[EDITORS' NOTE: THIS PAGE CONTAINS HEADNOTES. HEADNOTES ARE NOT AN OFFICIAL PRODUCT OF THE COURT, THEREFORE THEY ARE NOT DISPLAYED.] *Page 403 This is an application for a writ of mandate to compel the respondent, as chairman of the board of *Page 404 directors of the petitioner district, to sign a contract for the construction of Entrance Hill Road, located in Riverside County, and to be used in conjunction with the Colorado River aqueduct.
After notice inviting proposals, the contract was duly awarded to Martin Bros. Trucking Company. The particular work to be performed is the construction of about 6.45 miles of graded road, involving approximately 44,000 cubic yards of excavation, with appurtenant metal pipe culverts, concrete protection walls and related work.
The respondent has refused to sign the contract because the petitioner did not ascertain, and specify in its notice inviting proposals and insert in the contract, the general prevailing rate of per diem wages in the locality in which the work is to be performed for each craft or type of workman or mechanic needed to execute the contract, as required by the provisions of an act passed by the legislature and approved by the Governor in 1931. (Stats. 1931, p. 910.) This enactment is referred to as the Public Wage Rate Act of 1931.
Section 1 of the act provides: "Not less than the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for work of a similar character in the locality in which the work is performed . . . shall be paid all laborers, workmen and mechanics employed by or on behalf of the state of California, or by or on behalf of any county, city and county, city, town, district or other political subdivision of the said state, engaged in the construction of public works, exclusive of maintenance work. Laborers, workmen and mechanics employed by contractors or subcontractors in the execution of any contract or contracts for public works . . . shall be deemed to be employed on public works."
Section 2 provides: "The public body awarding any contract for public work . . . shall ascertain the general prevailing rate ofper diem wages in the locality in which the work is to be performed, for each craft or type of workman or mechanic needed to execute the contract, and shall specify in the call for bids for said contract, and in the contract itself, what the general prevailing rate of per diem wages in the said locality is for each craft or type of workman needed to execute the contract, . . . and it shall be mandatory upon the contractor to whom the contract is awarded, and upon *Page 405 any subcontractor under him, to pay not less than the said specified rates to all laborers, workmen and mechanics employed by them in the execution of the contract. The contractor shall forfeit as a penalty to the state or political subdivision, district or municipality on whose behalf the contract is made or awarded, ten dollars per day for each laborer, workman or mechanic employed, for each calendar day, or portion thereof, such laborer, workman or mechanic is paid less than the said stipulated rate for any work done under said contract, and the said public body awarding the contract shall cause to be inserted in the contract a stipulation to that effect. It shall be the duty of such public body awarding the contract, and its officers and agents, to take cognizance of complaints of all violations of the provisions of the act, . . . and, when making payments to the contractor of moneys becoming due under said contract, to withhold and retain therefrom all sums and amounts which shall have been forfeited pursuant to the herein said stipulation and the terms of this act; provided, however, that no sum shall be withheld, retained or forfeited, except from the final payment, without a full investigation by either the division of labor statistics and law enforcement of the state department of industrial relations or by said awarding body . . ."
Section 3 provides: "The contractor and each subcontractor shall keep, or cause to be kept, an accurate record showing the names and occupations of all laborers, workmen and mechanics employed by him, in connection with the said public work, and showing also the actual per diem wages paid to each of said workers, which record shall be open at all reasonable hours to the inspection of the public body awarding the contract, its officers and agents, and to the chief of the division of labor statistics and law enforcement of the state department of industrial relations, his deputies and agents."
Section 4 provides: "Construction work done for irrigation, utility, reclamation, improvement and other districts, or other public agency, agencies, public officer or body . . . shall be held to be public works within the meaning of this act. The term `locality in which the work is performed' shall be held to mean the city and county, county or counties in which the building, highway, roads, excavation, or other *Page 406 structure, project, development or improvement is situated in all cases in which the contract is awarded by the state, or any public body thereof, and shall be held to mean the limits of the county, city and county, city, town, township, district or other political subdivision on whose behalf the contract is awarded in all other cases. The term `general prevailing rate of per diem wages' shall be the rate determined upon as such rate by the public body awarding the contract, or authorizing the work, whose decision shall be final . . ."
