Lead Opinion
The case of the Norfolk & Western Railway Company against the Pinnacle Coal Company and others presents but a single important question, and this is:' When the
According to law, constitutional and statutory, a justice of the peace is given jurisdiction of all civil actions except where the amount claimed, exclusive of interest and costs, exceeds three hundred dollars, or the title to real estate is involved, or the action is for false imprisonment, malicious prosecution, slander, verbal or written, breach of marriage contract, or seduction. This includes all actions for the recovery of money when such recovery is authorized by common law or statutory enactment. And it impliedly follows that he has no jurisdiction of any cause of action unknown at common law, and not authorized by. statute. The legislature has the right to create new causes of action for the recovery of money, but a justice of the peace has not, and when he attempts to create anew cause of'action he usurps legislative functions, and, if he illegally extends a certain class of actions within his ju
Dissenting Opinion
An action was brought by the Pinnacle Coal Company against the Norfolk & Western Railroad Company before a justice of Mercer county to recover for overcharge for carriage of coal from Bramwell to Bluefield, a distance of thirteen miles, and j udgment was rendered for plaintiff for eleven dollars and sixty-seven cents and costs, and then the defendant applied to the circuit coui't for a writ of prohibition to prohibit the justice from carrying the judgment into execution, and, a rule having issued to show cause why such prohibition should not be awarded, upon demurrer to the petition and motion to dischai'ge the rule, the rule was discharged, thus refusing the writ of prohibition. The rig-ht of plaintiff to recover depends upon whether the rate of charge on coal is to be under subsection 8, s. 82c, c. 54, p. 562, Code 1891, or under section 2, chapter 17, Acts 1895; and that depends on the question whether the act of 1895 repeals said Code provision as to freight charge. I regard it as a question of repeal hy implication, although counsel argues that it is not, but is an express repeal, because the later act contains the clause,
The subjects covered by the Code are the classification of the various articles of freight and the charges thereon, and these are the subjects dealt with by the act of 1895, and therefore the matter seems to fall under the doctrine referred to in State v. Mines, 38 W. Va. 126, (18 S. E. 470), that “a subsequent statute, revising the whole subject-matter oí a former one, and evidently intended as a substitute for it, though it contains no express words to that effect, must, on principles of law as well as reason and common sense, operate a repeal of the former law.” See Totten v. Nighbert, 41 W. Va. 801, (24 S. E. 627); Red Rock v. Henry, 106 U. S. 596, (1 Sup. Ct. 434). I repeat that these two laws make full and ample provision upon two subjects, and the only two they deal with,- — that is, classification for the purpose of charge for transportation of all articles of freight, and the rates of such charge. Said subsection 7, s. 82c, c. 54, of the Code, says that “goods, merchandise, and all other kinds of property shall be classified, for the purpose of transportation, as follows;” then enumerating a large number of articles in various classes, and providing for unenumerated articles, plainly covering all articles transportable. The act of 1895 is just as wide, as it commands “a general classification of goods, merchandise, and all other kinds of property for the purpose of transpoi'tation.” Now, turn to the subject of charges. The Code, in subsection 8, says that a.ll railroad corporations, according to the classification in subsection 7, shall be limited to certain charges, covering the whole field of charge. The act of 1895, in section 2, does the same, providing for a tariff of rates on all the articles classified under section 1. Therefore I repeat that both statutes deal with, and contain complete provision for,
Next, as to charges. The Code itself fixes a maximum rate per ton per mile, varying according to distance by sections of fifty miles, the charge diminishing for each fifty miles of transportation, and varying also with classification, articles in one of the several classifications being inflexibly charged a different rate from those in another classification. The act of 1895 requires the road to be cut up into sections of ten miles, contemplating that rates may be made to vary according to distance. The rates are to be fixed by the company; and this act does not, like the Code, say just what rates shall be charged, only saying that the average rate for all classes of freight under the classification directed by the act shall not exceed five cents per ton per mile, except that coal and some other articles named shall not exceed three cents. Thus different rates from those inflexibly fixed by the Code itself may be-charged on the same articles. ' Thus the classification under the two ac-ts may be different, articles under one class in the Code falling in another under the later act; and the length of sections measuring the charge are actually different, and the charges may be different. They cannot both co-exist and be executed without jar and confusion. The act of 1895 plainly repeals and takes the place of said Code provision as to classification of articles of freight and the charges. The justice applied the wrong
But does prohibition lie to prohibit the enforcement of this judgment? I think not. It is urged that no appeal lies, nor certiorari, and, if prohibition is not granted, there is no redress. That is so. The law says that, unless the amount in controversy, exclusive of interest and costs, exceeds fifteen dollars, no appeal shall lie. The law thus says that public policy demands the close of litigation with the first judgment in small matters, no matter how gross the error. In such case, we do not look at the degree of error in the judgment. The legislature has in this instance applied the maxim, “De minimis non curat lex'’’ (concerning- very small things the law has no care). Counsel endeavors to bring- the case under the old rule that prohibition lies where the inferior court has no jurisdiction, and bases this position on the theory that the action was a statutory one, and the statute to sustain it had been repealed. The action was not statutory. It was in nature an action of assumpsit for money had and received, an action to recover money. True, the statute fixed the rate of charge, and for excessive charge gave action, and, if there had been no statute to fix charges, there would be no action. In no other sense is it a statutory action. If there had been no statute fixing rate, and yet an action had been brought for overcharge, you would not say it was a statutory action. It would simply be a common-law action for the recovery of money on insufficient ground to warrant judgment. So the repeal of the statute made the action, in nature, just such an action. I do not see how it can be said, when a man brings a suit in any court basing his claim on a statute claimed by him to be in force, in a court which would have jurisdiction if it were still in force, and it is finally decided that the law was. repealed, that the court proceeded without jurisdiction. It proceeded without valid cause of action, but within its jurisdiction. Who would say that in Curran v. Owens, 15 W. Va. 208, an action by a wife to recover damages for the sale of liquor to her husband, the circuit court had no jurisdiction because of the repeal of the statute on which alone the action rested? The question of
It has been often laid down that no prohibition lies as for want of jurisdiction, if the court has jurisdiction of cases of the same general nature, unless it abuses its jurisdiction by exceeding its legitimate powers. Mere error or irregularity .of the court in its rulings, as holding there is cause of action to sustain a judgment when there is not, will not call for prohibition, but it must be redressed by appeal or writ of error. County Court v. Boreman, 34 W. Va. 362, (12 S. E. 490); Fleming v. Commissioners, 31 W. Va. 608, (8 S. E, 267). In this connection I put the proposition that, as prohibition does not lie where an appeal will lie, and as, if this judg-ment had been fifteen dollars, an appeal would lie, so, as it is less, it does not lie; in other words, the nature of the question as to the application of the writ of prohibition is the same where the judgment is under as where it is over the amount of fifteen dollars. The amount does not give character to the judgment.
The railroad’s counsel would also put the right to prohibition on section 1, chapter 110, Code, giving prohibition both where the court has no jurisdiction and where, having jurisdiction, “it exceeds its legitimate power.” I think this latter clause does not enlarg'e the scope of the writ, and is only declaratory of the common-law office of the writ. This clause that the writ lies where the court “exceeds its legitimate power” cannot be used to extend the writ to every case of mere error. It must amount to an abuse or usm--pation of power, where the court, in exercising lawful jurisdiction, does some collateral act, which under no circumstances it could do; not where it simply mistakes abad fora good cause of action in law. Notice that the section does