It is not at all questioned, but is expressly conceded by the learned counsel for the appellants, that the agreement between these parties is an absolute sale to the defendant of all the
In the opinions delivered in the foregoing and other cases, we have emphatically decided that the coal or other mineral beneath the surface is land, and is attended with all the attributes and incidents peculiar to the ownership of land. We have held the mineral to be a corporeal and not an incorporeal hereditament; that the surface may be held in fee by one person and the mineral also in fee by another person; that the mineral may be subject to taxation as land, and the surface to an independent taxation as land, when owned by a different person; that possession of the mineral may be recovered by ejectment, and title to it may be acquired by adverse possession under the statute of limitations, though not by prescription, because it is not an incorporeal right. In short, we have for nearly half a century judicially regarded the ownership of mineral, where it has been properly severed from the surface, as the ownership of land to all intents and purposes. Said Strong, J., in Caldwell v. Fulton, supra, “ Coal and minerals in place are land. It is no longer to be doubted that they are subject to conveyance as such. Nothing is more common in Pennsylvania than that the surface right should be in one man, and the mineral right in another. It is not denied, in such a case, that both are landowners, both holders of a corporeal hereditament.” Woodward, J., in Caldwell v. Copeland, supra, said: “There is no more reason why mines in another’s land, whether opened or unopened, may not be held by a deed duly acknowledged and recorded, than why land in its most ordinary signification may not be so held. In other words, mines are land, and subject to the same laws of possession and conveyance.”
In the litigated causes, the contentions have been rather
It is not possible that there can be any question that this is an absolute grant in fee-simple of all the coal under the surface of the tract. But it is contended with great earnestness and ability by the learned counsel for the appellants, that nothing more than the coal passed to the defendant under the agreement, and as to the chamber or space left by the removal of the coal under the mining operations of the defendant, the plaintiffs were still owners in fee, or reversioners, with .a right which could not be invaded by the defendant, except for the purpose of removing the coal that underlaid the surface. This brings us to consider the precise character of the present proceeding, and the particular question that arises under it.
The proceeding is a bill in equity to restrain the defendant from removing coal belonging to them on another tract adjoining this tract on the north, by moving the same through a tunnel or way made by the defendant through one of the underlying veins of coal across the tract to the other land of the defendant, two hundred feet below the surface, of considerable breadth and twelve feet in height. It is alleged in the bill that this way was produced bjr the mining operations of the defendant in accordance with the contract, and that the defendant, having acquired the adjoining property after the agreement with the plaintiffs was made, have been and are taking out coal from the- adjoining tract through and over this tunnel or way, and this is claimed to be an illegal use of the plaintiffs’ property which they asked to have restrained. The argument is that it was not within the intention of the parties
There is nothing in the instrument or in the circumstances surrounding it, which can give any force to the argument from intention. We cannot know what was the intention of the parties except from the terms of their contract. The defendant demurred to the bill for want of equity. No testimony of any kind has been taken. The bill makes no averment of any intention of either of the parties, but simply sets out the contract and the acts of the defendant in executing its terms. Of course, there are no surrounding facts that we can consider. There are none in the bill except such as are subsequent to the contract, and these amount only to an allegation of the subsequently acquired interest of the defendant in the adjoining property, and the removal of coal therefrom through the way made by the removal of the coal under the tract.
The proposition that the plaintiffs have a fee in the chamber or space left by the removal of the coal, antagonistic to the right of the defendant to use it, is a novel one. No authority is cited to support it, and it seems quite incongruous with the admitted ownership and estate of the defendant in the coal displaced. Under all the decisions, the coal in place was absolutely owned in fee-simple by the defendant. In a state of nature, the coal necessarily occupied space. How could the defendant own the coal absolutely and in fee-simple, and not own the space it occujded? Or, how is it possible to conceive of such a thing as the ownership of the space independently of the coal? If the coal in place is a part of the very substance of the soil, more corporeal than the surface, as was said in Caldwell v. Fulton, how can the law regard the space which the substance occupies, as other than the substance itself ? Of course, such an idea is incapable of practical application, except upon the theory that the coal is not a corporeal substance to be sold and delivered, but that only an incorporeal right to remove it passes to the grantee under a conveyance. And such is the real nature of the appellants’ argument. It could not be otherwise. Certainly, if such were the nature of the defendant’s right, the argument and the authorities cited in support of it would be