Section 5 provides: "Any officer, agent or representative of the state of California, or of any political subdivision, district or municipality thereof, who willfully shall violate, or omit to comply with, any of the provisions of the act, and any contractor or subcontractors, or agent or representative thereof, doing public work as aforesaid, who shall neglect to keep, or cause to be kept, an accurate record of all of the names, occupations and actual wages paid to each laborer, workman and mechanic employed by him, in connection with the said public work, or who shall refuse to allow access to same at any reasonable hour to any person authorized to inspect same under this act, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor . . ." and be punishable as such.
It is contended by the petitioner (1) that said act is void for uncertainty; (2) that the burden thus attempted to be imposed upon the petitioners is in violation of section 12 of article XI of the state Constitution; and (3) that the act makes an invalid delegation of legislative power. The points will be determined in the order above named, with some preliminary discussion as to the status of the petitioner district and the purposes of the act.
The petitioner, Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, is a public corporation, organized and existing under the "Metropolitan Water District Act". (Stats. 1927, p. 694.) The purpose of its organization was to acquire the right to and to conduct waters from the Colorado River for distribution to the municipalities within and a part of the district for domestic and other useful purposes. The cities within the district are numerous, some organized and existing under freeholders' charters and some under general law. The district has broad powers in connection with the object of its creation, including the power, by vote of the *Page 407
electors in the district, to issue and sell bonds; to levy and collect general taxes within the participating municipalities; to acquire water and other rights and property; to perform construction work; "to enter into contracts, to employ and retain personal services . . . and employ laborers"; and generally to do and perform all things necessary to carry out the purposes of the district under the act. The governing body of the district is a board of directors, consisting of at least one representative from each municipality, the area of which shall lie within the district. The validity of the act was approved by this court inCity of Pasadena v. Chamberlain,
[2] Under the law the petitioner finds itself a public instrumentality of legislative creation whose powers and duties may be enlarged, restricted or abolished at the will of the legislature, which possesses all the powers of the sovereign not expressly withheld by the Constitution. Except as restricted by the Constitution, the legislature has absolute control over this corporation and its affairs. The legislative power of regulation and control over the affairs of the district includes the power to prescribe the conditions under which the state will permit public work to be done. It is immaterial whether the state undertakes the work itself or has invested one of its governmental agencies or instrumentalities with power to do it. (Atkin v. Kansas,
[3] It is first asserted that the enactment is void for uncertainty (a) in that the phrase "general prevailing rate ofper diem wages" is not and cannot be stated as a definite amount, (b) in that the phrase "work of a similar character" is too vague to permit definition and (c) in that the phrase "in the locality in which the work is performed" is in itself uncertain and is rendered less certain by the attempt made in the act to define it. It is therefore argued that, in view of the penal provisions of the act, neither the officers of the district nor the contractors with the district may know in advance with sufficient certainty whether any act performed by them is in contravention of the statute. [4] In this connection it is of prime importance to note what is required by the act, the nonperformance with which or the omission to do which is made a penal offense. As applied to officers of the district, it is made a misdemeanor for any officer or agent of the district wilfully to violate or omit to comply with the requirements of the act. When we point to duties imposed upon such officers and agents we find that they are required to ascertain the "general prevailing rate of per diem wages in the locality in which the work is to be performed, for each craft or type of workman needed to execute the contract". The "general prevailing rate of per diem wages" is defined to be the rate determined upon by the public body awarding the contract and the decision of such body is made final and conclusive. When the board of directors, as in this case, has made its decision on this matter, it has performed its duty in the premises, and it must be presumed that it will perform such duty honestly, fairly and to the best of its ability upon investigation, in good faith, and with due regard to the rights of the workmen to be employed and the taxpayers of the district. When this final decision is made no uncertainty would arise in the requirement that the schedule of rates of wages be inserted in the call for bids and in the contract itself. Nor would any uncertainty be encountered in entertaining complaints as to violations by the contractor of the terms of the contract, nor in determining upon investigation what if any deductions should be made from the final payment to the contractor by reason of such violation. When these *Page 409 duties are performed the statute has been complied with by the public officers and when performed in good faith no criminal or other liability may be invoked against them.
