Joseph v. Woodfield

1:05-cv-00358 | S.D. Miss. | Mar 28, 2006

Case 1:05-cV-00358-LTS-.]|\/|R Document 27 Filed 03/28/06 Page 1 of 1 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT ' SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF l\/lISSISS[PPI § SOUTHERN DIVISION PAUL JOSEPH , ET AL PLA[NTIFFS VERSUS CIVIL AC'I`ION NO. 1:050v358LTS-IMR JOHN WOODFIELD, ET AL DEFENDANTS ORDER OF DISMISSAL The parties having agreed to and announced to the Court a settlement of this case, and the Coult being desirous that this matter be finally closed on its docket, IT IS, THEREFORE, ORDERED that this case is hereby dismissed With prejudice as to all parties. If any party fails to consummate this settlement Within (30) days , any aggrieved party may reopen the case for enforcement of the settlement agreement within ten days, and if successful , all additional attomeys’ fees and costs from this date shall be awarded such aggrieved party or parties against the party failing to consummate the agreement, The Court specifically retains jurisdiction to enforce the settlement agreement So oRDERED, this the 934 day of March, 2006.