This is the case of an appeal from an interlocutory decree of the Circuit Judge, for the third circuit, sitting in equity, pronounced on the 21st of July instant, and by which decree, the injunction, allowed on the 15th, instant, is continued until the hearing. The reasons assigned in the order, for the continuance of the injunction, are, that the injury complained of in the bill is irreparable in its nature, and the matter set up in the answer insufficient for the justification of the defendants.
Under the 15th section of the judicial act of the last session, (sess. 46. ch. 182.) an appeal lies from an interlocutory decree of a Circuit Judge, providedthe Judge certifies that such decree involves the merits of the cause, and that there may be ground for appealing. The requisite certificate was given in this case; and as the Chancellor is directed, by the act, “ to hear and decide such appeal in a summary manner,” I allowed the cause to be set down forthwith for hearing, upon what was deemed reasonable notice to the parties, under the circumstances of the case.
The order, continuing the injunction, overruled the two grounds, taken in support of the motion for dissolving the injunction, and which were,
1. The want of equity in the bilk
I. I have not been able to satisfy myself that the bill contains sufficient equity to warrant the injunction.
The bill contains a charge of trespass, by entering upon the land of the plaintiff, and digging, throwing up, and carrying away, large parcels of stone, from a ledge of stone and mass of rock on the premises. Several actions have been commenced in a Court of record to recover damages for this trespass; but it is not stated that any of these actions have been brought to trial. One action has likewise been instituted before a justice of the peace, and that action has been tried, and the plaintiff recovered damages to the amount of 25 dollars. The plaintiff has his complete and perfect remedy at law for the trespass, as often as it maybe repeated j and the only question is, whether the injury be so ruinous and irreparable as to call for the extraordinary interposition of a Court of equity. The bill does not pretend that the ledge of rock, upon which the trespass was committed, was of any particular use or value to the plaintiff, or that he ever did or ever intended to apply it to any valuable purpose. The plaintiff speaks of the injury as irreparable, because the loads of stone, taken from the mass of rock, cannot be replaced or restored; but as he does not state that the rock was of any use to him, as proper or fit for building, fencing, 8tc., or that it was even desirable as an object of ornament or taste, there was no need of having the same identical fragments of stone replaced, and the injury was not, in the sense of the law, irreparable. It was susceptible of a perfect pecuniary compensation. The case, therefore, seems to resolve itself into this single point, whether a Court of equity ought to interpose, by injunction, to restrain a trespass, when the injury does not appear to be irremediable and destructive to the estate, and when the ordinary legal remedy in the Courts of law can afford adequate satisfaction.
The objection to the injunction, in cases ' of private trespass, except under very special circumstances, is, that it would be productive of public inconvenience, by drawing cases of ordinary trespass within the cognizance of equity, and by calling forth, upon all occasions, its power to punish by attachment, fine and imprisonment, for a further commission of trespass, instead of the more gentle common law remedy by action, and the assessment of damages by a jury. In ordinary cases, this latter remedy has beets found amply sufficient for the protection of property ; and I do not think it advisable, upon any principle of justice or policy, to introduce the Chancery remedy as its substitute, except in strong and aggravated instances of trespass, which go to the destruction of the inheritance, or where the mischief is remediless. This was the opinion and doctrine which I had occasion to declare in the case of Stevens v. Beekman, (1 Johns. Ch. Rep. 318.) and it appears to be the English doctrine, and the practice of this Court has been in conformity to it. I do not know a case in which an injunction has been granted to restrain a trespasser, merely because he was a.trespasser, without showing that the property itself was of peculiar value, and could not well admit of due recompense, and would be destroyed by repeated acts of trespass. In ordinary cases, the damages to be assessed by a jury will be adequate for a check and for a recompense. Every man is undoubtedly entitled to be protected in the possession and enjoyment of his pro
The bill, to which I am still confining myself, does not, except in a very imperfect manner, disclose the pretences or claim of right under which the trespass has been committed. It only states, that the defendants are engaged in building a dam in Hudson’s river, near the north line of the city of Troy, and that the materials taken from the ledge of rock are applied to the dam; that one of the defendants acts as engineer in that operation, and that the defendants pretend that they are acting on behalf of this State, and by authority of the statutes, relative to canals. But admitting that the defendants do pretend to act by public authority in their commission of the trespass, it does not alter the principle; and the trespass itself must be of the character I have described, before a Court of equity can be called upon to interfere by injunction. All the cases referred to, were those in which the trespass went to the destruction of the property, as it had been held and enjoyed. In the case of Agar v. The Regent’s Canal Company, (Cooper’s Eq. Rep. 77.) the defendants were empowered by a private act of Parliament to cut a canal; the line of the canal had been prescribed, and they departed from that line, and were carrying the canal through a garden and rickyard, and Lord Eldon allowed an injunction. So in the case of Shand v. Henderson, (2 Dow, 519.) the Aberdeen Canal Navigation Company were charged with having taken and appropriated lands to their use, by unwarrantably deviating from the line particularly prescribed by sta
Several cases have occurred in this Court, in which public trustees have been restrained by injunction from acts of trespass, but the acts were such as went to destroy the enjoyment of valuable property and privileges.
