42 F.3d 45 | 1st Cir. | 1994

                    FOR THE FIRST CIRCUIT

No. 93-2026




                  HOSPITAL SAN RAFAEL, INC.,




                     Breyer,* Chief Judge,

              Boudin and Stahl, Circuit Judges.


David  A. Grant with whom Betty Southard Murphy, Jean H. Baker,
Baker  & Hostetler,  Heber  E. Lugo-Rigau  and  Ledesma, Palou  &
Miranda were on brief for respondents.
Fred  L. Cornnell  with whom  Frederick C.  Havard, Supervisory
Attorney, Daniel  Silverman, General Counsel, Linda  Sher, Acting
Associate  General  Counsel,  and  Aileen  A.  Armstrong,  Deputy
Associate General Counsel,  National Labor Relations Board,  were on brief for petitioner.


                      December 12, 1994


*Chief Judge Stephen  Breyer heard oral argument in  this matter, but did not  participate in the drafting  or the issuance  of the panel's  opinion.   The remaining  two panelists  therefore issue this opinion pursuant to 28 U.S.C.   46(d).

     BOUDIN, Circuit  Judge.   This is a  difficult labor-law

case made even more difficult because the pertinent doctrines have  confusing   labels,  overlap  with   one  another   and occasionally mutate.  We begin with the facts and  procedural history,  and then address the legal issues and the claims of error.


     For  many  years,  Hospital  San   Rafael,  Inc.,  ("San Rafael")  operated a neighborhood  hospital in Caguas, Puerto Rico.  In 1978,  two doctors--Jaime Soler and  Jose Badillo-- bought  somewhat over 80 percent of San Rafael's stock; Soler owned  about 70  percent of  the joint  holdings and  Badillo about 30  percent.  The doctors then  hired Joaquin Rodriguez as  the  hospital's  president.     These  three  individuals comprised the hospital's board.

     San  Rafael was in poor financial shape, and in mid 1978 the  Puerto Rico  health authorities  said that  the hospital would have to remedy  problems in its physical plant  or lose its  eligibility   to  treat  Medicare  patients.    Medicare patients  accounted   for  almost  half  of   the  hospital's occupancy.  Soler, Badillo and Rodriguez began to discuss the construction of a new hospital.   It was conceived that a new corporation  would be established,  partly because San Rafael itself could not obtain  loan funds, and in addition  the new


hospital was expected to be more than a local hospital and to draw patients from the Caribbean basin.

     Centro Medico was created in  August 1978 to operate the proposed  new hospital under the name Hospital Interamericano de Medicina Avanzada ("Hospital  Interamericano").  In  1981, Soler  had 40 percent of  the shares, Badillo  20 percent and Rodriguez  20 percent.    Ultimately,  Soler's ownership  was reduced to 38 percent, Badillo and Rodriguez each owned about 19  percent, and 19 percent was acquired by Carlos Pineiro, a longtime associate  of Rodriguez.   From the  start Rodriguez was  Centro Medico's  president, and  Soler and  Badillo were among the board members.

     At various times, Rodriguez spoke about the new hospital as if it were an expansion of San Rafael, and San Rafael made interest-free cash  advances for the construction  of the new hospital  and took  other steps  to support  its development. San  Rafael  was  granted  a   waiver  as  to  its   Medicare deficiencies  because of  the plans  to open a  new hospital. Later,  San  Rafael agreed  to surrender  its own  license to operate a hospital,  in order to facilitate the  licensing of the new hospital.  

     San Rafael ceased  operation on November  14, 1988.   On November 18, 1988, the  new Centro Medico hospital, operating as Hospital Interamericano, opened to the public.  Rodriguez, Soler and  Badillo continued  to hold their  prior positions.


Pineiro,  who  since  1987  had been  responsible  for  labor relations at San Rafael,  became the new hospital's executive vice  president.  A majority of the supervisors of San Rafael and  most of  the  other  employees  transferred to  the  new hospital.

