12-12-00118-CR | Tex. App. | May 18, 2015

FILE COPY SHARON KELLER ABEL ACOSTA PRESIDING JUDGE Court of Criminal Appeals CLERK (512)463-1551 P.O. BOX 12308, CAPITOL STATION LAWRENCE E. MEYERS CHERYL JOHNSON AUSTIN, TEXAS 78711 SIAN SCHILHAB MIKE KEASLER GENERAL COUNSEL (512)463-16(10 BARBARA P. HERVEY ELSA ALCAI.A BERT RICHARDSON KEVIN P. YEARY DAVID NEWELL JUDGES rfnSlNCOURT OF APPEALS May 18, 2015 i^thjCourtofAEEealsDis^ict District Clerk Nacogdoches County nni 1iftOT 101 W. Main Nacogdoches, TX 75961 LXAS * DELIVERED VIA E-MAIL * CATHY "lusk, clef Re: CANTON, JAMARIOS LECHRISTOPHER CCA No. WR-81,430-02 COANo. 12-12-00118-CR Trial Court Case No. F1017409-B The Court of Criminal Appeals has this day issued a mandate for the above-referenced and styled case number. The mandate will be transmitted electronically only. ***DISTRICT CLERK*** MANDATE RECEIPT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Pursuant to Rule 51.2(a)(1) T.R.A.P, please acknowledge receipt of the mandate of the Court of Criminal Appeals in the above numbered and styled case via this email link. Sincerely, Abel Acosta, Clerk cc: 12th Court Of Appeals Clerk (DELIVERED VIA E-MAIL) Presiding Judge 145th District Court District Attorney Nacogdoches County (DELIVERED VIA E-MAIL) Jamarios LeChristopher Canton Supreme Court Building, 201 West 14th Street, Room 106, Austin, Texas 78701 Website www.txcourts.gov/cca.aspx FILECOPY TEXAS COURT OF CRIMINAL \*£JBE2E£%2? Austin, Texas MAY 1 8 2015 MANDATE TYLER TEXAS TRIAL COURT NO. F1017409- j CATHY STLUSK, CLER!< COURT OF APPEALS NO. 12-12-00118-CR THE STATE OF TEXAS, TO THE 145TH DISTRICT COURT OF NACOGDOCHES COUNTY GREETINGS: Before our COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS, on APRIL 22, 2015, the cause upon an Application for Writ of Habeas Corpus styled; EX PARTE JAMARIOS LECHRISTOPHER CANTON CCRA NO. WR-81.430-02 was determined; and therein our said COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS made its order in these words: "This cause came on to be heard on the Application for Writ of Habeas Corpus, and the same being considered, because it is the Opinion of this Court that the relief prayed for should be GRANTED, it is ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that an out-of-time Petition for Discretionary Review is GRANTED, in accordance with the Opinion of this Court, and that this Decision be certified below for Observance." WHEREFORE, We command you to observe the order of our said COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS in this behalf and in all things have it duly recognized, obeyed and executed. WITNESS, THE HONORABLE SHARON KELLER, Presiding Judge of our said COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS, with the Seal thereof annexed, at the City of Austin, on this day Monday, May 18, 2015. ABEL ACOSTA, Clerk By: Deana Williamson, Deputy Clerk