[5] The duty imposed on the contractor, subcontractor, or agent or representative thereof is that an accurate record be kept of the names, occupations and actual wages paid to each laborer, workman and mechanic employed by him and that access to this record be available at any reasonable hour to the public officer or his representative authorized under the act to inspect the same. There is no uncertainty in the duties thus imposed and an offense against the statute in this regard is clearly defined. There is no efficacy in the contention that the terms of the act relating to criminal liability and penalties are so vague that men of common intelligence must necessarily guess at their meaning and differ as to their application. The petitioner places its main reliance in this connection upon the cases of Connally
v. General Const. Co.,
The case of State v. Garfield Building Co., supra, involved the validity of a criminal statute of Arizona providing that "not less than the current rate of per diem wages in the locality where the work is performed shall be paid to persons doing manual or mechanical labor so employed by or on behalf of the state or any of its political subdivisions". The county attorney of Pima County informed against a contractor engaged in the construction and alteration of a public school building on account of his failure and refusal to pay his employees the current rate of wages. The Supreme Court of Arizona followed the ruling in the Connally case and declared the statute unconstitutional on the ground that it was too indefinite and uncertain in its terms to impose a criminal liability on the contractor bound under its terms to determine himself what the current rate of wages was.
In the case of Mayhew v. Nelson,
In the Connally case and in the case of State v. GarfieldBuilding Co., supra, it is observed that the statutes therein involved imposed the duty on the contractor to determine at his peril the current rate of wages, and the locality in which the work was to be performed was not defined. In the California statute the prevailing rate of wages, which must be deemed the same as the current rate of wages, is determined by the public body awarding the contract, and the locality to be considered in fixing the rate of wages is also defined. The statute in the Mayhew case provided, as here, *Page 412
that the public body awarding the contract should determine the rate and the "locality" was designated. The Illinois court based its decision on its own reasoning and cited as authority for its conclusion two cases in its own jurisdiction and the case ofPeople ex rel. Rodgers v. Coler,
The doctrine of the later New York cases has been followed and approved in the state of Washington (Malette v. City ofSpokane,
[6] A review of the many authorities cited by counsel for the parties and by amici curiae, too numerous to be commented upon, discloses that the great weight of authority *Page 414 and the distinct trend of recent judicial decision is in favor of the constitutionality of prevailing wage laws as applied to public work. The Atkin case has never been expressly overruled by the Supreme Court of the United States. It was not referred to in the Connally case; the latter case is not applicable to the case at bar for the reason that here we are not confronted with any uncertainty as to the nature or character of the particular offense that is declared to be a crime. The Arizona case (State v. Garfield Building Co., supra) is not applicable for the same reason. The Illinois case (Mayhew v. Nelson, supra) did not discuss or notice the more recent decisions upholding prevailing wage statutes. No doubt it was correctly decided, for there is in that statute a provision not found in our own, an unlawful delegation of authority to determine the current wage by a board composed in part by one not a public officer; and the reference by the court to the Coler case in New York was in reliance upon a case in that state which had long since been repudiated by its highest court.
