This is an appeal from a decree of the Probate Court of Knox County admitting-to probate the will of Mary E. Campbell. Upon the trial in the Supreme Court of Probate, three
Before stating and discussing the facts it may be well to formulate a statement of what is and what is not undue influence which will vitiate a will, so far as this subject may be applicable to the facts of the case. False statements of material facts and deception may be eliminated from the discussion, since there is no evidence to show that any fraud of this nature was practiced upon the testatrix. Mere advice, suggestions, reasons or arguments addressed to the judgment of a person who is contemplating making a will, and which are intelligently considered and adopted by such person, do not constitute undue influence, nor does importunity even and persuasion, if the testator has sufficient mental capacity and strength of will to properly weigh and consider them and to resist them unless adopted by him in the free exercise of his judgment and volition. Upon the other hand, whatever may be the nature and extent of the influence, if, because of the physical or mental weakness of the testator, and the nature and persistency of the influence exerted, it is such that the testator is unable to resist it, if it deprives him of his power to act as a free agent in the manner that he otherwise would, it is sufficient to avoid the will, because a will made under such circumstances is not the will, and does not carry out the wishes, of a capable testator, acting as a free agent. It follows that the true test is to be found, not so much in the nature and extent of the influence exercised, as in the effect that such influence has upon the person who is making his will.
Whatever the nature and extent of the influence exercised, if in fact it is sufficient to overcome the volition .and free agency of the
We come now to the consideration of the facts of this case, many of which are unquestioned and the most of which are uncontradicted. The person who is claimed to have exercised an undue influence over Mrs. Campbell was one William G. Starrett who was named as executor in the will and who wa,s largely beuefitted by some of its provisions. It becomes necessary in the first instance to state fully, but as briefly as the case will admit, Mr. Starrett’s connection with the making of the will, his previous relations with Mrs. Campbell, as well as those that existed at the time, and what influence he did in fact exert over her as to any of the provisions of the will in question.
The will was executed on the thirty-first day of October, 1900. The husband of Mrs. Campbell had died on the first day of that month. At that time Starrett was living in Massachusetts, in the vicinity of Boston. Mrs, Campbell and Starrett were second cousins, her
Going back to the previous acquaintance between Starrett and Mr. and Mrs. Campbell, and their relations with each other, we find that Starrett when he was twenty-one years of age went into the employment of Mr. Campbell as a clerk in the latter’s store and remained there for a period of two years. In 1879, he went into the employment of Mrs. Campbell’s father Edward O’Brien, who was then conducting a business in Boston under the firm name of R. G. Morse & Co. He remained in that employment until 1888, and after an absence of four years went back in 1892. Edward O’Brien had previously died and Mrs. Campbell and her brother Edward E. O’Brien, were carrying on the business. From 1892, Starrett had charge of the Boston business until 1899, when it was closed out and the property sold. During that time Edward E. O’Brien as a member of the firm of Burgess O’Brien & Co., failed and made an assignment and the Boston business was thereafter carried on by Starrett under a power of attorney from Mrs. Campbell, Edward E. O’Brien and the latter’s assignee. It does not appear that Starrett had any business relations with Mr. or Mrs. Campbell, prior to the death of Mr. Campbell, except to have charge of the Boston business in which she was interested, and except that he had a sum of money in his hands belonging to her for investment. But the Campbells
After the funeral of Mr. Campbell, Starrett stayed in Thomaston during the month of October, devoting considerable of his time to the business affairs and property matters of Mr. Campbell. On the tenth of October, Mrs. Campbell first mentioned to Starrett the subject of the disposition of her own property. In relation to this conversation his testimony is as follows: “She said that she wished to make some disposition of her property; that she did not wish any of it to go to Edward E. O’Brien, and while she hadn’t decided just what disposition to make of it, she wanted me to advise her under the circumstances, and I advised her to make a will.” Starrett further says in this connection that he has -an impression that it would be legally necessary to mention her brother’s name in the will, and so .told her, and that she desired him to ascertain if this was true by consulting a lawyer. This he did and upon the twenty-fourth of October, or before that, informed her that he had ascertained that this would not be necessary. Between the twenty-fourth of October and the day of the execution of the will there were numerous interviews and conversations between them as to various bequests. Mrs. Campbell desired that great secrecy should be maintained as to the provisions of the will, and did not even want the scrivener, who drew portions of the will, and who advised in regard to its form, to know its contents. Upon this account, Starrett would frequently go to the office of L. P. Starrett, a counselor at law with an office at Rockland, obtain from him drafts of different clauses of the will, take them to Mrs. Campbell and submit them to her for approval or modification. While this work of preparation was going on in this manner, and after Mrs. Campbell had given Starrett the names of numerous beneficiaries, she said to him upon one occasion, and, as he says, without the slightest suggestion from him upon the subject,“ Will, lam going to give you $15,000.” The various bequests determined upon by Mrs. Campbell during these interviews, the nature of which will be later considered, including that of $15,000 to Starrett, aggregated $119,000. Then according to Starrett’s testimony after she had