By the necessity of the case the appellants argue that the defendant’s right in the chamber or way is only an easement, and then cite authorities that an easement can only be exercised to the extent of the grant. But, as we have already seen, this is in direct hostility to all the authorities on that subject. If the subject be further considered upon principle, it will be found difficult to understand that any property right of the appellants is invaded by the action of the defendant. According to the averments of the bill, the tunnel or way is cut through a vein of coal, two hundred feet below the surface, and is twelve feet high and extends in the vein all the way from the
But, upon the authorities, the case is entirely with the defendant. The question has arisen in several cases in the British courts, and the right of the owner of the coal to use the tunnel or way to carry other coal through it than that underlying the land of the surface owner, has always been affirmed. The subject is thus presented in McSwinney on Mines, page 67: “ The owner in fee-simple or tail, of lands containing mines or quarries, has an absolute right to use them, and the chamber which encloses them, and the space or shell which the working of the minerals creates, and the sub-soil generally, in any manner which he thinks proper. And where the owner in fee-simple of lands grants them, excepting the underlying mines, he has
In Hamilton v. Graham, L. R. 2 Scotch & Div. App. Cas. 166, there was an exception in a free charter in favor of the Duke of Hamilton, and his heirs, of all the coal and limestone within the lands granted. He was the owner of three estates, Clydesmill, Cambuslang, and Morristown; and one Graham had become the owner of the surface of Cambuslang. The Duke leased the coal in Clydesmill and a portion of the coal under Mr. Graham’s surface in Cambuslang, and his lessees at once made use of a passage way through the coal underlying Mr. Graham’s surface, for the conveyance of other coal and limestone mined from the estates of Clydesmill and Morris-town, and this coal and limestone the Duke owned by virtue of the reservation or exception out of the grant of the surface. Mr. Graham brought an action to stop the further use of the passage, but it was held on appeal to the House of Lords that this was a rightful use of the passage. Lord Westbtjrt, delivering his opinion, said: “You may approach it laterally from another estate, for the purpose of mining the minerals. You may use the strata which you have -reserved to yourself, or rather declared to remain in yourself, in any manner consistent with ownership. You may traverse it from any adjoining land you have. You may create a road or tunnel through it; and
In this last mentioned case of Proud v. Bates, a lease was made of the waste land of the manor, with an exception of the mines and quarries with full power to mine and work the same. A way available for the carriage of minerals lay exclusively within the excepted mines, and the lord claimed the right to carry through this way minerals worked on other property than that embraced in the lease. The court held that he had an absolute right to do what he pleased with the excepted mine,
The appellants reply to these cases by saying they were cases of exceptions out of grants, and the mines reserved or excepted were the property of the grantors and never were conveyed; hence they held everything not granted by their original title. But the distinction is without force. There is no substantial difference between a title by exception out of a grant, and a title by direct grant of the same subject. In a case of an exception, the grantor retains the whole title which he already holds; and in the case of a direct grant, the grantee holds the
Thus, in 3 Washburn on Real Prop., 432, it is said: “ As an exception is the taking of something out of the thing granted, which would otherwise pass by the deed, it may be said, in general terms, that it ought to be stated and described as fully and accurately as if the grantee were the grantor of the thing excepted, and the grantor were made the grantee by the exception.” In Bowser v. Maclean, 2 DeG., F. & J., 415, the Lord Chancellor said: “I am inclined to think that a mistake has been committed in not distinguishing between a copyhold tenement, with minerals under it, and freehold leased land, with a reservation of the minerals, or freehold land where the surface belongs to one owner and the sub-soil containing minerals belongs to another, as separate tenements divided from each other vertically instead of laterally. If this had been such freehold hind, the owner of the surface could not have complained of the making or of the excess in using a tramway through the sub-soil.” In Whitaker v. Brown, 46 Pa. 197, we held that where a deed in fee of land was made, the grantor “ saving and reserving, nevertheless, for his own use, the coal contained in the said piece or parcel of land, together with free ingress and egress by wagon-road to haul the coal therefrom as wanted,” the saving clause operated as an exception of the coal, and therefore, that the entire and perpetual property therein remained in the grantor. The whole reasoning of the opinion puts the case upon exactly the same footing as if the words of the exception had been contained in a specific grant of the coal, and Fulton v. Caldwell, and kindred cases wei’e cited as authorities for the ruling. In McSwinney on Mines, p. 68, the author says: “ Similar principles apply where the owner grants it (the surface) by way of lease, excepting the mines, or where he grants the mines in fee-simple, and excepts the surface.” In Bainbridge on Mines & Minerals, *34, the author says: “ The severance of mines is usually effected by exceptions in deeds of assurance, which transfer the freehold
There is no averment in the bill that all the coal in the vein has been taken out, or that the tunnel is opened on the bedrock underneath the vein; on the contrary, it is alleged that the tunnel has been cut through the coal, by which we understand it is in the very body or substance of the coal which was bought by the defendant. It follows, hence, that the tunnel or way is exclusively within the defendant’s own property, and is subject to such use as any owner may desire of property belonging to himself. Upon the whole case, we think the disposition of it made by the learned court below was correct.
Judgment affirmed.