[7] But, say counsel, what is a prevailing wage? No court has attempted, and properly so, to fix one in a definite amount. Precise definition of the term for all time and place is impossible. The Supreme Court of the United States has pointed out the difficulties of definition and held it too indefinite in a criminal prosecuton. Other courts have indicated perhaps a workable definition as a matter of business administration. Its definition is relative to time and place, both of which are within the purview and cognizance of the administrative board in each case. In the Ruark case,
In the Campbell case (
[8] The contention that the phrase "work of a similar character" is too vague to permit definition would seem to be without substantial merit. The character of the work to be performed on the proposed road or on any of the construction work to be done by the district in carrying out the object of its creation would not appear to be so extraordinary *Page 416 as not to permit a ready classification of the employees by resort to means of common knowledge and experience in this state. The law was intended for the benefit of the great body of laborers and mechanics to be employed on the job. There would seem to be no difficulty in classifying such employees as blacksmiths, bricklayers, carpenters, concrete mixer operators, crane operators, hod carriers, iron workers — structural, reinforcing and ornamental — laborers, lathers, marble workers, mechanics, painters, pile driver men, plasterers, powder men, traction operators, truck drivers, teamsters, etc. The mention of the foregoing does not, of course, exclude others, but the classification would necessarily include those workers who, by common experience, are numerous enough that a prevailing wage may be applied to them. Just why the phrase is too vague is not specifically pointed out. The fact that the phrase is used in most of the statutes which have come to our attention and been complied with without the necessity of judicial decision on the subject is persuasive that it is not subject to the objection raised.
[9] Nor do we find the phrase "locality in which the work is performed" to be so uncertain as to justify noncompliance with the act. As applicable to the petitioner it must be conceded that the definition is somewhat ambiguous. As so applicable it is defined to be the city and county, county, or counties in which the improvement is to be constructed in all cases in which the contract is awarded by the state, or any public body thereof, and the limits of any city, county, city and county, town, township, district or other political subdivision on whose behalf the contract is awarded in all other cases. It is at once apparent that the petitioner is a public body of the state as indicated in the first portion of the definition and it is also a district as indicated in the latter portion. The intention is plain to fix the locality where the work is to be performed. When the work is to be done partly in city and partly in county territory, or in adjoining cities or in different counties, administration of the act in this respect may become complicated and of difficult performance, but if it can be done with reasonable certainty no judicial question is presented. It is a burden placed upon the petitioner by the authority of its creation *Page 417 which is all embracing and all powerful in its exactions, subject only to constitutional restraints.
[10] The next point made in support of the petition is that the burden imposed by the statute on the petitioner is in violation of section 12 of article XI of the Constitution which provides that "the legislature shall have no power to impose taxes upon counties, cities, towns or other public or municipal corporations, or upon the inhabitants of property thereof, for county, city, town or other municipal purposes, but may, by general laws, vest in the corporate authorities thereof, the power to assess and collect taxes for such purposes". It is argued that "the burden of increased cost of the public works of such district, which is bound to be caused by compliance with the prevailing wage act, is the imposition of a tax on the inhabitants and property of the district and is expressly prohibited by this section of the Constitution." The difficulty with the argument is that it assumes that the burden imposed by the statute is a tax. If it is not, the argument necessarily fails. In our opinion the burden imposed by the statute is not a tax as contemplated by the Constitution. It is essentially a Minimum Wage Law. When the schedule of wages is determined, not less than the amounts specified therein may be paid to employees on the work. The act provides that nothing therein shall be construed to prohibit the payment to any employee on the public work more than the prevailing rate.