It appears that Starrett had made inquiries, some of them of the contestant, as to the values of different properties belonging to Mrs. Campbell, and at that time estimated her whole estate to be of the value of $137,000. He says that the estate turned out to be worth $125,858.87. During these conversations he says that he suggested to Mrs. Campbell the names of two of her relatives, asking if she did not want to include them among her beneficiaries, but that she decided not to do so. After these various bequests had been fully determined upon and the drafts of different clauses had been submitted to Mrs. Campbell and adopted by her, either with or without modification, L. F. Starrett drafted the will leaving blanks for the names and amounts which were inserted by the proponent in accordance with the testatrix’s directions, and on the 31st of October Mrs. Campbell and Mr. Starrett went to L. F. Starrett’s office in Rockland where the will was executed. The relationship between the proponent and L. F. Starrett, if any, is not stated in the case.
It next becomes important to consider the physical and mental condition of Mrs. Campbell at the time of the execution of her will, her relations with her only heir-at-law, the contestant of the will, and any other matters that may throw any light upon the question as to the effect that Starrett’s advice, suggestions or other influence, if any, may have had upon her. We do not find any statement in the case as to the age of Mrs. Campbell. It is said in one of the briefs that she was between sixty-six and sixty-seven years of age at the time of her death. She died of apoplexy 6n the twenty-ninth of December 1903, three years and two months after the execution of her will,
The record contains much evidence in regard to the mental condition of Mrs. Campbell. At the trial her testamentary capacity was
We will next consider the will itself, since in any case the will may or may not contain inherent evidence of undue influence or the absence of it. This will contains this clause at the beginning: “ I have not fully decided as to the final disposition which I wish to make of my property. I do not wish it to go as the law would dispose of it in case I should die without making a will. Therefore, I make this will with the purpose of making another when I shall have more fully considered the matter, and if I should fail to make another before I die, this is the disposition which I make of my
We think, that the foregoing is a sufficient statement of all of the material facts. Do they show that, in accordance with the principles ■ laid down in the beginning of this opinion, such influence was exerted by William G. Starrett for his own benefit, and that it had such an effect upon the free agency of the testatrix, that this instrument should not be admitted to probate as her last will and testament. In support of his contention, the contestant relies upon the great secrecy that was observed by Mrs. Campbell and Mr. Starrett; upon the confidential relations which existed between them and the great confidence that she reposed in his suggestions and judgment, upon the fact that the proponent was largely benefitted by certain provisions of the will, and participated to such an extent in its preparation, upon the fact that he advised making a will in the first instance, and upon other considerations. Let us consider to some extent the facts and testimony already mentioned with reference to these claims of the contestant. The will itself, omitting from consideration for the present the clauses in favor of the proponent, certainly contains no inherent evidence to the effect that the testatrix .was influenced in any way or by any person in making it. It has a strong tendency, we think, to show exactly the contrary. The first clause, which we have quoted in full, shows that she was considering
The testatrix remembered numerous relatives, although not all, of her own and of her husband’s, from whom a portion of her property came. She made as we have seen, eighteen different bequests to such relatives. Some of these recipients of her bounty were entirely unknown to the proponent, and none of them were at all upon intimate terms with him. She provided liberally for the care of the cemetery lot in which those nearest to her had been buried, and where she would be. She made a most generous provision for the poor of the town in which she had lived so many years, and provided that the management of this fund should be the same as that of the fund created by her father for the same purpose. She remembered her church, making a substantial provision for its assistance ■ in the future. In all of these respects there is absolutely nothing to show, that in making these testamentary provisions, she was not following absolutely the dictates of her own judgment and carrying out her own wishes. The contrary conclusion is certainly to be drawD therefrom.
