Lead Opinion
The right of the plaintiff to maintain this action depends "upon the construction of cli. 77, sec. 3073, Revisa! The defendant insists that, correctly construed, the penalty is incurred only by a person “buying and selling” by weights and measures, and that, as it does neither, it is not within the language or spirit of the statute. Sec. 3063, ch. 77, provides, that no trader or other person shall buy or sell, or otherwise use in trading any other, etc. Sec. 3067: “If any person, after demand by the standard-keeper for permission to examine and adjust the same, shall buy, sell or barter, by any weight or measure which shall not be tried by the standard-keeper, etc., he shall forfeit and pay $40, etc.” Sec. 3073 provides: “Every person using weights and measures and steelyards .... 1 shall allow and permit the standard-keeper of the county to try, examine and adjust by the standard, at least once every two years, all the said weights and measures .... used in weighing; and every trader or dealer by profession and every miller, at least once in every two years thereafter, shall permit their weights, measures, etc., used in weighing, to be examined and adjusted by the standard-keeper of the county in which such weights, etc., are used .... and every person using, buying or selling by weights and measures who shall neglect to com
Before proceeding to discuss the principal question presented upon the appeal, we desire to call attention to the italicized sentence found in sec. 3073, and the history of the legislation upon the subject. The first statute relating to weights and measure in this State was enacted in 1741, ch. 32. See Laws of North Carolina, 1715-1796, p. 146. It will be well to note the provisions of- this statute and the amendments made to it, for the purpose of aiding in the construction of Revisal, sec. 3073. The act of 1741, sec. 1, provides : “That no inhabitant or trader shal] ' buy or sell or otherwise make use of in trading ’’ any other than standard weights and measures. Sec. 3 makes it the duty of the Justices to provide standard weights and measures and appoint a standard-keeper. Sec. 4: “That any person' whatsoever using’ weights or measures shall bring all their measures and weights to the keeper of the standard, where such person shall reside or trade, to be there .tried by the standard, sealed and stamped; and if any person or persons shall buy, sell or barter by any weights or measures which shall not be stamped,” a penalty” of ten pounds is imposed. Sec. 4: “And whereas steelyards, by use are subject to alteration,” it is enacted “that all persons who shall- use, buy or sell by .steelyards shall once in every year try the same with the standard and take a certificate from the keeper, upon pain of twenty shillings, proclamation money.” By ch. 965, Laws 1818, the act was again amended, “providing that every trader, buying or selling by weights and measures, shall before the first day of May next, and at least once every tivo years thereafter, cause their weights and measures to be examined, etc. And every trader buying or selling by weights and measures, neglecting to comply with the requisites of this act, shall forfeit the sum
As the law is now written/it is made the duty of every person using weights and measures in North Carolina to have them tried by the standard-keeper “at least once in every two years.” We have no power or right to strike the words out, or to construe them away. The language, in that respect, is too plain for construction. -Every housewife, who has draw steelyards, balances, or any other kind of weights, quart or pint measures in her pantry, which she uses for domestic purposes, must allow and permit the standard-keeper at least once in two years to try them. Every farmer who uses them for his domestic or agricultural purposes to weigh in his cotton, measure in his corn, peas or other crops, whether for his own use or simply to enable him to know the yield of his land, is under like obligation. This strange result is rendered still more so when we turn to the first section of the statute and find that no one, other than a trader or other person, who shall buy or sell, or otherwise use in trading, any weights or measures, is required to use such as are according to the standard. In other words, a housewife who has learned that a tumbler holds a half pint, or a farmer that a rock picked up in his field weighs two pounds or a piece of iron one pound, may rise it in measuring or weighing, but if
If, however, the words in controversy are of doubtful meaning, and we were compelled to seek the intention of the Legislature by resorting to other rules, "it would be our duty to examine the history of the legislation upon the subject, asceiy tain the legislative policy in dealing with it. It is perfectly manifest from the original act, the amendments and revisáis, that the Legislature never intended to penalize the. neglect to have weights and measures used for purposes other than buying and selling tested. Again, if, after exhausting all primary rules, we are left in doubt as to the meaning of the statute, we should consider the results likely to flow from a proposed construction and, if they are oppressive, restrictive of primary rights, harsh and inequitable, we should, if possible, without doing any violence to the words used, reject such construction. “When the words are’not precise and clear; such construction will bo adopted as shall appear most reasonr
Dissenting Opinion
dissenting: Revi sal, sec. 3073, requires “every person using weights and measures,” etc., to permit the standard keeper of the county “to try, examine and adjust” them at least once every two years, and especially enumerates, for emphasis, “every trader, or dealer by profession, and every miller.” This section further provides, “every person using, buying or selling by weights and measures, who shall neglect to comply, with the requisites of this section, shall forfeit $50,” etc. Certain counties are exempted from this section, but Surry County is not one of them.
