No question is raised as to the due care of the plaintiffs. The only controverted point is whether the defendant’s servant, who was acting within the scope of his authority, might have been found on the evidence to have been negligent in operating a motor truck.
The plaintiffs were driving in a wagon and, having turned to
The law as to drivers of motor vehicles is not different from that which governs other persons. The standard required is that of the reasonably prudent person under all the circumstances. If some unforeseen emergency occurs, which naturally would overpower the judgment of the ordinary careful driver of a motor vehicle, so that momentarily or for a time he is not capable of intelligent action and as a result injury is inflicted upon a third person, the driver is not negligent. The law does not require supernatural poise or self control. But no one safely can drive motor vehicles amid the distractions and dangers likely to be encountered on the modern highway and street who is not reasonably steady of nerve, quick in forming an opinion and calm in executing a design. Whether the conduct of the defendant’s agent measured up to the standard of common caution for the driver of a motor vehicle under all the circumstances, was a question of fact.
The jury might have believed a part and discredited the rest of the testimony of the witnesses called by the defendant. It well might have been found that the truck did not skid in view of the condition of the road, the season of the year and the manner and place in which the truck struck the wagon, and that the injury was the result of the direction and speed given to the truck by the driver. Manifestly one exercising due care cannot hesitate in preferring the safety of human beings to that of dogs. It could not have been rifled as matter of law that the defendant’s driver was in the exercise of due care. The jury might have found that due care required him to observe with greater accuracy the direction of his car, to determine not to deflect so much toward the right to avoid the dog, and to hold his faculties under such control as not to be disconcerted by the appearance of the dog. WTether the surprise occasioned by the sally of the dog from the yard into the highway was such as reasonably to cause the driver of the truck to be governed for the instant by impulse rather than by sound judgment, whether it was a discomposing exigency or a usual peril of the road, was a matter for the jury.
The charge of the judge was a fair amplification of correct principles of law and was not open to exception.
Exceptions overruled.