He furnished none of the purchase-money. He had no interest in the purchase at the time of the sale, and he did not acquire any interest until three months thereafter. Under the circumstances the sale is no more affected by the fact that he presented the bid, than it would have been if he had been employed simply to tear the tax receipts from the stubs, to carry in wood and water, or to sweep out the room.
His employment would as much influence the conduct of the sale, and tend to produce partiality and unfairness in the one case as in the other. The case differs essentially from Corbin v. Beebee, 36 Iowa, 336.
The deeds in question are in exact conformity with the form prescribed in section 783 of the Revision, and they have been duly recorded. Section 784 of the Revision provides that the deed, when substantially thus executed and duly recorded, shall be conclusive evidence that all the prerequisites of the law were complied with by all the officers who had, or whose duty it was
In McCready v. Sexton & Son, 29 Iowa, 356, it was held that a deed regularly executed is prima facie evidence of those things respecting which it is not competent for the legislature to declare it conclusive evidence.
The deeds in question, as we have before stated, are executed in exact conformity with the statute. They are, therefore, at least prima facie evidence that good cause existed for beginning the sale on the first Monday of May, and were admissible in evidence, without further recital or proof. If, in fact, the sale was not authorized at the time at which it occurred, proof thereof, under the statute, must be adduced by the party assailing the title purporting to be conveyed by the deed.
If the sale is regular, the purchaser has the right to be clothed with the legal title, which can. be done only by the execution of a valid deed. If the deed is void from any cause existing in the form of the body of the deed, or of the acknowledgment, the treasurer has the right to execute a valid deed, provided he can do so in conformity with the actual facts of the sale. The treasurer has the power, and it is his duty
The second deed, therefore, was' properly admitted in evidence, and there is no error in the action of the district court.