The words “every person using, buying’ or selling,” means,
On the other hand the word “using” must he given a reasonable construction with a view to the protection to the public for which purpose the statute was-passed. “Using” cannot apply to persons using weights and measures solely for their own purposes. • There is no need to protect them against themselves. The object of the statute is to protect the public against those using false or incorrect weights in dealing with the public, and such protection is not restricted to those “buying or selling,” but embraces those “using (or) buying or selling.”
Millers and railroad companies come within the definition “using,” while “buying or selling” embraces “traders or dealers by profession,” named in the statute. Considering the manifest object of the act, which is to protect the public from imposition by those “using (or) buying or selling,” it would seem clear that “using” does not apply to those using weights and measures for their own purposes, but that this word is put into the statute for the very purpose of extending the act beyond those “buying or selling,” and especially applies to railroads and millers who “use” weights and measures in dealing with the public, though they do not “buy or sell.”
Dissenting Opinion
dissenting: I cannot concur in tbe disposition made of tbis case, and am of opinion tbat a statute, plain in meaning and in tbe main beneficent of purpose, is likely to have tbis meaning obscured, and tbis purpose to a large extent frustrated by too much judicial construction. It bas always been considered desirable and necessary tbat tbe weights and measures of our people should conform to a known and established standard, for even when owned by private persons, they are not infrequently used by them and their neighbors in transactions of sale and barter, though not to such an extent as to make such persons regular dealers. Pursuant to this laudable purpose, there has been time out of mind,- in a section of our statute addressed to the question of weights and measures, a requirement that every person using weights and measures should bring all his weights, measures and steelyards to the standard-keeper of the county where such person shall reside or trade, and have them tried by the standard; and every trader or dealer by profession, and every miller, at least once in every two years thereafter, shall -cause their weights, measures, etc., to be examined and adjusted by said standard-keeper, . . . and every person using, buying and selling by weights and measures, who shall neglect tc> comply with the requisites of this section, shall forfeit $50.
This was the law in tbe Revised Statutes, enacted in 1836 and 1837, which bas the expression: “Every person, whatsoever, using weights and measures shall bring,” etc., and the penalty clause was evidently intended to apply to all persons mentioned in the former portions of the section, that' is, to every person, whatsoever, using weights and measures, and to every trader and dealer by profession, and to every miller, See Revised Statutes, ch. 120, sec. 4. The distinction in this law between ordinary persons and regular dealers and millers, was that the two last wore required to bring their weights to the standard-keeper every two years. - -
In the Code of 1856, the same law appears in substantially
The capable and learned commissioners who framed the Eevisal of 1905, have incorporated this amendment into the statute on weights and measures, being ch. 77, sec. 3073, and being aware that in codifying laws it is generally desirable to make as little change as possible in terms used and approved, and the meaning of which has become known, they have placed the-amendment where it belouged, in the former portion of the section, leaving the portion referring to millers* traders and dealers by profession as it had always stood; and the law, as applicable to the question we are discussing, reads as follows:
“SectioN 3073. May Test Evtcby Two Yeaes — Penalty — Exception.—That every person using weights and measures and steel-yards, embracing balances and other in:
It was the reasonable and evident purpose of the law-makers to include within the penal clause, in the latter part of the section, all upon whom a duty was imposed in the former part, to allow the standard-keeper to examine and adjust their weights and measures, etc.; that is, every person txsing weights and measures, millers and all regular traders and dealers. And in the penalty clause they intend to, and did, employ terms sufficiently broad and comprehensive to include them all — every one using weights and measures, every one buying or selling by weights and measures, and the term “using” being sufficient to include millers and all toll-takers, these last were not repeated; and the codifyers in this penalty clause expressed the legislative intent, by .imposing the penalty on every person using, buying or selling by weights and measures. This is the clear import of the words from their definition, purpose and placing, and the position- finds support, if support were needed, by the fact that, in a different section of the act, sec. 3067, a-separate penalty is imposed for buying and selling on unadjusted and unstamped weights and measures.
