The boundary of the district was indicated with sufficient definiteness by specifying all the quarter sections included. Lawrence v. Board, 151 Iowa, 182.
Of course, it is not necessary that the engineer attend to every detail of the work. Much must be done by assistants. Prichard v. Board, 150 Iowa, 565. But the law contemplates that the supervisors shall have the advantage of the, best judgment of a competent engineer, and this can be given only upon a thorough, actual examination and study of the proposed district, in connection with such measurements as may be essential to exact knowledge of the typography of the territory to be drained. Unless an engineer is willing to do this and take personal charge of the necessary surveys, he should decline the appointment and permit another to be selected, willing to do everything essential to supply the most accurate information and insure the soundest judgment on t'he problem presented, even though not large. Too much is involved in the way of property and sacrifice in making the improvements of this kind to justify the acceptance of service any less efficient; and this much section 1989-a2 surely contemplates in exacting the appointment of “a disinterested and competent engineer,” wTho “shall proceed to examine the lands described in said petition and any other lands which would be benefited by said improvement or necessary in carrying out said improvement and survey and locate such drain or drains, ditch or ditches, improvement or improvements as may be practicable or feasible to carry out the purposes of the petition. He shall make return
N. W. % N. W. Vé Sec. 12 $138 75 $230 25
N. E. % N. W. % ■ “ 250 00 300 00
S. W. % N. W. % “ 71 25 190 00
S. E. % N. W. V4 “ 9 27 9 27
No objection was interposed to the report of the commissioners; and as to the apportionment of costs, recommended by them, none can be heard on appeal. In re Jenison, 145 Iowa, 215.
Our conclusions are that the order establishing the drainage district should be, and it is affirmed, and that the order assessing the costs of the improvements be modified and affirmed. One-half the costs will be taxed to each party.
On first appeal affirmed, and second appeal modified and affirmed.