The indictments were demurred to in due time, and the points against them may be considered as these three: that they gave the initials only, and not the full Christian names of some of the grand jurors; that the foreman of the.grand jury was over age, and his name was not in the jury-box; and that the names of the grand jnvors were not inserted in the indictments by the jurors themselves, but were all in one and the same hand-writing.
“Resolved, 1. That this club shall be known as the ‘Albany G-lee Club.’
“ Resolved, 2. That this club, and we the members thereof, knowing-that it is in strict violation of the city as well as the state laws for any dealer in spirituous or fermented liquors to sell ou the Sabbath-day,*323 and not wishing to violate the laws in any part or sentence, nor to cause others to do so, and knowing that every laboring man or others who are in the habit of taking their social drinks during the week, wants and needs it on the Sabbath.
“ Resolved, 3. That in order to comply with the laws in every particular, agree to pay the sums opposite our respective names, to a treasurer to be chosen by the club, on or before the Saturday preceding each Sabbath, for the purpose of purchasing the liquor necessary for the use of the club the following Sabbath.
“ Resolved, 4 That the club shall have a president, secretary, treasurer, to be elected by a majority of the club on the first of each month, dating from the time of the first election.
“ Resolved, 5. That it shall be the duty of the president to preserve strict order and see that no member shall so far forget himself as to become so intoxicated as to be boisterous on the streets as well as the club’s place of meeting.
“ Resolved, 6. That the office of secretary and treasurer shall vest in one man, whose duty it shall be to keep a strict account of all moneys received and disbursed by him. He shall produce bills of merchandize as vouchers to the club.
“ Resolved, 7. That no member shall invite an outsider that has not paid his quota to the benefit of the club, without the consent of two-thirds of the members present.
“We the undersigned members, cordially indorse the foregoing preamble with the amounts opposite our names.”'
Judgment affirmed.