Thus, in the case of Gardner v. The Trustees of Newburgh, (2 Johns. Ch. Rep. 162.) the trustees were going to divert a stream of water that had flowed immemorialiy,' and had supplied the brickyard, the distillery, and mill erections of the plaintiff; and the case not being deemed within the provisions of the act in favour of those trustees, an injunction was granted. Afterwards, in Belknap v. Belknap, (2 Johns. Ch. Rep. 463.) an injunction was allowed upon the same principle, of preventing a great and irreparable mischief. In that case, inspectors under an act of the Legislature for draining certain swamps
These cases all show, that, in respect to acts of trespass committed upon land, even by persons in a public trust, under colour of law, the Court has not interfered by injunction, unless where the trespass was permanent, as well as grievous, or went to destroy the value of the property to the owner. It is not sufficient that the act be simply, per se, a trespass; but it must be a case of mischief and of irreparable ruin to the property, in the character in which it has been enjoyed. In all other cases, the common law remedy is deemed to be adequate, and perfectly competent to give compensation, as well as to deter and prevent the repetition of the trespass, by the exemplary damages which it will inflict.
IA Court of equity will sometimes interfere, to prevent a multiplicity of suits, by a bill of peace. ] The principle is stated in Lord Tenham v. Herbert, (2 Atk. 483.) and in Eldridge v. Hill Murray. (2 Johns. Ch. Rep. 281.) But that is only in cases where the right is controverted by numerous persons, each standing on his own pretensions; and it has no application to the case of one or more persons choosing to persevere in acts of trespass, in despite of suits and recoveries against them. A troublesome man may vex and harass his neighbour, by throwing down his fences, and turning cattle upon his grounds, or by passing over ihem, or otherwise annoying him j but it is to be presumed,
For these reasons, I am of opinion, that the bill itself does not contain matter sufficient to warrant or sustain the injunction; and that the plaintiff ought to have been left to his remedy at law. ,
3. But, admitting that the injunction was warranted by the bill, the next question is, whether the answer does not contain a sufficient justification.
It appears by the answer, that the defendants are employed by the Canal Commissioners to complete a lock and dam in the Hudson river, and that the work is carrying on under the direction of one of the defendants, who is the principal engineer employed on the Champlain canal¡ and that by an agreement between the persons engaged to build the dam, and one of the Canal Commissioners, the materials for filling the dam were to be furnished from the rocky hill near the dam, and from which materials for that purpose had been previously taken without objection.
It further appears, that the erection and construction of the dam is absolutely necessary for the completion of the Champlain canal, because a part of the canal, upon the plan adopted by the Canal Commissioners, cannot be supplied with the necessary quantity of water in any other way; that the Commissioners have taken the possession and control of the dam, and the lock connected with it, upon the terms, and under the provision of the act, entitled, “ an act respecting the navigation of Hudson’s river between Tróy and Waterfordand that these works
After the opinion which has been expressed upon the first point, it is not necessary, for the present disposition of the case, to give any decided opinion on the validity of the matter alluded to in the bill, and expressly set up in the answer by way of justification. It might, perhaps, be as well to avoid it altogether, inasmuch as the justification under the canal acts is a legal question, and which appears from the pleadings, to be pending at law. But as this second point was discussed and passed upon by the Court below, and as it has been raised and discussed before me, without objection, and is involved in the decree appealed from, and as the essential facts leading to that justification are founded on statute powers, and are not
The Canal Commissioners, in the erection of the lock and dam in question, have the same powers that are conferred upon them in respect to the Champlain canal. By the act referred to in the answer, (sess. 44. c. 78.) the Canal Commissioners were authorized to complete the lock and dam, “ in order to connect the Champlain canal with sloop navigation,” if they should deem it advisable, and should signify in writing their intention to do the samp. The answer avers that they have done so. It becomes, therefore, essentially part and parcel of the Champlain canal, and the real property appropriated for the site of the lock and its appendages, vests in the people of this State, on the completion of the lock and dam, and the Canal Commissioners are authorized to establish and collect tolls at the lock.
