delivered the opinion of the court.
The appellant, Mildred D. Lewis, filed her bill in the circuit courtj praying a divorce from the bonds of matrimony contracted with the defendant.
The bill states that the defendant, fourteen days after his intermarriage with her, commenced treating her with, and did offer her great- indignities, and from that time till he left the county of St.-Louis, (being about two months,), did offer such indignities to the person of the petitioner as did render her condition intolerable; that said Lewis, after a continued series of indignities offered to- her person, rendering her condition intolerable, has placed all his property in the hands of one George Lewis and others, with the fraudulent intention of depriving, &c. She charges, that these indignities to her person and reputation were offered without good cause, and that the said Samuel Lewis, without good cause, has abandoned the petitioner, and neglects to- maintain her and provide for, her, &c. 1
The defendant came in- and answered, admitting the-marriage, but denying all the other allegations made against him.
It was proved, cn the part of the plaintiff, that she was intermarried with the defendant about the 19th day-of May, 1836, and that shortly after the' said marriage, she left her father’s house and went to live with the defendant'at his house, which was-a short distance, from her.