terms (with no mention of the number of jurors), “2 Nor shall any tryall passe upon any for life or bannishment but by a special Jurie so summoned for that purpose, or by the General Court.” A specification of twelve jurors does appear in the Province Laws 1692-1693, c. 11, arts. 6 and 7 (see also c. 9, § 2). These statutes, however, Avere “disallowed” by the Privy Council on August 22, 1695. See for later general enactments, Province LaAvs 1699-1700, cc. 1-5, inclusive. See also Charters and General Laws of the Colony and Province, c. 59 [1699], pp. 326-328; Grinnell, “To What Extent is the Right to Jury Trial Optional in Criminal Cases in Massachusetts?” 8 Mass. L. Q. (No. 5) 7. The provisions of what is now art. 12 of the Declaration of Rights, in the drafts reprinted in the Journal of the Constitutional Convention (1779-1780), are expressed only in general terms, without specification of any number of jurors
As the Supreme Court held in Williams v. Florida (399 U. S. 78) with respect to the Sixth Amendment, it is apparent that art. 12 of the Declaration of Rights was designed to preserve for the future the fundamental safeguards of trial by jury which existed prior to the Revolution. There is no indication, however, that the authors of art. 12 wished to freeze for all time by constitutional mandate the details of all then existing practice, or that they gave any significant attention to the particular number of jurors. Although Chief Justice Chapman said in Commonwealth v. Dorsey, 103 Mass. 412, 418, “Undoubtedly the Constitution contemplated a jury of twelve men, who should be good and impartial,” this statement and other statements like it (in later cases) appear to be nothing more than a reference to what at common law was certainly the prevailing practice. In the Dorsey case itself, this court sustained a material change in the practice with respect to peremptory challenges, and went on to say (p. 419), “If the framers of the Constitution had intended to prohibit the legislature from conferring a right of peremptory challenge on the government, their knowledge of the institution of trial by jury would have induced them to express that intent. Many changes have been made by legislative acts in respect to the qualifications of jurors, the methods of selecting and summoning them, and of forming a panel, which differ materially from the ancient practice, and it has not been supposed that the Constitution was violated by such provisions.”
In an even earlier case, see Jones v. Bobbins, 8 Gray, 329 343-344, Chief Justice Shaw had recognized the true nature of State constitutional protections like those in the Declaration of Rights. He said, “It is well understood that, prior to and during the American Revolution, and especially . . . when new constitutions for the states were to be formed, it was desirable that the form of government, and the powers vested in its different departments, should be expressed and limited, in written constitutions, being fundamental
A similar view has been expressed in more recent decisions. See Bothwell v. Boston Elev. Ry. 215 Mass. 467, 473, where this court (per Rugg, C.J.) said, “The trial by jury preserved by our Constitution is the common law trial by jury in its essential characteristics as known and understood at the time the Constitution was adopted. ... It did not mean to preserve the minor details or unessential formalities of the trial by jury as it then existed either in England or here” (emphasis supplied). See also Opinion of the Justices, 237 Mass. 591, 596. In that opinion, the Justices advised the House of Representatives (see p. 598) that the General Court had constitutional power (see p. 592) to enact legislation making women liable to jury duty, despite the circumstance that prior to the adoption of the Nineteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, “women could not serve . . . under our Constitution and laws” (see pp. 593-594). Cf. Commonwealth v. Welosky, 276 Mass. 398, 401-416.
Comparable views were expressed in Commonwealth v. Bellino, 320 Mass. 635, 638, where the court considered the procedure authorized by G. L. c. 234, § 26B, as appearing in St. 1945, c. 428, § 1, of' empanelling fourteen jurors in certain criminal trials. This court (per Qua, J., at pp. 639-640), in discussing “the provisions of the Declaration of Rights for the preservation of trial by jury,” said, “The substance of the right to be tried by jury consists of those
Doubtless, different views may be entertained about some language in our cases concerning the tradition that petit juries are to be composed of twelve men. Cf. e.g. Moss, “The Twelve Member Jury in Massachusetts — Can it be Reduced?” 56 Mass. L. Q. 65. Examination, however, of the authorities already mentioned convinces us that art. 12 of the; Declaration of Rights was designed to protect the fundamentals and substance of the ancient right and not merely its more formal and less essential attributes. We agree with the analysis made by Mr. Justice White in Williams v. Florida, 399 U. S. 78, 86-103, and adopt his reasoning (already quoted) as applicable to art. 12.
We recognize, of course, that the present bill has no effect either upon trials for the more serious crimes or in any case where the defendant in fact may be exposed to a State prison sentence. This circumstance probably means (see art. 12, last sentence) that no offence involving “infamous punishment” is dealt with by the bill. See Jones v. Robbins, 8 Gray, 329, 347-349 (sentence to the State prison as involving “infamous punishment”); Commonwealth v. Horregan, 127 Mass. 450, 451. See also DeGolyer v. Commonwealth, 314 Mass. 626, 627-628. No question is presented to us concerning the extent to which, under art. 12, the Legislature may dispense with jury trials entirely in certain criminal matters, as, for example, in trials for petty offences or those punishable by imprisonment for less than six months., See Baldwin v. New York, 399 U. S. 66, 72-74; Williams v. Florida, 399 U. S. 78, 119-129, 138-143 (separate opinion of Mr. Justice Harlan, and appendix).
3. We answer the question, “Yes.”
G. Joseph Tauro.
John V. Spalding.
R. Ammi Cutter.
Jacob J. Spiegel.
Paul C. Reardon.
Robert Braucher.
The si'ze of the jury at common law had become generally fixed at twelve sometime in the Fourteenth Century. Williams v. Florida, 399 U. S. 78, 89. It had continued at that number for the next four centuries to the adoption of our Constitution in 1780. It is therefore reasonable to conclude that by 1780 trial by jury was commonly understood and accepted to mean trial by a jury of twelve persons.
In the period of almost two centuries since 1780 we have never compelled a defendant in a criminal case or a litigant in a civil case who was entitled to a trial by jury to go to trial before a jury of less than twelve persons. Our relatively recent statutes authorizing trials of certain cases by juries of six persons have all required the consent of the defendants in criminal cases and of all litigants in civil cases to be tried before such a jury. St. 1966, c. 609, and statutes amended thereby. St. 1969, c. 253. St. 1970, cc. 88, and statutes amended thereby, 428, 551, and statute amended thereby, and 639. Although we have sanctioned some changes in some aspects of trial by jury in opinions cited by the majority of the Justices, we have never been asked to
We are thus able to look back on a span of almost six centuries when trial by jury has meant trial by a jury of twelve unless the persons entitled to such a trial agreed otherwise. Even if it be true, as stated in Williams v. Florida, 399 U. S. 78, 102-103, that “the fact that the jury at common law was composed of precisely 12 is a historical accident,” the adherence to that number in a usage continuing for six centuries cannot be so described. It is my opinion that when the framers of our Constitution used the words “judgment of bis peers” and “trial by jury” in art. 12 they intended the words to mean a trial by a jury of twelve persons which was the only kind of jury then known and used. It is my further opinion that any reduction in that number on a compulsory basis may be accomplished only by an amendment to our Constitution, and not by legislation. The reduction in the size of a jury for the trial of criminal cases, even though limited to misdemeanors, without the consent of an accused, is to my mind a change so fundamental in nature and effect upon the accused that it should be accomplished by a change in the Constitution in the guaranties of which “are found the constitutional liberty of the individual and the foundation for the regulated order and general welfare of the community.” Loring v. Young, 239 Mass. 349, 376.
Francis J. Quirico.