     Against  this background  labor disputes  developed that led  to the present litigation.   In January  1984, the Union Nacional  de  Trabajadores  de  la Salud,  Local  1199  ("the union")   became   the   certified    collective   bargaining representative  of  two units  of  San Rafael  employees:   a professional unit (e.g.,  registered nurses) and  a technical

unit that included other employees.  San Rafael and the union entered into  an agreement effective from  September 1, 1984, to August  31, 1987, also  agreeing that this  contract would continue until a new contract replaced it.

     San  Rafael employee Milton Suarez  had been a leader in the organization of the union and had been discharged for his organizing  activities, although  later  reinstated.   Suarez helped negotiate  the September 1984 contract  and became the union's chief steward.  In 1985, Suarez began to question San Rafael about the  effect that the planned  new hospital would have on job security.  On August 30, 1985, Rodriguez issued a memorandum  to San  Rafael  employees stating  "on behalf  of Hospital San Rafael and of Centro Medico del Turabo" that the


employees  would be  "transferred" with  the same  salary and benefits to the new hospital.  

     In May 1987, the union  sought to begin negotiations for a new  contract and  proposed  an agreement  naming both  San Rafael and  Centro Medico as  parties.  San  Rafael indicated that Centro  Medico would not  recognize or bargain  with the union  because it was certified  only to represent San Rafael employees.   The National Labor Relations  Board (the "Board" or "NLRB")  issued a complaint  charging that San  Rafael and Centro  Medico were a single employer and alter egos, and had unlawfully  refused  to  bargain  with  the  union  over  the inclusion of Centro Medico.

     The  union reached  separate settlement  agreements with San Rafael and Centro Medico in  May 1988.  San Rafael agreed to  negotiate in good faith with the union, and Centro Medico promised  to hire on a  nondiscriminatory basis and to retain 95  percent  of San  Rafael's employees  to  work at  the new hospital; Centro  Medico stipulated  that it was  not thereby agreeing  to recognize the union.  The union, in exchange for the settlements, withdrew its  unfair labor practice charges, and the NLRB then withdrew the complaint.  

     Negotiations between the union and the two hospitals did not  prove  fruitful.   In October  1988,  the union  filed a petition  with  the  NLRB  seeking  to  have  the  settlement agreements  set  aside, and  the  pre-agreement unfair  labor


practice  charges  reopened,  because  San   Rafael  had  not complied  with the settlement agreement.  In August 1989, the district  court granted  a  preliminary injunction  requiring Centro  Medico to  bargain  in  good  faith, and  this  court affirmed.  See Asseo  v. Centro Medico del Turabo,  Inc., 900

F.2d 445 (1st Cir. 1991).  

     From the outset  in 1988, the new Centro Medico hospital claimed  that it was free to alter working conditions at will and that it need not recognize the union.   Although most San Rafael employees were hired  by the new hospital,  Suarez was not.   Neither were four other employees who had been closely connected  with union  activities and  acted at  one time  or another  as  union stewards.   In  these  five cases  the new hospital  did  not formally  refuse  to  hire the  employees; several were told that  their applications were under review, but  Centro  Medico then  took  no  official  action  on  the applications.

     In  December  1989, the  union  filed  new unfair  labor practice charges.  These included charges that both hospitals had failed to bargain in good faith and had engaged in unfair labor practices  by refusing  to hire the  five union-related employees.  A Board complaint was filed in February 1989.  On May 4,  1989, an  administrative law  judge entered  an order conditionally  setting  aside   the  settlement   agreements,


reinstating the  old charges and consolidating  them with new ones.  Hearings were held between May 1989 and May 1990.

