Maxwell v. Tillamook County
— This is an action to recover from the defendant Tillamook county the sum of $895, for services alleged to have been rendered as superintendent of construction of a public wagon road from Nehalem to the Fuqua toll road, in said county, with a branch road from South prairie to Netarts bay. The complaint alleges in substance that by virtue of the provisions of an act entitled “An act to appropriate $10,000 to aid Tillamook county in the construction of a wagon road from the Nehalem river, in the north end of said county, to Fuqua toll road, in the south end of said county, and to use $1,000 of said appropriation on a branch road from South prairie to Netarts bay, and to create a board of commissioners to construct said work,” the commissioners named in the act duly employed the plaintiff, on the 6th day of March, 1889, as superintendent to superintend the work on said road at an agreed compensation of five dollars per day; that under said employment and under the direction of said commissioners, the plaintiff rendered services as such superintendent upon and about the construction of said roads from the 26th day of March, 1889, to the 16th day of November, 1889, inclusive, to wit, 179 days; that the commissioners, upon the construction of such roads, duly reported to the county court of said Tillamook county concerning the construction thereof in manner and form as required by law, and that thereby the said county became indebted to the plaintiff in the sum aforesaid, etc.
An answer was filed denying the material allegations, and further alleged that the plaintiff had filed a verified claim for a less amount ($710) for such services; that the court had examined the same and adjudged the amount due thereon to be the sum of $300, and ordered a warrant to be drawn on the treasurer of the county for that amount, etc.
Upon the case being called for trial, the counsel for the defendant moved to dismiss it for the reasons: (1) .That the complaint did not state facts sufficient to constitute a cause of action, and (2) that the court had not jurisdiction of the subject matter of the action. The trial court sustained the motion, and ordered that the action be dismissed, and that the defendant recover its costs; and from the judgment entered thereon this appeal was taken.
The main question to be determined is as to the validity of the act under which the services were rendered. The contention is that the act is special and local, and as such is in contravention of subdivision 7, section 23, article 4, of the constitution, which provides that “The legislative assembly shall not pass special or local laws in any of the following enumerated cases, — that is to say, * * * 7. For laying, opening and working on highways, and for the election or appointment of supervisors.”
The act which is claimed to be in conflict with this provision of the constitution reads as follows: Section 1. There is hereby appropriated out of the general fund of the state of Oregon, not otherwise appropriated, the sum of ten thousand dollars for the purpose of constructing a wagon road from Nehalem river, in the north part of Tillamook county, to the Fuqua toll road, in the south part of the same county; provided, that one thousand dollars of said appropriation shall be expended on a road from South prairie to Netarts bay, commencing where the above-named road crosses South prairie. Sec. 2. That Fred Scherinzinger, A. L. Alderman, and E. W. Mills are hereby appointed commissioners and viewers to locate said road and cause the same to be surveyed by the county surveyor. When said road or roads are located and run through the
It will be admitted, if this act is a special or local law, that then it comes directly -within the prohibition of the clause of the constitution cited, and never had any validity whatever, for the legislature had no power to enact it. But to determine whether an act of the legislature is special or local, it is necessary to ascertain the meaning to be given to the words special or local as used in the constitution. J The restriction is that the legislature “ shall not pass special or local laws” in the enumerated cases; that is, the inhibition is directed against both “ special or local laws,” and as law's may be special and not local, or they may be local and not special, it is necessary that each word receive its distinct and peculiar signification. It is not easy to define with precision the distinction between a general law and one that is special or local. In general language, a local statute may be said to be one that is operative only within a portion of a state,
Within this view, local acts may be public or private, and are treated as public when they concern the public generally, though restricted in their operation to a local community. The distinction is important, owing to the various restrict tions in the constitutions of the several states, and the division made in some of them between public or general laws in printing the acts of their legislatures, and to be kept in mind in the examination of the authorities. Thus in Maryland the divisions of the laws as published are “Public General Laws” and “Public Local Laws.” Under the constitution of that state, article 3, section 33, inhibits the passage of local or special laws in certain enumerated cases,
