MedioStream, Inc. v. Microsoft Corporation

3:10-mc-80272 | N.D. Cal. | Nov 18, 2010

Case 3:10-mc-80272-JSW Document 9 Filed 11/18/10 Page 1 of 1

UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT Northern District of California Oakland Division MEDIOSTREAM, INC., No. C 10-80272 MISC JSW (LB) Plaintiff, v. NOTICE OF REFERRAL OF DISCOVERY MATTER MICROSOFT CORP., C C Defendant. _____________________________________/ D D 16 On November 9, 2010, Judge Jeffrey S. White referred non-party Ola Ajayi’s Motion for 17 Protective Order (ECF No. 1) to a magistrate judge for resolution. ECF No. 6. On November 12, S S 18 2010, the matter was assigned to Magistrate Judge Beeler. In the interim, on November 10, 2010, 19 Defendant Microsoft Corporation filed a Notice indicating that the Federal Circuit has stayed all

U U 20 proceedings in the underlying lawsuit pending in the District Court for the Eastern District of Texas 21 until the Federal Circuit rules on Microsoft’s Petition for Writ of Mandamus. See ECF No. 7. As a 22 result of the stay, this Court cannot take any action on the Motion for Protective Order at this time. 23 Once the Federal Circuit lifts the stay, Microsoft shall file a notice with this Court of the Federal 24 Circuit’s decision. 25 IT IS SO ORDERED. 26 Dated: November 18, 2010 _______________________________

LAUREL BEELER 27 United States Magistrate Judge 28