After the delivery of the note, and without the consent of defendant Bowen, as he alleges, the following memorandum was written on the margin of the instrument, and signed by Boyles:
“Jackson, Lowe & Co. have complied with the conditions of the within note. J. K. Boyles.”
The claim is that this endorsement had the effect to change the conditions and terms of the contract in a material respect, and that he is thereby discharged from liability thereon.
The general proposition that any material change or alteration of a written contract after its delivery, without the consent of the maker, discharges him from liability thereon, is, of course, conceded. But we are of opinion that the district court correctly held that the endorsement ^n question did not have the effect to in any manner change the terms or conditions of the note. The note by its terms becazne due on the pez’formancc of a specified agreement by the payee. The eudoi’sement does zzot undertake to chaizge the condition, zzor to release the payee from its perfornzazzce. It is simply a written admission that they have performed it. The fact that it is eizdorsed on the paper on which the note is wz-itten is zzot material, for it is apparent from its terms that there was no intention to change any condition of the note; and it has no different effect frozzz what it would have had if it had been embodied in a letter or other writing signed by Boyles. It is simply prima facie evidence that the condition precedent to the maturity of the note has happened.