The individual defendants, who are the promoters and stockholders of a corporation-known as the Moravia Canning Factory Company, entered'into a written contract with the plaintiff, a .co-partnership., by which it undertook to build and equip a canning factory- in the town of Moravia, ih Appanoose -county, Iowa. By the terms of this contract, the plaintiff undertook to build and erect the factory -according to certain plans and- specifications, and to equip it with certain machinery, which was described in the contract, for the ^consideration of six thousand, nine hundred and fifty dollars, to- be paid when the factory was completed .and in operation. The contract also contained these provisions: “Payment shall be due from- date of completion of and operation of said factory. If time is requested by the party of the second part, the National Improvement and Construction Company hereby agrees to accept one-half when factory is completed, balance one-half in three months from date of completion if approved bankable note is furnished, drawing interest at the rate of six. per cent. only. Said factory is to be completed in ninety days or thereabouts after above .amount ($6,950.00) is-subscribed. * * * As soon as the above amount ($6,950.00) is subscribed, or in a reasonable time thereafter, the said subscribers may among themselves incorporate under the state laws as therein provided, fixing the aggregate amount of stock at not less than the -amount subscribed, to be divided into shares of