It does not lie with the defendant to object to the alienism of the lessor of the plaintiff; for the interest granted to Culverhouse was not forfeited, so as to vest the title in the people of the state, until after office found ; "(Co. 53, Page's case ; Powell on Devises, 317; 7 T. R. 398; 1 Bac. Abr. 81, 133 ;) and until then, he was competent to hold the land against third persons. Even if the defendant could make this objection, yet the lessor of the plaintiff having been naturalized, that naturalization has a retroactive effect, so as to be deemed a waiver of all liability to forfeiture, and a confirmation of his former title.
Judgment for'the plaintiff.
See infra vol. 3, p. 12i, n. fa) to Jackson ex deni. Ganzevoort v. Lunn. p. 109.