Opinion of the Justices to the Governor & Council
The Justices of the Supreme Judicial Court, in reply to your order of March 2, 1949, a copy of which is hereto attached, respectfully submit these answers to the questions therein contained.
The questions relate to proposed amendments to two of the civil service rules in the matter of preference to veterans in promotions. It appears from the order that these amendments have been prepared by the civil service commission and submitted to the Governor and Council for approval pursuant to G. L. (Ter. Ed.) c. 31, § 3, as appearing in St. 1945, c. 702.
The present Rule 21
The first paragraph of the present Rule 30 reads, “1. Promotions in the Classified Labor Service, shall, if practicable, be made from lower grade or grades as determined by the Director, of persons having the required qualifications and willing to accept such promotion. Selection shall be made from the three such oldest persons in point of seniority of service or if more than one vacancy from the same number of those oldest in point of seniority of service as provided for certification of eligibles under Rule 14. If there are less than three such persons, selection may be made from the lesser number.” The remaining proposed amendments would substitute the word “length” for the words “point of seniority” in the phrase “in point of seniority of service”
The questions contained in the order read as follows:
“1. In view of the provisions of s. 3, paragraph 1, subsection (f) of c. 31 of the General Laws, which state, among other things, the following: 'Subject to the approval of the Governor and Council, the commission from time to time shall make and may amend rules which shall regulate the selection and employment of persons . . . consistent with law and [which] shall include provisions for the following: ...(f) Promotions, on the basis of merit ascertained by examination and seniority of service’, do the Governor and Council have the power to approve the first of the amendments?
“2. In view of said provisions of the General. Laws, c. 31, s. 3, and in view of the provisions of and articles VI and VII of Part the First of the Constitution of Massachusetts, if the Governor and Council should disapprove the said first amendment, do they have the power to substitute in place thereof an amendment which would provide a preference to veterans other than that made by the said civil service commissioners, such as the 'full preference to veterans’ in the matter of promotions now provided in the case of original appointment by G. L. c. 31, s. 23? “3. In view of the provisions of law and the Constitution of Massachusetts above referred to, if the Governor and Council should disapprove the said first amendment and if the said civil service commissioners should prepare and submit another amendment in place thereof which provides 'the full preference to veterans’ in the matter of promotion now provided in the case of original appointment by G. L. c. 31, s. 23, do the Governor and Council have the power to approve the same?
*739 “4. In view of the provisions of law and the constitution above referred to, do the Governor and Council have the power to approve any rule providing preference to veterans in promotions in the official service other than a preference among those who are equal in merit, as ascertained by examination, and equal in seniority of service? “5. In view of the provisions of law and the Constitution of Massachusetts above referred to, do the Governor and Council have the power to approve the second of the amendments?
“6. In view of said legal and constitutional provisions, if the Governor and Council should disapprove the said second amendment, do they have the power to substitute in place thereof an amendment which would provide a preference to veterans other than that made by the said civil service commissioners, such as the ‘full preference to veterans’ in the matter of promotions now provided in the case of original appointment by G. L. c. 31, s. 23?
“7. In view of the provisions of law and the Constitution of Massachusetts above referred to, if the Governor and Council should disapprove the said second amendment and if the said civil service commissioners should prepare and submit another amendment in place thereof which provides ‘the full preference to veterans’ in the matter of promotion now provided in the case of original appointment by G. L. c. 31, s. 23, do the Governor and Council have the power to approve the same?
“8. In view of the provisions of law and the constitution above referred to, do the Governor and Council have the power to approve any rule providing preference to veterans in promotions in the labor service other than a preference among those who are equal in seniority of service? “9. Is it mandatory under General Laws, Chapter 31, Section 3, Subsection 1 (g), for the Civil Service Commission to make a rule regulating the selection and employment of persons to fill positions in the official service and labor service of the Commonwealth and of the cities and towns thereof, which rule shall grant to veterans the same*740 preference in promotion in said services as they are now granted in appointment thereto?”