     On  June 19,  1991, the  ALJ found  that San  Rafael and Centro  Medico  were  alter   egos  and  comprised  a  single employer;  alternatively, Centro  Medico  was found  to be  a successor employer to San Rafael.  The ALJ found that the San Rafael  settlement agreement  had  been entered  into in  bad faith  and should  be permanently  set aside.   The  ALJ also found that  the hospitals had violated their duty to bargain, 29 U.S.C.    158(a)(5), and Centro  Medico's failure to  hire four of the  five employees  was also found  to be  wrongful. Id.   158(a)(3).

     On  review, the  Board,  acting  through three  members, found that the two hospitals were a single employer and alter egos but  did not reach  the successor-employer  issue.   The Board  agreed with the ALJ  that the hospitals had improperly failed to bargain with  the union and that Centro  Medico had unilaterally changed employee working conditions.  Failure to rehire all five  employees was  found to be  improper.  By  a divided vote, the  Board held that the San  Rafael settlement agreement was properly set aside.

     The Board entered  a remedial order containing  specific provisions designed to compel Centro Medico to bargain and to provide redress for the five employees.  The Board order also broadly   forbade  future   infringement  of   worker  rights


protected under  "section 7."   29 U.S.C.    157.   The Board then filed in  this court the present application  to enforce its order.   29 U.S.C.    160(e).  The hospitals  opposed the application.


     In this court, the main issue raised by the hospitals is whether  San  Rafael and  Centro  Medico can  be  treated for present  purposes as if they were one  entity.  This issue is critical  because  the   only  signed  collective  bargaining agreement is between the union and San Rafael.  Centro Medico is  required to  respect that  agreement, and  bargain before making  unilateral  changes  in working  conditions,  only if Centro  Medico is an extension  of San Rafael.   We therefore begin  by describing  three different  but related  labor-law doctrines considered by the agency.

     One  concept,  known  colloquially  as  the   alter  ego doctrine, says that in certain situations one employer entity will  be regarded as a continuation of a predecessor, and the two will be treated  interchangeably for purposes of applying labor laws.  The easiest  example is a case where the  second entity  is created by the owners of the first for the purpose

of  evading  labor  law  responsibilities;  but  identity  of ownership, management, work force,  business and the like are also  relevant.   See  C.E.K. Indus.  Mechanical Contractors,

Inc. v. NLRB, 921 F.2d 350 (1st Cir. 1990).  


     A second rubric--the "single employer" doctrine--has its primary  office in the  case of two  ongoing businesses which the NLRB wishes  to treat as a single employer  on the ground that they are owned and operated as a single unit.   Penntech

Papers, Inc. v. NLRB,  706 F.2d 18 (1st Cir.),  cert. denied,

464 U.S. 892 (1983).   Most of the alter ego  criteria remain relevant but  motive is normally considered  irrelevant.  The consequences of single employer and alter ego  status are not necessarily the same.  See C.E.K., 921 F.2d at 354.  

     A   final,  narrower   doctrine  applies   to  so-called "successor" companies.    Where,  for  example,  a  unionized business is acquired by a new owner unaffiliated with the old one,  the new  employer  may not  be  bound by  a  collective bargaining agreement with  the old  one.  See  NLRB v.  Burns

Sec.  Servs.,  406  U.S.  272  (1972).    But   where  enough

continuity exists  in the  business and  work force, the  new owner  may, without  any  new certification,  be required  to treat the  union as the  recognized bargaining agent.   E.g.,

Fall  River Dyeing  & Finishing  Corp. v.  NLRB, 482  U.S. 27


     This overview of  the three doctrines imparts  to them a neatness that is not borne out by the circuit caselaw or even the Board's  decisions.  See,  e.g., 4 T. Kheel,  Labor Law  

17.02 (1994).    In  part,  the difficulty  is  that  several related  and  similarly  named  concepts are  being  used  to


address   different   controversies   (e.g.,   jurisdictional

aggregation,  maintenance  of  parallel  union  and non-union businesses,   inherited   liability   for  past   misconduct, inherited contractual obligations,  carry-over obligation  to bargain, etc.).  

