Montanile v. Board of Trustees of Nat. Elevator Industry Health Benefit Plan
Lead Opinion
When a third party injures a participant in an employee benefits plan under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA),
In this case, we consider what happens when a participant obtains a settlement fund from a third party, but spends the whole settlement on nontraceable items (for instance, on services or consumable items like food). We evaluate in particular whether a plan fiduciary can sue under § 502(a)(3) to recover from the participant's remaining assets the medical expenses it paid on the participant's behalf. We hold that, when a participant dissipates the whole settlement on nontraceable items, the fiduciary cannot bring a suit to attach the participant's general assets under § 502(a)(3) because the suit is not one for "appropriate equitable relief." In this case, it is unclear whether the participant dissipated all of his settlement in this manner, so we remand for further proceedings.
Petitioner Robert Montanile was a participant in a health benefits plan governed by ERISA and administered by respondent, the Board of Trustees of the National Elevator Industry Health Benefit Plan (Board of Trustees or Board). The plan must pay for certain medical expenses that beneficiaries or participants incur. The plan may demand reimbursement, however, when a participant recovers money from a third party for medical expenses. The plan states: "Amounts that have been recovered by a [participant] from another party are assets of the Plan ... and are not distributable to any person or entity without the Plan's written release of its subrogation interest." App. 45. The plan also provides that "any amounts" that a participant "recover[s] from another party by award, judgment, settlement or otherwise ... will promptly be applied first to reimburse the Plan in full for benefits advanced by the Plan ... and without reduction for attorneys' fees, costs, expenses or damages claimed by the covered person."
In December 2008, a drunk driver ran through a stop sign and crashed into Montanile's vehicle. The accident severely injured Montanile, and the plan paid at least $121,044.02 for his initial medical care.
*656Montanile signed a reimbursement agreement reaffirming his obligation to reimburse the plan from any recovery he obtained "as a result of any legal action or settlement or otherwise."
Thereafter, Montanile filed a negligence claim against the drunk driver and made a claim for uninsured motorist benefits under Montanile's car insurance. He obtained a $500,000 settlement. Montanile then paid his attorneys $200,000 and repaid about $60,000 that they had advanced him. Thus, about $240,000 remained of the settlement. Montanile's attorneys held most of that sum in a client trust account. This included enough money to satisfy Montanile's obligations to the plan.
The Board of Trustees sought reimbursement from Montanile on behalf of the plan, and Montanile's attorney argued that the plan was not entitled to any recovery. The parties attempted but failed to reach an agreement about reimbursement. After discussions broke down, Montanile's attorney informed the Board that he would distribute the remaining settlement funds to Montanile unless the Board objected within 14 days. The Board did not respond within that time, so Montanile's attorney gave Montanile the remainder of the funds.
Six months after negotiations ended, the Board sued Montanile in District Court under ERISA § 502(a)(3),
The District Court granted summary judgment to the Board. No. 12-80746-Civ. (S.D.Fla., Apr. 18, 2014),
The Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit affirmed. It reasoned that a plan can always enforce an equitable lien once the lien attaches, and that dissipation of the specific fund to which the lien attached cannot destroy the underlying reimbursement obligation. The court therefore held that the plan can recover out of a participant's general assets when the participant dissipates the specifically identified fund.
We granted certiorari to resolve a conflict among the Courts of Appeals over whether an ERISA fiduciary can enforce an equitable lien against a defendant's general assets under these circumstances.
*657575 U.S. ----,
As previously stated, § 502(a)(3) of ERISA authorizes plan fiduciaries like the Board of Trustees to bring civil suits "to obtain other appropriate equitable relief ... to enforce ... the terms of the plan."
We have employed this approach in three earlier cases where, as here, the plan fiduciary sought reimbursement for medical expenses after the plan beneficiary or participant recovered money from a third party. Under these precedents, the basis for the Board's claim is equitable. But our cases do not resolve whether the remedy the Board now seeks-enforcement of an equitable lien by agreement against the defendant's general assets-is equitable in nature.
First, in Great-West, we held that a plan with a claim for an equitable lien was-in the circumstances presented-seeking a legal rather than an equitable remedy. In that case, a plan sought to enforce an equitable lien by obtaining a money judgment from the defendants. The plan could not enforce the lien against the third-party settlement that the defendants had obtained because the defendants never actually possessed that fund; the fund went directly to the defendants' attorneys and to a restricted trust. We held that the plan sought a legal remedy, not an equitable one, even though the plan claimed that the money judgment was a form of restitution.