Reference is made in one of the questions to arts. 6 and 7 of the Declaration of Rights, and in any event the questions could not properly be answered without some consideration of the limits within which, under the Constitution, preference may be granted to veterans over other citizens in the matter of employment or promotion in the public service. When veterans’ preference appeared in our statutes it was seriously doubted whether the constitutional equality of all citizens in respect to their civil rights and the obvious necessity that public servants should be selected with reference to fitness would permit the Legislature to authorize any specially favored treatment of veterans as such. It was argued, however, that the training, discipline, and experience of a person in the armed services could be thought by the Legislature to have some bearing upon his fitness for public service in civil life, and that it was also in the public interest to recognize and honor the sacrifice of those who had been called to the defence of the State. In Brown v. Russell, 166 Mass. 14, decided in April, 1896, it was held that, at least as to public offices as distinguished from employments, a statute which compelled the appointing power to accord an absolute preference to veterans, “without the exercise on its part of any discretion, and without the favorable judgment of some legally constituted officer or board designated by law to inquire and determine whether the persons to be appointed are actually qualified to perform the duties which pertain to the offices” (166 Mass, at page 25),. was unconstitutional. This decision still stands. See Bradley v. Zoning Adjustment Board of Boston, 255 Mass. 160, 165; Dunn v. Commissioner of Civil Service, 281 Mass. 376, 377; Nichols v. Commissioner of Public Welfare, 311 Mass. 125, 131. It at least marks a limit beyond which veterans’ preference cannot be carried.
Later in the same year the subject was presented to the Justices upon questions of the Acting Governor and the
Finally, in the decided case of Mayor of Lynn v. Commissioner of Civil Service, 269 Mass. 410, the question arose
If the civil service rules are amended as proposed they will not only require veterans in the classified official service to pass examinations but will give them no absolute preference if they do pass. Veterans will receive only the advantage of two points on “the general average mark.” Veterans in the classified labor service will receive only the advantage of one year in length of service and must still be “persons having the required qualifications.” It seems plain that the preferences so given as to promotions would be less extensive than the preference as to appointments contained in § 23 of the statute and held valid in Mayor of Lynn v. Commissioner of Civil Service, 269 Mass. 410. It fdllows that the proposed amendments to the rules are not unconstitutional.
It remains to be considered whether the proposed amendments are within the provisions of the governing statute and
Preference to veterans must be a reality. It cannot be made illusory or a mere gesture. But preferences of two points added to the general average mark on any reasonable examination scale, and of one year added to length of service, cannot be pronounced illusory. In practice they would give to veterans a substantial advantage over others. That is all that § 3, cl. 1 (g), can fairly be construed to require. There is no requirement that the rules of the commission shall carry the preference in promotion as far as § 23 carries the preference in original appointments, or to the extreme limit of constitutionality.
It follows that the proposed amendments to the rules are within the authority of the civil service commission to make, and that the Governor and Council have the power to approve them.
The Governor and Council have no inherent legislative power. Opinion of the Justices, 321 Mass. 772, 774. And no power to enact rules has been delegated to them by the statute. The rule making power in the first instance is vested solely in the commission. The power of the Governor and Council is limited to approval or disapproval of rules or amendments made by the commission. Therefore the Governor and Council cannot substitute an amendment of their own for an amendment submitted to them by the commission.
From what has been said it follows that the answer to question 1 is “Yes”; the answer to question 2 is “No”; the answer to question 5 is “Yes”; and the answer to question 6 is “No.”
Stanley E. Qua.
Henry T. Lummus.
Arthur W. Dolan.
James J. Ronan.
Raymond S. Wilkins.
John V. Spalding.
Harold P. Williams.
Approved by the Governor and Council on June 26, 1946. — Reporter.
Section 23 applies only to original entry into the service and does not extend to promotion within it. MacCarthy v. Director of Civil Service, 319 Mass. 124.
There may be some significance in the fact that among the changes introduced into § 3 by St. 1945, c. 702, was the omission from .what is now subsection (g) of the words “not inconsistent with this chapter.”