The children of Hassel C. Jacobus, deceased, being the owners in fee by devise under his will of certain real estate in this state, subject to a charge for the support &c. of a blind relative, John J. Jacobus, one of them, Cornelius H. Jacobus brought this suit in 1873 for partition of the property. The result was that the property was sold under the order of this court, free of the charge, and $6000 of the proceeds of the sale invested on bond and mortgage to the chancellor, to provide for the support &c. of the beneficiary under the charge. The rest of the net proceeds was divided among the devisees in fee, each of whom, including
Jacobus v. Jacobus
37 N.J. Eq. 17
| New York Court of Chancery | 1883AI-generated responses must be verified and are not legal advice.