No objection is made to the right of the creditors to intervene. The appellants in argument claim that the widow is not entitled to dower for two reasons:
1. “She got the bulk of her husband’s estate as a home.stead,” and 2. “Under our statute the widow is not entitled to dower, till the debts of the hupband are paid.”
II. The husband died in 1869, and the right of the widow to dower is measured by section 1, acts of 1862, chapter 151. The language of the statute is, “ one-third in value of all the real estate in which the husband at any time during the marriage had a legal or equitable interest, which has not been sold on execution or other judicial sale, to which the wife has made no relinquishment of her right, shall under the' direction of the court be set apart by the executor, administrator or heir, as her property, in fee simple, if she survive him.”
It is claimed that this is not a dower right, but that it repeals the common law dower of a life estate, and placed the widow on the same footing as the heirs, making her one-third subject to the payment of debts.