Assuming, then, as a clear and plain proposition, that the Canal Commissioners are vested with the same powers in the erection of this dam, as in the construction of works on any part of the line of the canals, they had a right to, .take possession of, and use the ledge of rock in question, for the construction of the dam. The 3d section of the act of the 15th of April, 1817, “ respecting navigable communications between the great western and northern lakes and the Atlantic ocean,” (sess. 40. c. 262.) declared, that it should be “ lawful for the Canal Commissioners), and each of them, by themselves, and by any and every superintendant, agent, and engineer, employed by them* to enter upon, take possession of, and use, all and singular any lands, waters and streams, neeessaKy for the proseeur tion of the improvements intended by this act; and to make all such canals, feeders, dykes, locks, dams, an;d other works and devices, as they may think proper for making said improvements, doing, nevñríhel^s.,. no -tiiinec.essary damage-.”
I cannot perceive any room for doubt, as to the power of the Commissioners to enter upon and use the ledge of rock in question^ for the purpose of making the dam. There is no avoiding this conclusion, unless we can maintain the construction, that the act only intended that the Commissioners might enter, use, and take possession of land, for permanent appropriation of the whole fee of the
I have no doubt, therefore, that under the general authority to enter upon and use any lands necessary for the prosecution of the improvements, doing no unnecessary damage, the commissioners, and the defendants, by their authority, might lawfully enter upon and use the ledge of rock in question for the building of the dam; and that a contrary construction is not only against the words, but is too narrow and too rigid for the liberal spirit and enlarged policy of i the act, and the immense pressure of the public interest. If there was ever a case in the ordinary pacific operations of government, in which all petty private interests should be made subservient to the interest of an entire people, this is one. The canals were undertaken “ in full confidence that the Congress of the United States, and the States equally interested with this State in the commencement, prosecution, and completion of these important works, would contribute their full proportion of the expense.” We have not, as yet, realized the fruits
There is an additional provision in the 3d section of the act of 1817, which declares, “ that in case any lands, waters, or streams, taken and appropriated for any of the purposes aforesaid, shall not be given or granted to the people of this State,” it shall be the duty of the Canal Commissioners to cause the loss and damage, if any, over and above the benefit and advantage to the owner, to be certified in the way pointed out, and the damages to be paid, and the fee simple of the premises so appropriated, shall vest in the people of this State.”
This provision applies only to lands taken and appropriated, and which, I should rather think, means lands permanently applied, so as to be entirely lost to the owner, and not lands affording a temporary use for passage and deposit, or for procuring materials for the locks, dams, 8cc. But there is no suEcient reason to consider this latter part of the section as qualifying and controlling the general powers given in the former part of it. The general power is, to enter upon and use all lands necessary for the proseen
It is probable the Legislature considered that the Canal Commissioners had sufficient discretionary power to pay for all damages arising from the temporary use of lands, upon which they might enter for the prosecution of the improvements, and the appropriation of materials, which they might derive from such use. Their discretion, in the expenditure of the canal moneys, is very large. They are
But the question of compensation is distinct from the right of entry to take and use the land necessary for the purpose of the improvements ; and that right I hold tó he unquestionable, provided it be not abused in the exercise, through the want of good faith or due discretion. If the Commissioners enter to procure necessary materials, and they keep within the limits of a reasonable discretion, and do no unnecessary damage, they come within the range of the strong powers conferred upon them, and their entry is justified by the statute.
I am of opinion, therefore, on this second point, as well as on the other, that the injunction ought to be dissolved.
The case is interesting in every point of view; and I have examined it with all the care and diligence that the closing period of my office would permit. I regretted that the case pressed upon me at so late a moment; and I regret still more, that I should be obliged, in the very last act of my judicial life, to overrule one of the earliest decisions ic
I shall order that the interlocutory decree appealed from be reversed; that the injunction, issued by the Circuit Court,be dissolved) and that the cause be remanded, to the end that, such further proceedings may be had upon the bill filed in the Court below as shall be just.
Order accordingly.