Maremont v. Olson
This is an appeal from a decision of the Patent Office awarding priority in an interference to Neis I,. Olson. The matter involved is an auxiliary spring attachable at the opposite ends of the axle housing of a Ford automobile, for the, purpose of converting a light car into a truck. The invention is set forth in two counts as follows:.
1. A spring structure for attachment to a vehicle having axle flanges, com prising a spring-supporting yoke having a face portion arranged for alta diluent to an axle flange, a siiring parallel to the yoke face portion, and means securing the spring to the yoke.
2. A spring structure for attachment to a vehicle having axlo flanges, comprising a spring-supporting yoke having a (ace portion for attachment to an axlo flange and an upstanding portion carrying an extension outstanding at right angles thereto, a spring parallel to the yoke face portion, and means securing the spring to the outstanding portion of the spring-supporting yoke'.