A full exposition of our judgment in this case, requires an extended statement of the evidence and the authorities, notwithstanding constant effort at abridgment.
The plaintiff steamship company owned and operated a line of ocean steamships plying between Liverpool and Montreal in the summer, and between Liverpool and Portland in the winter. The American agents of the company were David Torrance & Co. with offices in Montreal and in Portland. Three of the steamships were named respectively, Sarnia, Oregon and Vancouver.
The defendants, Swift & Co., located at Boston, were large shippers of dressed meats from the United States to Europe. This kind of merchandise, being fresh meat, could not be shipped, stowed and transported across the ocean like ordinary merchandise, upon mere bill of lading. Its suitable transportation required that certain spaces in the steamship should be set
In this condition of affairs, Torrance & Co., November 19, 1889, opened a correspondence with Swift & Co. relative to space on the company’s steamers for the . transportation of dressed beef. In the first letter, November 19, Torrance & Co. advised Swift & Co. that they were prepared to negotiate for such space on the Sarnia and Oregon, and were prepared to offer such space at twenty shillings per forty cubic feet on those steamers, retaining liberty to substitute the Vancouver for one of the others later on. There was no reply to this letter, and on January 19, 1890, Torrance & Co. again wrote Swift & Co. naming the sailing dates of the various steamers, and inviting bids. No reply being received, Torrance & Co. on February 6th, again invited the attention of Swift & Co. to the matter. Swift & Co., February 12, wrote Torrance & Co. that one of their men would call upon them with reference to the matter. There seems then to ’have been some verbal conference, for on March 3d, Torrance & Co. wrote that the Liverpool managers were not inclined to accept the price named by Swift & Co., and "would only agree to fix the ships, provided you are willing to pay twenty shillings and take the space where we think it would be most profitable for the ship,” and suggested that if Swift & Co. were inclined to do anything on these terms they might communicate with either the Montreal or Portland house. March 24, Torrance & Co. again wrote (this time from Portland, the other lettershaving been from Montreal,) that they would not be prepared to enter into a contract for the Vancouver, Sarnia and Oregon unless for one year, from Montreal in summer and Portland in winter, they reserving the right to withdraw the Vancouver in the winter.
The next day, March 25, Swift & Co. wired in answer as
In the meantime, between the 24th and 27th of March, Torrance & Co., not hearing from Swift & Co., began negotiations with other parties aud so informed Swift & Co. in answer to their telegram of the 27th. March 29th, Swift & Co. wired that they wanted the space, and thought it should be accorded to them. April 1st, Torrance & Co. wired as follows: "The decision has been given in your favor, and the three ships mentioned are at your disposal. Sarnia expected Portland Thursday, will sail following Thursday.” On the same day, Torrance & Co. wrote that they had been relieved of their negotiations, and said, "We hasten to advise you that we are willing to contract with you for the three steamers on the terms already mentioned, and conditional on your putting in the cold air blast instead of the ice and we have wired you accordingly in these words, "The decision has been given in your favor and the three ships mentioned are at your disposal. Sarnia expected Portland Thursday, and will sail the following Thursday.’ You can arrange with our Portland house in reference to the contract.” ... To this telegram Swift & Co. wired answer as follows: " Your message received, thanks for same. Shall we refrigerate Sarnia by old process this trip, or wait till first of May and use Kilbourn machine. We have two machines to be delivered early in May.” Torrance & Co. replied by wire same day, April 1st,
Here the correspondence ceased for a time. In the meantime, about the last of March, Mr. Foster, agent of Swift & Co., visited the steamers in Portland, took measurements of space in different steerages, and had some conversation with the company’s marine superintendent about the location of spaces for refrigerators. He indicated what spaces he should want, but no express stipulation was made that he should have them, or would take them. Swift & Co. did nothing toward refrigerating any space and the steamers carried cargo in all the steerages as usual, leaving no space unoccupied.
