To the Honorable the Senate and the House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts:
We, the Justices of the Supreme Judicial Court, having considered the questions proposed in the joint order of the General Court, which was received by us on May 7 and a copy of which is hereto annexed, respectfully answer as follows:
So far as the second question relates to the appropriation of money for schools the answer is simple. Article 18 of the Amendments to the Constitution was adopted because of a deep seated conviction of the imperative necessity of preserving the public school system in its integrity and of guarding it from attack or change by explicit mandate. Public schools never have been understood to include higher institutions of learning like colleges and universities. All moneys raised by taxation for the purpose of expenditure within the sphere of the public or common schools, as these words generally have been understood, must be disbursed exclusively for the support of such schools and cannot be diverted to any other kind of school maintained in wholé or in part by any religious sect. But there is no constitutional prohibition of appropriations for higher educational institutions, societies or undertakings under sectarian or ecclesiastical control. Merrick v. Amherst, 12 Allen, 500. Jenkins v. Andover, 103 Mass. 94.
So far as the second question relates to the appropriation' of public money for aiding any church, religious denomination or' religious society, it presents more difficulty. The Chief Justice and Justices Morton, Braley and De Courcy are of opinion that such an appropriation is prohibited by the Constitution and its Amendments, while Justices Hammond, Loring and Sheldon incline to the opposite conclusion. It has been said repeatedly that answers given by the Justices to questions propounded by the Legislature have not the binding force of decisions
. The answers already given render unnecessary any further answer to your third question.
Arthur P. Rugg.
James M. Morton.
John W. Hammond.
William Caleb Loring.
Henry IC. Braley.
Henry N. Sheldon.
Charles A. De Courcy.