The controversy in this proceeding relates to the location of the quarter section corner between sections Y and 8, in township 68, range 30 west of the Fifth principal meridian, in llinggold county. It is alleged in the application for the establishment of lost comers that the section corner on the north line of said section is also in dispute. It appears by the report of the commissioner which is substantially uncontroverted in the evidence that no monuments of the public survey for these two comers can be found, and that the commissioner proceeded to locate the section corner by means of government corners north, south, east, and west thereof, and then establish the quarter section corner by running a straight line between the two sections from the comer thus established on the north section line to a recognized comer fixed by the government survey on the south line, placing the quarter section corner midway between these two section comers.
The judgment establishing the lost corners in accordance with the report of the commissioner is a.-ffirm.ed.