[11] Minimum wage statutes applicable to public work have been uniformly upheld on the theory that the state as the employer having full control of the terms and conditions under which it will contract may, through its legislatures, and within constitutional limits, provide the wage which shall be paid to its employees and that the payment of a less sum shall be unlawful. In 1897, the legislature of the state enacted a statute prescribing two dollars per day as a minimum wage to be paid for labor on public works. (Stats. 1897, p. 90.) This wage may or may not have been more than the prevailing wage for labor in similar employment of that day. Apparently the validity of that statute has never been questioned, and the act was repealed in 1931. (Stats. 1931, p. 909.) Under all of the authorities cited, or which have come to our notice, *Page 418 it is uniformly held that the legislature itself, unless constitutionally restrained, may fix in a definite amount the minimum wage for labor on public work. Whether it may delegate authority to fix such wage to a subordinate public body subject to its control will be considered. [12] The fact that the minimum wage prescribed, whether by the legislature itself or by a public body under its direction, may increase the cost of the work is not sufficient to characterize the exaction a tax within the meaning of the Constitution. Rather, it is one of the terms and conditions upon which the legislature, exercising its lawful power, has seen fit to impose on one of its subordinate creatures, and the fact that compliance therewith may increase the cost of the work is not a matter of which the district may complain. The same argument has been advanced in attacks upon public work eight-hour laws, but such contentions have been set at rest since the decision in Atkin v. Kansas, supra. Minimum wage statutes on public work have been upheld in New York, Iowa, Washington, Colorado, Oklahoma, Maryland and Wisconsin and have been sustained by the highest court in the land. The power of the state in this respect was recognized by the Supreme Court of Arizona and the Supreme Court of Illinois did not deny it. The controversies that have arisen were focused on the method of prescribing them rather than on the power to enact them.
[13] We now pass to the contention that the statute unlawfully delegates legislative power to the board of directors of the district. The petitioner concedes that the object to be accomplished may be directed by the legislature to be carried into effect by subordinate officers and bodies having better opportunities for accomplishing the object, or doing the thing understandingly, and that the legislature may delegate the power to determine some fact or state of things upon which the law makes, or intends to make, its own action depend; but it is contended that the statute under attack in effect attempts to delegate to the board of directors the power to make the law, which involves a discretion as to what the law shall be, as distinguished from the power to exercise a discretion under and in pursuance of the law. It is argued that power to do the former may not, but power to do the latter, may be delegated. Abstractly, the distinction drawn by counsel is correct. The *Page 419
question is, Has the statute delegated to the board power to make law? When we look to the act creating the petitioner, we find very broad powers conferred on the board of directors. The board is granted the power among other things to make and pass ordinances, resolutions and orders not repugnant to the state and federal Constitutions, or the provisions of the act, and is specially granted the power to establish and fix the powers and duties and compensation of the officers and employees of the district. Unless the power thus granted to fix the salary or wages of its own employees is an unlawful delegation of power to the board, and we do not intimate that it is, or that it would be conceded by the petitioner to be unlawful, the power granted by the statute under attack to fix a minimum wage for the employees of contractors with the district would not be an unlawful delegation. The difficulty urged is one of administration, that is, in fixing the minimum. While it would be within the power of the legislature to fix in the statute a minimum in dollars and cents for the various classes of employees on public work, it would be manifestly impracticable thus to establish a scale of wages which would be fair to the state and its agencies and also to the employees affected and to remain inflexible over a period of years. If the power of the legislature to delegate the determination of this and the many other problems of administration to subordinate bodies be denied, public work might be unreasonably curtailed or brought to a standstill. (MutualFilm Corp. v. Industrial Com.,
[14] It is unnecessary to cite cases to the effect that it has become a firmly established rule of law that a large measure of discretion may be delegated to administrative officers and boards. Here the determination of the board of directors is made final. This does not mean that the action of the board may be arbitrary or capricious, but the proper administration of the statute will be presumed. Difficulties in such administration are presented by way of argument, but they do not present judicial questions. It is frankly conceded by counsel for the petitioner that because the law is difficult of application and might in some circumstances work hardship, it is not, of necessity, invalid. *Page 420
Whatever difficulties confront the petitioner in the application of the law have been imposed upon it by the legislature, the power of its creation. It is not for the courts to say that the legislature should not have so acted in a matter of so great concern. In this connection we quote the language of Mr. Justice Harlan, speaking for the court in the Atkin case (
The peremptory writ is denied.
Waste, C.J., Seawell, J., Curtis, J., Langdon, J., Preston, J., and Tyler, J., pro tem., concurred. *Page 421