15 R.I. 95 | R.I. | 1885
This is the case in which we granted a new trial at a former term, on the ground that the verdict was against the evidence. 14 R. I. 357. The parties have waived a jury trial, and now submit the case to us on the same evidence, the purpose of the plaintiff being to urge upon us certain considerations not before urged in regard to the statute under which the action was brought. Gen. Stat. R. I. cap. 193, § 16; Pub. Stat. R. I. cap. 204, § 15. The language of § 15 is: “ If the life of any person, being a passenger in any stage-coach or other conveyance, when used by common carriers, or the life of any person, whether a passenger or not, in the care of proprietors of, or common carriers by means of, railroads or steamboats, . . . shall be lost by reason of negligence or carelessness of such common carrier, proprietor or proprietors, or by the unfitness or negligence or carelessness of their servants or agents, in this state, such common carriers, proprietor or proprietors, shall be liable to damages,” etc. The plaintiff invites our attention particularly to the words, “ whether a passenger or not,” and contends that the provision extends, in the case of. railroad and steamboat companies, to persons in their employ, as well as to persons simply in
Judgment for defendant for costs.