     In  all events, the Board's order here in dispute can be sustained  on  the alter  ego  theory.   The  single employer doctrine,  as it  has developed  historically, seems  to have little application  to this case--which does  not involve two ongoing businesses coordinated  by a common  master.  See  A.

Dariano &  Sons, Inc.  v. District Council  of Painters,  869

F.2d  514,  519  (9th  Cir.  1989);  International  Union  of

Operating Eng'rs v. Centor  Contractors, Inc., 831 F.2d 1309,

1313 n.2 (7th  Cir. 1987).   As for  "successor" status,  any relief available under this theory would be less far reaching than that based on the alter ego theory.

     In determining alter ego status, the NLRB and the courts have, as  noted in  C.E.K., considered  a  range of  criteria

including the similarity between the old and new companies in relation   to   management,   business  purpose,   operation, equipment, customers  and supervision, as well  as ownership. In  most cases,  a  further important  factor in  determining alter  ego status is whether the alleged alter ego entity was created and  maintained in order to  avoid labor obligations. In a rare discussion of the doctrine, the Supreme Court said:


          It is important to  emphasize that this is not
     a  case where  the  successor  corporation  is  the
     "alter ego" of the predecessor, where it is "merely
     a  disguised  continuance  of  the  old  employer."
     Southport Petroleum Co. v.  NLRB, 315 U.S. 100, 106
     (1942).  Such cases involve a mere technical change
     in the  structure  or  identity  of  the  employing
     entity, frequently to avoid the effect of the labor
     laws,   without  any  substantial   change  in  its
     ownership or management.   In these  circumstances,
     the courts have had  little difficulty holding that
     the successor  is in reality the  same employer and
     is  subject  to  all   the  legal  and  contractual
     obligations of the predecessor. Howard  Johnson Co. v. Hotel Employees, 417 U.S. 249, 259 n.5


     Howard  Johnson supplies  an animating  purpose for  the

alter ego doctrine,  and also helps sort out the relationship between subjective  motive  and objective  criteria.   Motive matters,   we  think,   because   a  corporate   transfer  or transformation  for  the   purpose  of  avoiding   labor  law

obligations  is an  unsympathetic  case  for  respecting  the formal alteration, and faced  with a subterfuge--e.g., a sham

transfer  of assets--the  courts  reasonably  need give  less weight  to  the  other  "identity" criteria.    See  Penntech

Papers, 706 F.2d at 24.

     But  in our own case the decision of San Rafael's owners to  establish  a  new  hospital occurred  for  financial  and operational  reasons  that  have  nothing to  do  with  labor relations.   The union did  not even exist  when the original plans for the new hospital were laid.  The Board's claim that Centro Medico's "purpose" was not  improper at the outset but


became  improper  simply because  Centro  Medico  declined to bargain  makes little sense in  the context of  the alter ego doctrine.  After  all, if  the two companies  were not  alter

egos,   Centro  Medico's  desire  to  resist  obligations  or liabilities of  San Rafael  would be  understandable.   If an improper  motive in creating the  new entity were  a sine qua

non of the alter ego doctrine, then we think the Board  would

be hard-pressed to defend its order in this case.

     In Howard Johnson, however,  the Supreme Court said that

wrongful  motive is  "frequently"  present in  the alter  ego cases; it did not say "always."  Similarly, we have said that "[n]o  one factor is controlling, and all need not be present to support a  finding of  `alter ego status.'"   C.E.K.,  921

F.2d at  354.   After all,  if a  company merely  changed its corporate form for legitimate tax or corporate reasons, it is hard to see why the new entity should be able to disregard an existing  collective bargaining  agreement or  claim immunity when told to reinstate a worker wrongly fired by the old one. This view--that a wrongful  motive is not required--is shared by  most other circuits.   See Note,  86 Mich.  L. Rev. 1024,