July 8, 1890, Swift & Co. wired as follows: "Have no copy of contract, please mail one to-day.” On the same day Torrance & Co. replied as follows : "We must apologize for not having earlier sent you copy of the contract for dead meat space. Wo shall however mail it to you to-morrow without fail.” The next day, July 9th, they further wrote as follows: " Owing to this being our English mail day, we have been unable to put your contract in form as promised but we will send it to you to-morrow.” July 10th, they wrote again as follows : " We now inclose you copy of our proposed contract which we trust may be found to be in accordance with the understanding arrived at last March. We must apologize for not sending this yesterday but as it was our mail day we were more than busy and this must be our excuse. We trust you may soon bo prepared to begin your shipments.” The draft of contracts inclosed was quite long.
July 24, Swift & Co. wired that they could not use Kilbourn process and must use ice, and inquired if that would be satisfactory. July 26, Torrance & Co. replied by wire as follows : "Have cable authorizing you using ice but the other preferred. Can you refrigerate Vancouver ? Will be here to-morrow. Sails Wednesday week.”
Swift & Co. replied on July 28th that they could not refrigerate the Vancouver, and that their Mr. Foster would call on Torrance & Co., Wednesday morning. At this point the draft of contract had not been signed. Swift & Co. had taken no spaces and had made no shipments. The company had set apart no spaces but had filled them as usual with cargo.
This state of affairs continued till September 24th, 1890, when Torrance & Co. wrote to persuade Swift & Co. to hasten matters. Swift & Co. replied September 25th, that they did not feel like assuming the responsibility of shipments in warm weather by either process as at present working. There was other correspondence following this and running up to October, 1891, in which Torrance & Co. insisted that Swift & Co. should carry out the arrangement, and Swift & Co. refused to recognize any arrangement as concluded. The result was that March 19th, 1892, this suit was brought to recover damages for the refusal of Swift & Co. to carry out the contract claimed by the plaintiffs to have been made. The company only claims as damages the profits at twenty shillings per forty cubic feet inasmuch as it filled the spaces, though at a less rate.
The plaintiff now contends that it appears from this correspondence, as explained by the oral testimony, that the terms of a complete contract were mutually agreed upon, April 5th, by Swift & Co.’s letter of that date; and that the parties then had mutually signified an intention to be bound. The defendants that the correspondence and the circumstances do not show that the terms of such a contract were then or ever agreed upon ; and further, that the correspondence and circumstances do show that the parties contemplated that such terms as should
The burden is upon the plaintiff to maintain the affirmative.^
Upon this question, the diligent counsel have cited numerous cases where a similar question has arisen and been discussed. A study of these cases has not been profitless. We summarize a few and quote from the opinions of several eminent judges. In Chinnock v. Ely, 4 De G. J. & S. 638, the defendant’s solicitors wrote to the plaintiff naming the price for an estate about which they had been negotiating. The plaintiff wrote a letter in which he agreed to give the price named and then added, "I shall be obliged if you will forward me the usual contract.” In reply, the defendant’s solicitors wrote, "We have been instructed by the Marchioness of Ely to proceed with the sale to you of these premises. The draft contract is being prepared and will be forwarded to you for approval in a few days.” Lord Chancellor Westbury held that, so far, the parties were it)_ treaty merely, and that without the execution of the draft mentioned, there ivas no contract concluded. In Bonnewell v. Jenkins, 8 Ch. Div. 70, the defendant’s agents offered certain premises for sale. The plaintiff wrote the agents, making an offer of £800 for the estate. The agents wrote in reply as follows, "We are instructed to accept your offer of £800 for these premises and have asked Mr. Jenkins’ solicitor to prepare contract.” The Lord Justices of Appeal held that there was a concluded contract. Thesiger, L. J., said, "The mere reference to a preparation of an agreement, by which the terms agreed upon would be put into a more formal shape does not prevent the existence of a binding contract.” In Rossiter v. Miller, 5 Ch. Div. 648, there was much correspondence about a sale of certain lots of land, and the question arose whether the correspondence showed a completed contract, without the formal draft which had been referred to in some of the letters. James, L. J., said, "The reasonable view of the oase is, that the parties intended the