The Court, it seems, being of opinion that to enforce the law as it is written might result in having domiciliary visits on the part of some over-zealous official to the disturbance of the serenity and calm of some imaginary “housewife,” do not,
Says Black on Interpretation of the Law, sec. 26: “The meaning of a statute must first be sought in the language of the statute itself, and therefore, if the language is plain and free from ambiguity and express a simple, definite and sensible meaning, that meaning is conclusively presumed to be the meaning which the Legislarixre intended to convey.”
And this statement of the doctrine is fully supported in numerous and well considered decisions in courts of the highest authority, several of them cited and referred to in the opinion of the Court, notably in McCluskey v. Cornwell, 11 N. Y., 601, where Allen, J., for the Court, quotes with approval the rule as well expressed by Judge Johnson, in Newell v. The People (3 Selden, 97), in these words: “Whether we are considering an agreement between parties, a statute or a constitution, with a view to its interpretation, the thing we are to seek is the thought which it expresses. To ascertain this, the first resort, in all cases, is to the natural signification of the words employed, in the order and grammatical arrange-, ment in which the framers of the instrument have placed them. If thus regarded the words embody a definite mean---
Indeed, as stated, it is a well recognized and accepted principle of statutory construction, that when the language of a statute has a definite meaning and its enactment is in the constitutional power of the Legislature, it is not for the courts to alter or set it aside, because they may deem its’ provisions unwise, or because, in-their judgment, it may lead to harmful results.
Said Nash, Chief Justice, in Taylor v. Commissioners, 55 N. C., 144: “Whether the Legislature acted wisely or not, is a question with which we have nothing to do. The power being admitted, its abuse cannot affect it; that must bo for the legislative consideration. It is sufficient that the judiciary claim to sit in judgment upon the constitutional power of the Legislature to act in a given case; it would be rank usurpation for us to enquire into the wisdom or propriety of their acts.”
And to what purpose is this alteration of the statute made ? One of the chiefest objects of the enactment of this law was to require that the weights and measures of the public millers of the country should be adjusted by the standard and kept free from suspicion, and yet the decision of the Court withdraws from the effect of the penal clause all public millers, for, as a rule, certainly in taking toll, they neither buy nor sell, in the ordinary acceptation o.f the term; and it withdraws also the weights and measures used in cotton gins, and the now very general method provided for weighing wagons of hay, and other heavy articles, the proprietors of these, as a rule, neither buy nor sell; and, as in this instance, the scales and balances used by railroads, and by which a large portion of the freight rates are fixed and collected, are likewise withdrawn from the penal effects of the statute; all because of an
Even on grounds of expediency, and in reference to those persons whom the Court holds are not within the penal clause of the statute, the construction adopted is neither wise nor desirable. Where weights and measures are used for the purpose of exchange and sale, and this is frequently being done by private owners, though not to such an extent as to make them regular dealers, and when they are used for purposes
Believing that the action of the Court is not grounded on right reason or sustained by any well considered authority, I am compelled to withhold my assent to the decision they have made 'in this case.