1045 (1988) (collecting cases).1


1Since our  discussion in Penntech and C.E.K.  has given rise
to some uncertainty about  this court's position on the  role of  wrongful motive in alter ego cases, this opinion has been circulated  prior  to filing  to  all active  judges  of this court, and no member of the court expressed disagreement with the  panel's   treatment  of   the  issue.     This  informal circulation is without prejudice  to a petition for rehearing


     The problem here, as so often  with similar concepts, is in  how far to  carry the notion  of "disguised continuance," Howard  Johnson,  417  U.S.  at   249  n.5,  where  there  is

substantial  continuity  but  also  some  limited  change  in

ownership and operations.   Continuity of ownership,  perhaps the most important predicate, does exist in this case.  Soler and Badillo owned 87 percent of the stock in San Rafael;  and the  same individuals  came to  own about  60 percent  of the stock in  Centro Medico, their proportionate  shares inter se

remaining the same.  The two  other important stockholders of Centro Medico, Rodriguez and Pineiro, were closely associated with San Rafael.

     Other criteria of identity  point in the same direction. In upper  management, Rodriguez  served as president  both of San Rafael and Centro Medico.  Soler, Badillo,  Rodriguez and Pineiro were directors, officers  or both in each of  the two entities.  The ALJ found that about 85 of the 102 lower level supervisors at  the new hospital had also been supervisors at the  old one.  The new hospital  agreed to hire 95 percent or more  of the old hospital's  employees and the  ALJ said that this had occurred.

     The two  hospitals are in the same  business and operate in  the  same  community.   It  is  true  that Centro  Medico


or  suggestion of en banc reconsideration on any issue in the case.   See Trailer Marine Transport Corp. v. Rivera Vazquez,
977 F.2d 1, 9 n.5 (1st Cir. 1992).


operates  a  300-bed tertiary  care  hospital  and presumably draws from a  larger area;  San Rafael was  a local  hospital with  just  over  100 beds.    Little  of  the equipment  was transferred from one to the other and doctors' privileges had to  be renewed.  But  San Rafael effectively  planned the new hospital, helped  finance it, and surrendered  its license so the  new one  could obtain  a  license.   Both in  origin and function, the  new hospital is essentially  an enlargement of the old one.

     Thus,  a  substantial--not  a complete--identity  exists between  the  two hospitals  along  every  axis:   ownership, senior  management,  supervisory  management, employee  base, geographic location  and basic business function.   The alter ego doctrine has been  devised by the Board with  approval of the courts,  and  the  agency  is entitled  to  a  reasonable latitude in applying  its own doctrine.  See generally Phelps

Dodge Corp. v. NLRB, 313 U.S. 177  (1941).  Whether the alter

ego doctrine can be  stretched much beyond the present  facts may be open  to debate,  but this case  is within  reasonable limits.

       Next,  San  Rafael  claims  that  the  Board  was  not warranted  in  setting aside  the  May  19, 1988,  settlement agreement  between the union and San Rafael.  In prior cases, the  Board has  set  aside settlements  where the  settlement agreement  has  been   materially  breached  and   the  party


responsible entered  into the agreement in  bad faith without an  intention to  carry out  its  commitments.   E.g., Norris

Concrete Materials, 282  N.L.R.B. 289 (1986).   In this case,

the ALJ set the settlement agreement aside on the ground that San Rafael entered into it in bad faith and then breached the agreement.  The Board sustained this determination by  a two- to-one vote, one member dissenting on this issue alone.

     We  review the findings  of the Board  only to determine whether  they  are supported  by  substantial  evidence.   29 U.S.C.   160(e).   The ALJ, whose rationale was  adopted in a condensed form  by  the Board  majority,  said that  the  two hospitals had to know of  their own internal relationship and therefore, knew or  should have known  their legal status  as alter egos; that the promise by San Rafael to bargain in good faith therefore included a commitment to bargain on behalf of Centro  Medico; and  that  because San  Rafael resisted  that obligation  it  must  never  have  meant  to carry  out  this attributed commitment.

