On the 16th of December, 1893, a mortgage on real estate was executed by B. F. Kirk and wife to Henry YanPetten to secure the sum of eleven hundred dollars, evidenced by a promissory note of same date, payable ten years after date, with interest from date at the rate of ten per cent, per annum. The mortgage recites that it was given to secure the eleven hundred dollars and interest thereon, and conveyed the real estate to YanPetten, his heirs and assigns. The proviso is that “if the said party of the first part shall pay all taxes and assessments against said property, and shall cause insurance policy to be taken out on the house now occupied by B. F. Kirk in the sum of four hundred dollars, and have said policy properly assigned to a party of the second part for such interest as he
Kirk v. VanPetten
38 Fla. 335
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