The opinion of the Court was delivered by
This is an appeal from the Circuit Court of Dauphin county, on a motion for a new trial, overruled by Judge Yeates who tried the cause, without ai-gument and by consent.
The defendants relied on a parol gift of lands by their deceased father, in consequence of which they had made valuable impi-ovements, and had long possession in their father’s life time.
Although the court are not disposed to extend the principles on which parol agreements concerning lands have been confinned, farther than they have been already carried, yet they are bound by what has been decided. It has been settled that where a parol agreement is clearly proved, in consequence of which one of the pax-ties has taken possession and made valuable impx'ovements, such agreement shall be carried into effect. We see no material difference between a sale and a gift; because it certainly would be fraudulent conduct in a parent to make a gift which he kn'ew to be void, and thus entice his child into a great expenditure of money and labour, of which he meant to reap the
New trial awarded.