As to the nature and extent of the influence exercised by the proponent, if we consider the only direct testimony in the case, there was nothing said or done by him which could be said to amount to influence of any kind. And this direct testimony is supported rather than contradicted by a careful consideration and analysis of all of
So far as the $15,000 bequest to the proponent was concerned, he says, that this was entirely the suggestion of the testatrix without the slightest suggestion being made by him. As to the residuary clause, we have quoted the proponent’s testimony as to all the conversation upon this subject. What was said by the proponent amounted merely to a suggestion, it was not influence of any kind, proper or improper. If his testimony is true, it could not have been sufficient to overcome the free agency of a person of average strength of intellect and of will. There was no persuasion attempted or persistent importunity of any kind, merely a suggestion, which, we are satisfied, could not have been sufficient to have had any undue influence upon the testatrix.
In considering this question, we should not lose sight of one of the most important considerations in the case, the bodily and mental condition of Mrs. Campbell at the time to which we have already alluded. She was not enfeebled in mind or body; the will was not made during the period of sickness; she was intelligent and well informed; she had sufficient mental ability to intelligently form her own judgment upon suggestions made, and sufficient strength of will to iesist those that did not appeal to her judgment.
But it is argued that Mrs. Campbell had so much confidence in the proponent and placed so much reliance upon his judgment that any suggestion of whatever nature made by him was unhesitatingly adopted by her. It is true, that as to the management of her business affairs from this time until her death, the proponent testified that she accepted his advice and suggestion without question, the counsel for contestant argues that it necessarily follows that any suggestion made by him relative to the disposition of her property
It is true, as argued, that great secrecy was observed by Mrs. Campbell and the proponent. No one had any knowledge in regard to the provisions of the will, and no one, except those who were obliged to, the scrivener and the witnesses, that she was making a will at all. It is undoubtedly true that where a will is made under such circumstances, and where a person who is largely benefitted by its provisions has much to do with its preparation, suspicion is naturally aroused, and all of the facts and circumstances surrounding the making of the will should be scrutinized with jealous care.
In this connection we may as well consider another proposition contended for by counsel for the contestant. It is this, that although the burden of proof, in the first instance, is upon a contestant who seeks to avoid a will upon the ground of undue influence, to use his own language, “ where a party occupying a close confidential relation to the testatrix, himself draws the will or takes an active part in its production, and himself receives a considerable bequest thereunder, the law from these facts alone presumes, as a presumption of fact, the existence of undue influence, and the burden is upon such party seeking to prove the will, to rebut that presumption by the surrounding facts and circumstances.” We are not sure' that the counsel by this language means to claim that where this state of facts is shown to exist, the burden of proof upon the issue of undue
In determining this question, which so far we have considered independently of the verdict of the jury, we have given due weight to the situation that in fact existed. A close business relation did exist between the testatrix and the proponent. This relation had only commenced at the time that this will was being prepared. It continued from that time to the time of the testatrix’s death. It is not entitled to precisely the same weight that it would have been if it had existed for some time prior to the making of the will, but still it should be very carefully considered, especially in connection with the further fact that the proponent was largely benefitted by some of the provisions of the will and had much to do with its preparation. In our opinion the proponent has satisfactorily sustained the duty of explaining the circumstances which have given rise to any suspicion as to the propriety of his conduct. His testimony was very full, and he was apparently especially frank in telling with great detail his entire connection with the preparation of the will. He has apparently attempted to conceal nothing, but with perfect freedom and frankness has admitted some things which might have some tendency against him upon this issue, and which could not have been otherwise proved. , ■
We do not consider it at all unnatural that she should have made the bequests in his favor. She had already remembered all of the relatives, and had made all the bequests of a public nature, that she cared to. She naturally appreciated the kindness and the attention of the proponent, and his willingness to come to her and render assistance when she was in need of it, and when she was in great trouble on account of her husband’s fatal sickness and death. It is a reasonable conclusion that she knew of no more satisfactory way to her to dispose of this sum of $15,000, and of the residuum that might be left after making all of these specific bequests, than to give it to him. For these reasons we are entirely satisfied with the verdict of the jury upon this issue. As we have already said, the situation, unexplained, was sufficient to arouse suspicion as to the propriety and good faith' of the proponent, and for this reason we think
Motion overruled. Decree to be signed in accordance with the opinion.