Lead Opinion
CLARK, C. J., and HOKE, J., dissenting. This was an action to recover a penalty alleged to have accrued against defendant for refusing to permit plaintiff, standard-keeper of Surry County, to examine and adjust defendant's scales used by it at Pilot Mountain, N.C. There was no evidence that the scales were used in "buying or selling." Plaintiff showed that defendant used them in "weighing freight for shipment." His Honor being of the opinion that plaintiff could not recover rendered judgment of nonsuit. Plaintiff appealed. The right of the plaintiff to maintain this action depends upon the construction of ch. 77, sec. 3073, Revisal. The defendant insists that, correctly construed, the penalty is incurred only by a person "buying and selling" by weights and measures, and that, as it does neither, it is not within the language or spirit of the statute. Sec. 3063, ch. 77, provides, that no trader or other person shall buy or sell, or otherwise use in trading any other, etc. Sec. 3067: "If any person, after demand by the standard-keeper for permission to examine and adjust the same, shall buy, sell or barter, by any weight or measure which shall not be tried by the standard-keeper, etc., he shall forfeit and pay $40," etc. Sec. 3073 provides: "Every personusing weights and measures and steelyards . . . shall allow and permit the standard-keeper of the county to try, examine and adjust by the standard, at least once every two years, all the said weights and measures . . . used in weighing; and every trader or dealer by profession and every miller, at least once in every two years thereafter, shall permit their weights, measures, etc., used in weighing, to be examined and adjusted by the standard-keeper of the county in which such weights, etc., are used . . . and every person using, buying or selling by weights and measures who shall neglect to comply (368) with the requisites of this section shall forfeit $50, to be recovered at the instance of the standard-keeper, one-half to his use and the other half to the use of the county wherein the offense is committed." *Page 269
Before proceeding to discuss the principal question presented upon the appeal, we desire to call attention to the italicized sentence found in sec. 3073, and the history of the legislation upon the subject. The first statute relating to weights and measures in this State was enacted in 1741, ch. 32. See Laws 1715-1796, p. 146. It will be well to note the provisions of this statute and the amendments made to it, for the purpose of aiding in the construction of Revisal, sec. 3073. The act of 1741, sec. 1, provides: "That no inhabitant or trader shall buy orsell or otherwise make use of in trading," any other than standard weights and measures. Sec. 3 makes it the duty of the justices to provide standard weights and measures and appoint a standard-keeper. Sec. 4: "That any person whatsoever using weights or measures shall bring all their measures and weights to the keeper of the standard, where such person shall reside or trade, to be there tried by the standard, sealed and stamped; and if any person or persons shall buy, sellor barter by any weights or measures which shall not be stamped," a penalty of ten pounds is imposed. Sec. 4: "And whereas steelyards, by use are subject to alteration," it is enacted "that all persons who shall use, buy or sell by steelyards shall once in every year try the same with the standard and take a certificate from the keeper, upon pain of twenty shillings, proclamation money." By ch. 965, Laws 1818, the act was again amended, "providing that every trader, buying or selling by weights and measures, shall before the first day of May next, and at least once every two years thereafter, cause their weights and measures to be examined, etc. And every trader buying or selling by weights and measures, neglecting to comply with the requisites of this act, shall forfeit the sum of fifty dollars," etc. Some doubt having arisen as to the proper construction of the statute, as (369) amended, the Legislature of 1823, Laws, ch. 48, enacted: "That no person except traders and dealers by profession, and millers, shall be required to restamp their weights and measures, any law to the contrary notwithstanding." This statute removed any possible doubt as to the state of the law, and no further amendment was made to it when, in 1834, the commission composed of Judges Iredell, Nash and Battle revised the statute law of the State. In ch. 120 Rev. State., they incorporated into sec. 4 the original statute as amended, in these words: "Every person whatsoever using weights and measures shall bring them to the keeper of the standard where such person shall reside, to be there tried by the standard; and every trader or dealer by profession and every miller, shall, at least once in every two years thereafter, cause their weights and measures to be tried and adjusted." There can be no doubt that the careful and learned commissioners so construed the original statute and the amendments made previous to *Page 270 that time. No change was made by the several revisals of our statute law, as will be seen by reference to Rev. Code (1854), ch. 117, sec. 5; Battle Rev. (1875), ch. 116, sec. 5; Code (1883), ch. 65, sec. 3841; until 1893 (Laws 1893, ch. 100), when an act was passed making it the duty of every person using weights and measures, to allow and permit the standard-keeper to examine and adjust by the standard, once in every two years, their weights and measures used in weighing. This review of the legislation upon the subject throws light upon the construction of the words used in the clause of sec. 3073, upon which plaintiff's alleged cause of action is founded. It will be conceded, that as the statute stood from 1823 until 1893 no duty was imposed upon any other persons than "traders or dealers by profession and millers," to have their weights and measures stamped once, and "every two years thereafter." That being so, when the Legislature came to (370) impose a penalty for neglecting to "comply with the requisites of this section," it confined the penalizing language to "every person using, buying or selling." It will be noted that they are the same words used in the act of 1818, ch. 965, which is expressly limited to "every dealer buying or selling," and a legislative declaration is made in 1823, ch. 48, that they applied to "no person except traders and dealers by profession." It is difficult to foresee the results flowing from such a radical change in a statute which affects almost every home and household in this State, subjecting them to penalties which, if enforced, would seriously embarrass thousands of our citizens.