From these expressions of courts and jurists, it is quite clear that, after all, the question is mainly one of intention. If the party sought to be charged intended to close a contract prior to the formal signing of a written draft, or if he signified such an intention to the other party, he will be bound by the contract actually made, though the signing of the written draft be omitted. If on the other hand, such party neither had nor signified such an intention to close the contract until it was fully expressed in a written instrument and attested by signatures, then he will not be bound until the signatures are affixed. The expression of the idea may be attempted in other words: if the written draft is viewed by the parties merely as a convenient memorial,
In determining which view is entertained in any particular-case, several circumstances may be helpful, as : whether the-contract is of that class which are usually found to be in writing whether it is of such nature as to need a formal writing for its. full expression; -whether it has few or many details.; whether-the amount involved is large or small; wliether it is a common or unusual contract; whether the negotiations themselves indicate-that a written draft is contemplated as the final conclusion, of the-negotiations. If a written draft is proposed, suggested or referred to, during the negotiations, it is some evidence that the parties intended it to be the final closing of the contract.
Still, with the aid of all rules and suggestions, the solution of the question is often difficult, doubtful and sometimes unsatisfactory. An illustration of this, is the case of Rossiter v. Miller, above quoted from. In that case, Lord Chief Justice-Coleridge and Lord Justices James and Baggallay, three of England’s most distinguished judges, were clear that there was no contract for want of a formal draft. Lord Chancellor Cairns,, and Lords Hatherly, Blackburn and Gordon, equally able and eminent jurists, were confident in the contrary opinion.
We come now to the consideration of the circumstances and. correspondence in this case.
The attempt was to negotiate a contract for the use of space'-' on ocean steamers, of which the shippers were to have control to some extent, and in which they were to set up their appliances, and load and care for their own merchandise. This arrangement is quite different from the oi’dinary contract of affreightment. It is like a charter-party,which is almost universally reduced to formal writen draft.
The negotiations contemplated not simply a contract for one area of space on a single steamer for a single trip. The contract was to be for a year, and for different areas of space on three different ships. The interests of the contracting parties in those
The claim of the plaintiff company that it would have made nearly $25,000.00 profits by such a contract, shows that the negotiations were not about a trifle.
The correspondence seems to indicate that a formal draft of the contract was in the minds of the parties, or at least in the mind of the defendants, as the only authoritative evidence of a contract. In the first letter, that of November 19, Torrance & Co., the plaintiff’s agents, write that they are authorized, "To make a contract for dressed beef on our steamers, Sarnia and Oregon, and we hasten to advise you that we are prepared to discuss the matter with you.” In the second letter they invite a bid. In the letter of March 3rd, 1890, they name terms and then say, "If you are inclined to do anything on these terms, you might further communicate with us or our Portland house.” In the letter of March 24th, from Portland, they say, "We would not be prepared to enter into a contract with you for the Vancouver, Sarnia and Oregon unless for one year, from Mon
Neither party, during all the correspondence, seems to have, made any change in his busine%s operations by reason of thing in the correspondence. No dressed moats were shipped by the defendants or offered for shipment. No space was reserved by the plaintiff and there was no delay or hindrance suffered in its regular business.
The case is by no means free from doubt and difficulty, but due reflection and study of the evidence have at the last brought us to the conclusion, that what the plaintiff claims to have become a perfected contract on April 5th, 1890, by the defendant’s letter of that date, was at the most only the acceptance of-'the proposed basis of a contract, which was yet to be perfected as to details, and put m writihgTand that the defendants did not have, nor signify, any intention to be bound until the written draft had been made and signed.
Judgment for defendants.