By the Court,
The defendant excepted to the final report of the referees, and the judgment entered thereon, and to each and every part thereof, and particularly to .certain portions of the report finding certain facts, and to the conclusions of law or judgment touching damages, and the injunction. There is a particular exception to the finding •of the referees, that the Great Western Railway Company granted to the New York Central Rail Road Company the right to the use of the bridge for the carriage and transportation of freight across the same. This finding of the referees is important, as upon it, the item of damages for neglecting to furnish to the directors of the plaintiffs, free passes over the New York Central is made to depend. This fact was so found from written evidence, and rests upon construction. In the agreement of September 29, 1856, between the two rail road companies, it is provided that “ the freight brought to Suspension Bridge by the New York Central Rail Road Company to pass over the Great Western Railway is to be conveyed in the cars of the New York Central Company and placed free of expense or charge for tolls to the New York Central Company alongside the freight warehouse belonging to the Great Western Company and hereinafter referred to.” By the agreement or lease of October 1, 1853, the defendant was to have the exclusive right to extend to other companies and persons the privilege of crossing said rail road bridge with locomotives, trains and cars carrying passengers and freight on such terms as they might agree to, subject however to the conditions prescribed in the indenture to the defendant.
I am also of the opinion that the evidence justified the finding of the referees, touching the permission of-persons to cross
The plaintiffs constructed and own the suspension bridge, or rather bridges, as there are two, one above the other, the lower bridge for carriages and- foot passengers, and the upper one, having a rail road track, to be used by locomotives and trains of cars. It has also sidewalks for foot passengers. The plaintiffs leased to the defendant “ the rail road floor and structure including all its supports, fixtures and gates, excepting the sidewalks and their gates, to be for their (the defendant’s) certain use and under their control for and during the continuance of their charter, for rail road purposes.” The defendant also' has the exclusive right to extend to other companies and persons the privilege of crossing the rail road bridge with locomotives, trains and cars conveying passengers and freight subject to the conditions and restrictions prescribed. The lower bridge and the sidewalks of the upper rail road floor were to be under the control and for the use of the plaintiff’s. It is declared in the agreement to be understood that the privilege of the defendant was for the purpose of passing locomotives and cars with freight and passengers in the prosecution of legitimate rail road business, and that it was not to afford the means to any other persons or person except rail road passengers, of crossing and evading, the payment of tolls to the plaintiff’s, and the defendant stipulated to be responsible that the companies or individuals to whom they should underlet
The case shows that these provisions have been constantly violated. Persons are carried over the bridge in the cars of the defendant almost daily who are not regular railroad passengers, and at times these persons are numerous. It was made a matter of complaint by the plaintiffs for a long time prior to the commencement of the action, and some efforts were made by the defendant to correct the evil. It was arranged at one time that the plaintiffs should put a collector upon the trains for the purpose of receiving or collecting tolls of persons passing over in the cars, who were not the regular rail road passengers, and such collector was employed for a short time, when the defendant excluded him from the cars, the arrangement working badly, and in practice producing difficulties with passengers. The defendant employed, and I suppose still does employ, a bridge conductor to take the trains from the New York Central depot across to the defendant’s depot, and he collects twenty-five cents from every passenger over the bridge who has no ticket, or it is made his duty to do so. It is not made his duty to ascertain where the passenger from whom he collects, is going.
The conductors on the trains of the defendant from the west continue on over the bridge to the New York Central depot,
I tirink it is pretty clear from the agreement between the parties, that it was supjoosed that there might be some difficulties arising from persons getting on to the cars and passing over the bridge, and it must have been foreseen-by the plaintiffs that they would have no means of preventing such acts, or adequate means of knowing the extent and number of such acts; hence they carefully provided in the contract against them, and the entire responsibility for preventing such acts was placed upon the defendant, and the defendant agreed that it would at all times adopt such reasonable regulations as should be necessary to prevent evasions of the rights of the plaintiffs to have tolls from all except legitimate railway passengers. Though the defendant may have some difficulty in putting a stop to the carrying of passengers simply from one side of the river to the other, such difficulty is not insurmountable. It can establish such regulations as will effectually put a stop to the carrying over the river in their cars any persons other than those it has a right to cony. It has
The legal remedy for the breach of an agreement or covenant, is an action for the recovery of damages; hence, as a general rule, a court of equity will not interpose in advance by injunction to restrain a party to a contract from its breach, hut if the contract should be broken, will leave the complain
In the present case it is perfectly apparent that the remedy by action for damages is imperfect and inadequate. It will afford little or- no redress for the grievance complained of. Indeed, until the defendant shall adopt regulations enabling it to ascertain the jiersons carried across the bridge in its cars, contrary to the agreement, there will be no practicable means of ascertaining the damages of the plaintiffs, and the proof upon which to award damages must come exclusively from those in the employ of the defendant.
Why do courts of equity award injunctions in patent cases ? The patentee may recover damages in his action at law for any violation of the rights secured to him by his patent. But this remedy is inadequate, and in order to prevent irreparable mischief or to suppress a multiplicity of suits and vexatious litigations, equity interferes by injunction. (Story’s Eq. § 930. Phillips on Pat. 451.)
Another head of equity jurisdiction, by way of injunction, is the prevention of private nuisances, and this rests upon the principle of restraining irreparable mischief, or of suppressing oppressive and interminable litigation, or of preventing multiplicity of suits. There must be such an injury as from its nature is not susceptible of being adequately compensated by damages at law, or such as from its continuance or permanent mischief, must occasion a constantly accruing grievance, which cannot be otherwise prevented but by injunction. (Story’s Eq. §§ 925-929. Roberts on
Injunctions are also granted in aid of specific performance, and to restrain breaches of trust and confidence. (Drewry on Inj. 250, chap. 6.) Equity in many special cases will restrain acts inconsistent with the due performance of agreements. Many cases are cited by the author in the chapter referred to. In Martin v. Nutkin, (2 P. Williams, 266,) there was a written agreement that a certain church bell should not be rung at a certain time, and an injunction was granted restraining the ringing of the bell contrary to the agreement. In Morris v. Colman, (18 Ves. 437,) an injunction was granted restraining the defendant from writing dramatic pieces for another theatre, in violation of his covenant. It was not regarded as a covenant in restraint of trade. (See Story’s Eq. § 958.) Injunctions in the nature of specific performances are often granted to restrain breaches of covenants between landlord and tenant; as covenants not to remove manure or crops, not to plow meadows, not to dig gravel, sand or coal. In this way the court, in effect, secures a S2>ecific performance, and prevents irrejjarable mischief. (Story’s Eq. § 721.) In short, without pursuing the question, in my opinion the injunction in this case may be sustained upon the ground that an action at law for damages will afford no adequate redress, and the injury to the plaintiffs will be irre2>arable. If, in truth, redress could be had by action for damages it can only be had by a multiplicity of actions and litigation without end. The case is peculiar; '
Marvin, Davis and Grover, Justices.]
The judgment has reserved the= right to either party to apply to the court for a modification of the injunction upon the footing of the judgment.
In my opinion the entire judgment should be affirmed with costs.