*658Next, in Sereboff, we held that both the basis for the claim and the remedy sought were equitable. The plan there sought reimbursement from beneficiaries who had retained their settlement fund in a separate account.
Finally, in US Airways, Inc. v. McCutchen, 569 U.S. ----,
Under these principles, the basis for the Board's claim here is equitable: The Board had an equitable lien by agreement that attached to Montanile's settlement fund when he obtained title to that fund. And the nature of the Board's underlying remedy would have been equitable had it immediately sued to enforce the lien against the settlement fund then in Montanile's possession. That does not resolve this case, however. Our prior cases do not address whether a plan is still seeking an equitable remedy when the defendant, who once possessed the settlement fund, has dissipated it all, and the plan then seeks to recover out of the defendant's general assets.
To resolve this issue, we turn to standard equity treatises. As we explain below, those treatises make clear that a plaintiff could ordinarily enforce an equitable lien only against specifically identified funds that remain in the defendant's possession or against traceable items that the defendant purchased with the funds (e.g., identifiable property like a car). A defendant's expenditure of the entire identifiable fund on nontraceable items (like food or travel) destroys an equitable lien. The plaintiff then may have a personal claim against the defendant's general assets-but recovering out of those assets is a legal remedy, not an equitable one.
Equitable remedies "are, as a general rule, directed against some specific thing; they give or enforce a right to or over some particular thing ... rather than a right to recover a sum of money generally *659out of the defendant's assets." 4 S. Symons, Pomeroy's Equity Jurisprudence § 1234, p. 694 (5th ed. 1941) (Pomeroy). Equitable liens thus are ordinarily enforceable only against a specifically identified fund because an equitable lien "is simply a right of a special nature over the thing ... so that the very thing itself may be proceeded against in an equitable action."
If, instead of preserving the specific fund subject to the lien, the defendant dissipated the entire fund on nontraceable items, that complete dissipation eliminated the lien. Even though the defendant's conduct was wrongful, the plaintiff could not attach the defendant's general assets instead. Absent specific exceptions not relevant here, "where a person wrongfully dispose[d] of the property of another but the property cannot be traced into any product, the other ... cannot enforce a constructive trust or lien upon any part of the wrongdoer's property ." Restatement § 215(1), at 866 (emphasis added); see also Great-West,
In sum, at equity, a plaintiff ordinarily could not enforce any type of equitable lien if the defendant once possessed a separate, identifiable fund to which the lien attached, but then dissipated it all. The plaintiff could not attach the defendant's general assets instead because those assets were not part of the specific thing to which the lien attached. This rule applied to equitable liens by agreement as well as other types of equitable liens.
The Board of Trustees nonetheless maintains that it can enforce its equitable lien against Montanile's general assets. We consider the Board's arguments in turn.
First, the Board argues that, while equity courts ordinarily required plaintiffs to trace a specific, identifiable fund in the defendant's possession to which the lien attached, there is an exception for equitable liens by agreement. The Board asserts that equitable liens by agreement require no such tracing, and can be enforced against a defendant's general assets. According to the Board, we recognized this exception in Sereboff by distinguishing between equitable restitution (where a lien attaches because the defendant misappropriated property from the plaintiff) and equitable liens by agreement.
The Board misreads Sereboff, which left untouched the rule that all types of equitable liens must be enforced against a specifically identified fund in the defendant's possession. See 1 Dobbs § 4.3(3), at 601, 603. The question we faced in Sereboff was whether plaintiffs seeking an equitable lien by agreement must "identify an asset they originally possessed, which was improperly acquired and converted into property *660the defendant held."
Second, the Board contends that historical equity practice supports enforcement of its equitable lien against Montanile's general assets. The Board identifies three methods that equity courts purportedly employed to effectuate this principle: substitute money decrees, deficiency judgments, and the swollen assets doctrine. This argument also fails.
