Section 1307 of the Code of 1873 is as follows: “Every corporation operating a railway shall be liable for all damages sustained by any person including employes of such corporation in consequence, of the neglect of agents or by any mismanagement of the engineers or other employes of the corporation and in consequence of the willful wrongs, whether of commission or omission, of such agents, engineers or other employes, when such wrongs are in any manner connected with the use and operation of any railway, on or about which they shall b¿ eniployed. * * *”
Appellpe treats the case as though plaintiff’s injury was willfully caused by a co^employe. We cannot take this view of the facts. While the blow struck by McCoy was willful, in the sense that it was intentional, he had no purpose to harm plaintiff thereby. The effect upon plaintiff was purely accidental. But this distinction is not material, as will be seen from what is further said.