This is a controversy over the title to the southeast quarter of section 23, township 10 north, range 9 east, in Tensas parish. Both parties claim title to the whole of said quarter section. The district judge found, and so do we, that neither party was in physical possession of the land, and that both parties were in constructive possession thereof under deeds covering the whole thereof. Under such circumstances the court must decide which has the better title. Act No. 38 of 1908.
The trial judge found that the defendant had the better title to the whole of the land and rendered judgment accordingly. Our conclusion is that each of the parties has a title to one undivided half of the land, and our decree will read accordingly.
Accordingly so far as the records showed John Tullis was the owner of all the interest of Mrs. Samantha Harper in the southeast quarter of said section 23, and parties thereafter purchasing had a right to rely on the faith of those records. Of course they could acquire only the half interest of Mrs. Harper, and not the interest of Briscoe; which, as we have said, has passed to the defendant.