Neal was indebted to the estate of G-. W. D. Harber in the sum of $1,000, evidenced by a certain promissory note secured by a deed to a tract of land described as follows : “All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Franklin County, Ga., Ashland District G. M., and bounded as follows: Beginning at a stone S. 14 W. 8.94 to P. 0. near Boyston Boad, thence S. 23-1/2 E. 12.10 to Hickory, thence S. 12-3/4 E. 12.00 to Pine, thence S. 16.00 W. 19.00 to stonepile, thence N. 47-1/4 W. 22.50 to stone, thence N. 51-1/4 W. 7.13 to stone, originally white oak, thence N. 15.00 E. 24.10 to stone agreed on, pne fpot East of Hickory, thence N. 23-1/2 E. 15.00 to Hickory, thence S. 71-1/4 E. 9.00 to beginning stone corner; containing ninety three and 3/4 acres, more or less.” Neal also owed said Harber estate an additional sum of $10,000, which was secured by deed to other lands, and as additional security for which the bond for title executed by Harber to Neal, conditioned to reconvey the tract above described upon payment of said debt of $1,000 secured thereby, had been transferred to the estate of said Harber. The Atlas Insurance Company owed Neal approximately $5,000 on a claim for loss sustained by him on account of the burning of certain property insured. Neal executed to the executors of the Harber estate an order on the insurance company for the payment of $2500 of the amount due him by the insurance company, to be applied on the debts he owed the This order was never accepted by the insurance company, but a draft in the amount due to Neal was delivered to one of the executors of the Harber estate, who carried it to the residence of Neal to procure his indorsement thereon. Neal had been wounded by a gunshot, and was very seriously sick at the time the executor visited him, and died within thirty minutes after he left. The executor of Harber told Neal what he desired, but Neal was too weak to indorse the draft himself and directed his wife to indorse his name thereon, which she did in his presence. The executor then inquired of Neal whether he could not pay more than the $2500 theretofore agreed to be paid from the proceeds of the insurance claim; and Neal replied that he could not do so, for the reaspn that he would
Judgment affirmed.