As the law is now written, it is made the duty of every person using weights and measures in North Carolina to have them tried by the standard-keeper "at least once in every two years." We have no power or right to strike the words out, or to construe them away. The language, in that respect, is too plain for construction. Every housewife, who has draw steelyards, balances, or any other kind of weights, quart or pint measures in her pantry, which she uses for domestic purposes, must allow and permit the standard-keeper at least once in two years to try them. Every farmer who uses them for his domestic or agricultural purposes to weigh in his cotton, measure in his corn, peas or other crops, whether for his own use or simply to enable him to know the yield of his land, is under like obligation. This strange result is rendered still more so when we turn to the first section of the statute and find that no one, other than a trader or other person, who shall buy or sell, or otherwise use in trading, any weights or measures, is required to use such as are according to the standard. In other words, a housewife who has learned that a tumbler holds a half pint, or a farmer that a rock picked up in his field weighs two pounds or a piece of iron one pound, may use it in measuring or weighing, but if either *Page 271
uses a "weight or measure" they must have it tried by the standard. (371) When we turn to sec. 3067 we find that any person who, after demand by the standard-keeper for permission to examine or adjust his weights and measures, shall buy or sell or barter by such weights, etc., not tried, shall be penalized — but he may use them in any other way with impunity. The plaintiff insists that not only is the duty imposed prescribed by sec. 3073, but that for a "neglect to comply" with his demand, every person shall "forfeit fifty dollars," one half of which is for his own use. We are thus brought to inquire what, if any, effect shall be given to the words used in the penalizing clause, "using, buying or selling by weights and measure." The plaintiff insists that they perform no office, have no force and effect. That the word using, being all comprehensive, overshadows and, for all practicable purposes, eliminates them. It is an elementary rule in the construction of a statute that, in ascertaining the intention of the Legislature, resort must first be had to the language used; in other words, the statute must, if possible, be made to speak for itself. If the Legislature has used language of clear import, the court should not indulge in speculation or conjecture for its meaning. In applying this rule the entire sentence, section or statute must be taken into consideration, and every word must be given its proper effect and weight. Courts are not permitted to assume that the lawmaker has used words ignorantly or without meaning, unless compelled to do so to prevent a manifestly absurd result. It is a rule of construction, that when words of general import are used and, immediately following and relating to the same subject, words of a particular or restricted import are found, the latter shall operate to limit and restrict the former. "One provision may be qualified by another, although it does not profess to have that effect. Words expressive of a particular intent incompatible with other words expressive of a general intent, will be construed to make an exception so that all parts of the act may have effect." "The context may thus serve to engraft an (372) exception by implication to dispose of an apparent conflict." 2 Lewis' Sutherland, Stat. Const., sec. 345. "It is the duty of the court to adopt that sense which harmonizes best with the context, and promotes in the fullest manner the apparent policy and objects of the Legislature." U.S. v. Winn, 3 Sumner, 209. This is illustrated in many decided cases and appeals to common sense, as if A write B, "I will come to Raleigh, Southern Railroad, tomorrow," would B have any doubt that A meant to say that he would come on the Southern Railroad to the exclusion of other roads? Would his meaning be made clearer if he had written "by Southern Railroad?" "What the legislative intent was can be derived only from the words they have used. *Page 272
The spirit of the act must be extracted from the words of the act and not from conjecture aliunde." Story, J., in Gardner v. Collins,
If, however, the words in controversy are of doubtful meaning, and we were compelled to seek the intention of the Legislature by resorting to other rules, it would be our duty to examine the history of the legislation upon the subject, ascertain the legislative policy in dealing with it. It is perfectly manifest from the original act, the amendments and revisals, that the Legislature never intended to penalize the neglect to have weights and measures used for purposes other than buying and selling tested. Again, if, after exhausting all primary rules, we are left in doubt as to the meaning of the statute, we should consider the results likely to flow from a proposed construction and, if they are oppressive, restrictive of primary rights, harsh and inequitable, we should, if possible, without doing any violence to the words used, reject such construction. "When the words are not precise and clear, such construction will be adopted as shall appear most reasonable and best suited to accomplish the objects of the statute, and when (375) any particular construction would lead to absurd consequences, it will be presumed that some exception was intended by the Legislature to avoid such construction." Shaw, C. J., in Com. v.Kimball,
Affirmed. *Page 275