We have long rejected the argument that "equitable relief" under § 502(a)(3) means "whatever relief a court of equity is empowered to provide in the particular case at issue," including ancillary legal remedies. Mertens,
The specific methods by which equity courts might have awarded relief from a defendant's general assets only confirm that the Board seeks legal, not equitable, remedies. While equity courts sometimes awarded money decrees as a substitute for the value of the equitable lien, they were still legal remedies, because they were *661"wholly pecuniary and personal." 4 Pomeroy § 1234, at 694. The same is true with respect to deficiency judgments. Equity courts could award both of these remedies as part of their ancillary jurisdiction to award complete relief. But the treatises make clear that when equity courts did so, "the rights of the parties are strictly legal, and the final remedy granted is of the kind which might be conferred by a court of law." 1 id., § 231, at 410; see also 1 Dobbs § 2.7, at 180-181, and § 4.3(3), at 602 (similar); New Federal Equity Rules 10 (rev. 5th ed. 1925) (authorizing equity courts to award such relief). But legal remedies-even legal remedies that a court of equity could sometimes award-are not "equitable relief" under § 502(a)(3). See Mertens,
The swollen assets doctrine also does not establish that the relief the Board seeks is equitable. Under the Board's view of this doctrine, even if a defendant spends all of a specifically identified fund, the mere fact that the defendant wrongfully had assets that belonged to another increased the defendant's available assets, and justifies recovery from his general assets. But most equity courts and treatises rejected that theory. See Taft, Note, A Defense of a Limited Use of the Swollen Assets Theory Where Money Has Wrongfully Been Mingled With Other Money,
Finally, the Board argues that ERISA's objectives-of enforcing plan documents according to their terms and of protecting plan assets-would be best served by allowing plans to enforce equitable liens against a participant's general assets. The Board also contends that, unless plans can enforce reimbursement provisions against a defendant's general assets, plans will lack effective or cost-efficient remedies, and participants will dissipate any settlement as quickly as possible, before fiduciaries can sue.
We have rejected these arguments before, and do so again. "[V]ague notions of a statute's 'basic purpose' are ... inadequate to overcome the words of its text regarding the specific issue under consideration." Mertens,
*662In any event, our interpretation of § 502(a)(3) promotes ERISA's purposes by "allocat[ing] liability for plan-related misdeeds in reasonable proportion to respective actors' power to control and prevent the misdeeds." Mertens,
The Board protests that tracking and participating in legal proceedings is hard and costly, and that settlements are often shrouded in secrecy. The facts of this case undercut that argument. The Board had sufficient notice of Montanile's settlement to have taken various steps to preserve those funds. Most notably, when negotiations broke down and Montanile's lawyer expressed his intent to disburse the remaining settlement funds to Montanile unless the plan objected within 14 days, the Board could have-but did not-object. Moreover, the Board could have filed suit immediately, rather than waiting half a year.
Because the lower courts erroneously held that the plan could recover out of Montanile's general assets, they did not determine whether Montanile kept his settlement fund separate from his general assets or dissipated the entire fund on nontraceable assets. At oral argument, Montanile's counsel acknowledged "a genuine issue of ... material fact on how much dissipation there was" and a lack of record evidence as to whether Montanile mixed the settlement fund with his general assets. A remand is necessary so that the District Court can make that determination.
* * *
We reverse the judgment of the Eleventh Circuit and remand the case for further proceedings consistent with this opinion.
It is so ordered.
The syllabus constitutes no part of the opinion of the Court but has been prepared by the Reporter of Decisions for the convenience of the reader. See United States v. Detroit Timber & Lumber Co.,
In full, the provision states: "A civil action may be brought-... (3) by a participant, beneficiary, or fiduciary (A) to enjoin any act or practice which violates any provision of this subchapter or the terms of the plan, or (B) to obtain other appropriate equitable relief (i) to redress such violations or (ii) to enforce any provisions of this subchapter or the terms of the plan."
Compare Thurber v. Aetna Life Ins. Co.,
The Board also interprets CIGNA Corp. v. Amara,
Dissenting Opinion
Montanile received a $500,000 settlement out of which he had pledged to reimburse his health benefit plan for expenditures on his behalf of at least $121,044.02. See ante, at 655 - 656. He can escape that reimbursement obligation, the Court decides, by spending the settlement funds rapidly on nontraceable items. See ante, at 658 - 659. What brings the Court to that bizarre conclusion? As developed in my dissenting opinion in Great-West Life & Annuity Ins. Co. v. Knudson,
Justice ALITO joins this opinion, except for Part III-C.