The collision which gave rise to and forms the subject of inquiry in this suit took place in the natural or middle channel of Lake George, at or about 7:30 o’clock a. m., on August 13, 1890, between the propeller Devereaux and the schooner Mary B. Mitchell, which was the first of two schooners in tow of the steam barge Alex
The appeal involves mainly questions of fact, to be determined, under the settled rules of evidence, from the testimony, which, as set forth in the record, presents the full average of conflict usually found in collision cases, especially in respect to matters of opinion and theory. To review the evidence in detail, or attempt to reconcile the testimony on many points, would be a useless labor. We have given the respective theories of the parties, and the proof on both sides, full and careful consideration and examination, and deem it sufficient to state briefly the material facts of the case, which, in our opinion, are established by the testimony, and the conclusions properly deducible therefrom, as read in the light of the surrounding circumstances.
It is alleged in the libel, and the proof clearly establishes the fact, that, owing to its narrow width and moderate depth of water, this natural channel presents a dangerous place for vessels proceeding in opposite directions to pass each other, and required the exercise of great care and vigilance to avoid the danger of collision. This dangerous character of the channel, and the liability of meeting vessels to collide therein, was well known to the officers of both the Devereaux and the Folsom. The Devereaux is 270 feet in length and 37 feet beam. She was proceeding southward through the channel, carrying a cargo of 2,060 tons of iron ore. Her gross tonnage was about 1,618 tons. Her draft was about 15 feet (14 feet, 11 inches) fore and aft. Her speed down the channel was about four miles per hour, and was maintained until a few seconds before the actual collision. The Folsom is 185 feet long and
When the Folsom came into the channel at the southern entrance, and after passing the lower red can or nun buoys, and while approaching the first black spar buoy on the west bank, she blew one blast of her whistle for the Devereaux, indicating that she desired to direct her course to starboard, so as to proceed along the east side of the channel, that being her proper course and side, under rule 18, Rev. St. §4233, as the two steamers were meeting end on, or nearly end on, so as to involve risk of collision if each maintained her course. The Devereaux did not accept this signal, but immediately replied with two blasts of her whistle, indicating that she would starboard her wheel, and take the eastern or port side of the channel. Upon the receipt of this signal the Folsom at once starboarded her wheel, and promptly answered with two blasts of her whistle, thus agreeing of the proposition of the Devereaux that the vessels should pass each other on their starboard sides, by each going to port, and the Folsom, under her starboarded wheel, immediately bore gradually over to the west side of the channel, and proceeded up that side, within about 25 feet of the channel bank, her tow following in direct line astern. When these two blast signals were exchanged, and the respective courses of the two vessels were thereby arranged and agreed upon, the Folsom was about opposite the first black spar buoy on the west bank, and the Devereaux was in the “cut,” about three quarters of a mile from the northern entrance thereof, or about opposite the fourth red spar buoy from the northern entrance of the cut, which is about half a mile above the second elbow between red spar buoy No. 34 and black spar buoy No. 35, at or near which latter point the dredged channel or cut terminates, and thl natural channel of the middle passage begins. After the signals were exchanged, the Devereaux proceeded down the center of the channel until within three or four times her length of the Folsom, when she starboarded her wheel, and gradually hauled off towards the east bank of the natural channel, which she approached within about 25 feet. When the Devereaux thus changed her course from the center towards the east side of the channel, the Folsom had previously drawn herself and tow as near the
On the morning of the collision the wind was S. E. or S. S. E., and struck the Folsom and her tow on their quarter. The estimates made by the witnesses as to its velocity vary greatly, ranging from 5 to 13 miles per hour. There is equal conflict in the opinions of the witnesses as to its effect on the speed of the Folsom and the two schooners in tow. The wind was not sufficient to make white caps, Tout produced only some ripples on the water, which tends strongly to establish the fact, as testified to by many of the witnesses, that the velocity of the wind was moderate, being what is designated as only a fresh breeze, of sufficient force to drive vessels with sails properly trimmed up against the current of said channel from three to five miles an hour. The testimony of witnesses who were in the best position to observe and to know the fact establishes to our entire satisfaction that the limited sails carried forward of the mainmast by these schooners were not drawing so as to aid in accelerating either their speed or that of the Folsom after entering the channel, and in no way obstructed or interfered with their proper management and ready handling. It is shown by the clear weight of testimony that the limited sails carried were not only not drawing to any appreciable extent, but that the sheets were hanging slack, with the booms held at the port rail by boom tackle. Considering the force and direction of the wind, the character and location of the sails carried, and the influence of the towlines in keeping the schooners directly astern of the Folsom, whose speed was controlled by her engine, rather than by her sails, we are of the opinion that there was little or no tendency on the part of the Mitchell to sheer to starboard or luff to windward, so as to carry her across the course of the Devereaux, as claimed by libelants and stated by some of the witnesses. The testimony fairly predominates against the theory that said schooner actually luffed or came up to windward as the result of carrying such sail as she had about the time or just after the Devereaux took her sheer, and thereby caused the collision. This is a manifest afterthought with the officers of the Devereaux, who, with full knowledge of said alleged tendency to luff, and of all the facts now relied on to establish such luffing, declined to pass on the port side, and voluntarily selected the windward side of the tow. Under such circumstances, it requires something more than theory or speculative opin
It is established, by a clear preponderance of the proof, that the Devereaux, in the course of her sheer, passed or came between the Folsom and the Mitchell. The second mate of the Hackett, which was astern of the tow, states that he could see the Devereaux in between them.