     We think that this reasoning is unpersuasive and that no other evidence shows  that the agreement was entered  into in bad faith.  There is proof that San Rafael knew that it had a duty to  bargain for Centro  Medico.   The ALJ said  that San Rafael  "should  have known"  of  its  prospective alter  ego status, but  we do not  see why.   The two hospitals  are not identical   in   every  respect,   no   mathematical  formula


determines  alter ego status, and  this case is  a close one. Bad  faith is  more  than mere  negligence.   See  Voccio  v.

Reliance  Ins. Cos.,  703 F.2d  1, 2  (1st Cir.  1983).   The

Board's brief hints that  bad faith may not be  required, but bad faith  was the only  basis given  in this case.   SEC  v.

Chenery Corp., 318 U.S. 80, 88 (1943).

     However,  there is no showing  by the hospitals that the setting aside of the settlement  agreement had any effect  on the Board's  other determinations or on any of the provisions of  its   remedial  order.    Conduct   occurring  after  the

settlement  agreement was  the  subject of  new unfair  labor practice  charges  in December  1988.    These included  both failure to bargain and  discrimination against union members. These  charges are amply supported by the record even if only conduct after May 1988 is the focus of consideration.

     On   the  failure  to   bargain  charge,  Centro  Medico persistently  refused to  recognize  the union  and,  shortly after the  new hospital opened, it made unilateral changes in the  employees'  working  conditions  without  attempting  to bargain.   Since we have upheld the alter ego theory advanced by the Board, we think that it follows that Centro Medico was obligated to recognize  and bargain with  the union; that  it was bound by the collective  bargaining agreement to the same extent as San Rafael; and that it was subject to the ordinary obligations of an employer with a union contract to negotiate


about changes.  Good faith is not generally a defense to such charges.  ILGWU v. NLRB, 366 U.S. 731, 738-40 (1961); NLRB v.

Cooke & Jones, Inc., 339 F.2d 580, 581 (1st Cir. 1964).

     The Board  also had ample evidence for  its finding that the  five named union members not rehired were the subject of anti-union discrimination by Centro Medico.  It is sufficient to  say  that all  five  employees were  identified  with the union,  no persuasive reason appears  why any of  them was so refused  a position at the  new hospital, and  the excuses or evasions practiced by Centro  Medico in dealing with  each of the five affirmatively suggests that discrimination was being practiced.  The Board  and administrative law judge decisions adequately set forth the circumstances.  

     We  turn now  to  remedy.   The  treatment of  the  five employees was  egregious enough to justify  the Board's broad remedial direction  that the hospitals cease  and desist from infringing  "in any  other  manner" on  employees' section  7 rights.  The hospitals  say that a proper order  would merely prohibit Centro Medico  from acting "in  any like or  related manner," but  the broader version--carrying with  it the risk of  contempt  sanctions--has  been  found  proper  where  the employer's  violations  are  either  repeated  or  egregious. Wyman-Gordon  Co. v.  NLRB, 654  F.2d 134,  146-47 (1st  Cir.

1985).  None of the other remedial provisions are challenged,


and each other  remedy appears  justified by  post-settlement misconduct by the hospitals.


     To  sum up,  we agree  with the  hospitals that  the bad faith finding as to  the May 1988 settlement and  the setting aside  of  the  San   Rafael  settlement  agreement  are  not supported.    We  are   also  doubtful  whether  the  "single employer"  doctrine  could  be  a basis  for  sustaining  the Board's  order.    But  the  alter  ego  doctrine  reasonably applies; the  unfair labor practice  findings are  adequately supported by the post-settlement misconduct; and the remedies ordered are  within the Board's discretion.   Accordingly, we enforce the Board's order as written.

     It is so ordered.


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