A special statute is one that is only applicable to particular individuals or things. They are those made, says Mr. Sutherland, “for individual cases, or for less than a class, requiring laws appropriate to its peculiar condition and circumstances; local laws are special as to place.” (Suth. Stat. Const. § 127.) A special' law is one such as at common law the courts would not notice, unless it was pleaded and proved like any other fact. (Hingle v. State, 24 Ind. 28; Toledo, R. R. Co. v. Nordyke, 27 Ind. 95.) At common law, private and special laws as applied to statutes were convertible terms. In Allen v. Hirsch, 8 Or. 412, the view was sustained that a special law under section 23, article 4, is a private law at common law. An act changing the venue of a particular trial for murder is special. (People ex rel. v. Judge, 17 Cal. 547.) An act to establish a court at a particular place was held to be a special law in McGregor v. Baylies, 19 Iowa, 43. One text writer defines a special law as distinguished from a general law in this wise: A general law' “is one which provides for all things of a kind or genus; special provides for a species of the genus.” (Smith on Const.) It is not easy to define with accuracy the distinction between general and special laws, but the instances given will serve to elucidate the idea. It is, however, manifest from the construction given to these words special or local, as applied to statutes, that the purpose of the prohibition against the general assembly passing local or special laws in the enumerated cases, including the laying out of highways, was to
Nor does the road connect two great or remote sections of
If the true criterion by which to determine whether an act is local or general is to inquire whether under it the people of the state may be affected by its operation, the answer to that question as regards the present act must be that it is local and not general. It operates in the county of Tillamook only, and has no force or effect in any other portion of the state. If such a law is not local, it is difficult to understand in the light of the authorities what species of legislation would constitute a local law. It is also special, because it is limited to a particular county for a special purpose. This is as much an individual case as a special law, applicable only to a particular individual. It can have no application to any other county or road than that named, and the appropriation could not be used for any other or different purpose. An act may be special where it applies to many particular and existing persons or things, as where it applies to only one; but the strength of our case lies in the fact that it applies to only one. It is special to Tillamook county and to no other.
General laws relate to the public at large, but special acts concern the particular interest or benefit of certain individuals or particular classes of men. We are relieved of the difficulty which often arises in distinguishing whether an act is general or special when it concerns many particular persons or things, for the act here concerns the interests of one county only, and that designated by name. In Devine v. Com. 84 Ill. 590, an act was passed under which it was proposed to issue bonds for the erection of a court house, etc., but which by its terms limited its operation to counties containing over one hundred thousand inhabitants, etc., and the question was, whether the act was in conflict with that provision of the constitution of that state, which provides that the general assembly shall not pass local or special laws in certain enumerated cases, and among the subjects mentioned is a subdivision “ for regulating county and town
But our act applies merely to one — it is designed to aid Tillamook county and no other; it specifically names that county as its beneficiary, and contemplates no broader or other application of its benefits. Within the definition that all special laws are made for individual cases,— that they
The purpose of the constitutional restriction upon the legislative power in the cases enumerated was obviously to require that these specified subjects should be regulated by general laws of uniform operation throughout the state. In the execution of this purpose it was intended by the restriction to prevent unjust distinctions arising from the operation of local laws between different localities, and to prevent like distinctions from the application of special laws to particular individuals, counties or things. This act violates that principle of this constitutional restriction, and embodies the mischief it was intended to prevent, and cannot be upheld. This is the ground upon which we declare this act to be unconstitutional. / Y/hile it' is true that every court approaches with, gravity the question of declaring a law to be unconstitutional, and never exerts its power so to do while doubt exists, yet considerations of gravity stand for naught when its incompatibility with the constitution is shown, and nothing remains for tbe court but to discharge its duty by declaring the law to be unconstitutional. It may be that in
There was no error, and the judgment of dismissal must be affirmed.