If this proposition is correct, should not the master of the Devereaux have considered a sheer on her part possible, if not probable, and have so far guarded against it as to have had his own vessel in perfect control, and her wheel on the starboard, so as to have headed his vessel to port? Instead of doing this, he was proceeding down the channel with his wheel steadied about midships, and did not order it to starboard till after discovering the sheer. It would hardly be a fair or consistent rule to put upon the Mitchell the duty of anticipating and guarding against the Devereaux sheering, and at the same time exonerate the' Devereaux from the obligation of taking precautions to prevent or counteract the alleged well-known tendency to sheer.
It remains to be considered whether the Folsom met and passed the Devereaux at too great speed, or at such undue speed as to divert her from her course, and cause her to sheer to starboard. This is the chief fault relied on to condemn the Folsom, and involves the question of her
Under these conditions, is the libelants’ theory that the sheer of the Devereaux and consequent collision was caused by suction from the Folsom’s passing át too great speed established? We are clearly of the opinion that it is not. When passing through the water, vessels, in proportion to their size and speed, produce or give rise to displacement waves, which run out, quartering astern from their course, and affect smaller vessels within their reach. The cases are numerous in which larger vessels have been condemned for injuries caused to smaller vessels from such displacement waves. It is also shown by the testimony in this case that'when vessels are passing each other in the same direction there is a tendency on the part of the smaller vessel to be drawn out of her course, and towards the track of the larger, as the latter passes.
In the case of Nestor v. The City of Cleveland, Mr. Justice Brown, then district judge, said that if vessels are going in the same direction, and passing near each other, it (suction) had a very powerful effect to deflect the weaker vessel from her course, and that the suction of two vessels meeting and passing each other was not very powerful, its operation being too short to make any particular effect upon the action of the two vessels, “unless one is much larger than the other.” The theory of suction in meeting and passing vessels is that the current which rushes in astern to fill the displacement of water caused by the larger or more rapidly moving vessel has a tendency to draw the other out of her course when her bow comes within its influence. When it is considered that such current has its direction in the line of the moving vessel, with its greatest force and strength directly astern, its lateral bearing as a drawing and diverting influence cannot, as suggested by Judge Brown, be very powerful. Whatever may be its force, it is clear, from the testimony and from reason, that the smaller vessel is most liable to be affected by it. A relatively greater speed on the part of the smaller ves
It is shown by the testimony that when vessels approach too near the bank or bottom, or “smell the land,” as it is called in sailor parlance, they have a strong tendency to sheer towards deep water. Whether the Devereaux’s sheer was occasioned by this influence, we are not now called upon to determine. In view of the fact, disclosed in the record, that there is now pending at Detroit a suit in admiralty by the owner of the Mitchell against the Devereaux to recover the damage sustained by the former on account of said collision, we do not deem it proper to express any opinion as to whether the Devereaux was in fault in not stopping in the wide cut above the second elbow until the Folsom and tow came through the narrow natural channel, instead of meeting and attempting to pass in the latter; or as to whether her sheering, while approaching or passing the Folsom, was due to negligent management or inattention on the part of the Devereaux; or whether her master should have anticipated her sheering, and guarded against it; or as to whether her sheering was caused by too near an approach to the eastern bank of the channel; or whether it was an unavoidable accident. These are questions involved in the suit pending against the Devereaux. For the same reason, we have not undertaken to determine at what precise point the Devereaux commenced taking her sheer, whether before reaching the Folsom or when their bows or stems were abreast of each other, or when her bow had passed the Folsom’s stern; nor have we passed upon the
The decree of the district court condemning the Folsom and Mitchell is erroneous, and is accordingly reversed, and the cause is remanded to said court, with direction to dismiss the libel at libelants’ costs.